List of films about football

Football, as one of the most spectacular sports, always attracts attention. Cinematographers did not stand aside either. On the eve of the European Football Championship 2016, we offer to recall the best pictures dedicated to this sport. The list of films about football includes films of various genres: comedies, dramas, military films and films based on real events.

10 Reserve player

List of films about football

Soviet comedy of 1954Reserve player“- this is the story of the funny adventures of Vasya Vesnushkin, who, together with the Blue Arrows factory team, is sailing on a ship to Sukhumi to participate in a friendly match. The film has a brilliant cast – Mark Bernes, Pyotr Kadochnikov, Georgy Vitsin, Sergey Filippov. Vasya Vesnushkin is a reserve player of the team, remaining in the shadow of his older brother, an athlete, the best football player of the Blue Arrows. A trip to Sukhumi gives him a chance to prove himself on the field and win the heart of the gymnast Valya.

9. Goal!

List of films about football

Continues the list of the best films about football drama “Goal!“. The protagonist of the picture, Santiago Munez, lives with immigrant parents in the United States and plays football superbly. But a sports career remained just a dream of a talented guy until a former football player saw his game. He invites Santiago to come to England and promises to help him get to the head coach of the famous Newcastle United team for a trial. Encouraged by his words, the guy decides to save money for the trip. But the young man’s father does not share his enthusiasm. Considering that it is foolish to dream of the unrealizable, he buys a car for work with the money Santiago has collected. The protagonist of the film finds support from his grandmother and with her help comes to England. This is not the end of his difficulties – he must prove that he deserves to become a player of a famous football team. The film “The Goal” will be of interest to football fans not only for its interesting plot and excellent acting, but also for the fact that many famous football players, such as David Beckham and Zinedine Zidane, starred in it as cameos.

8. Bonecrusher

List of films about football

The events of the next film in the list of the best films about football “Bone Breaker” are surprisingly intertwined with the biography of actor Vinnie Jones. He played the main role in “Bone Breaker” – a former football player, an England player. Vinnie Jones in real life was also a football player known for his tough style. After completing his sports career in 1999, he turned his attention to the cinema and made his debut in Guy Ritchie’s cult film “Cards, Money and Two Smoking Barrels”. According to the plot of the film, the former football player Danny Mian goes to jail for insulting the police and driving under the influence of alcohol. He creates a football team of prisoners to beat the guards in a match.

7. She is a man

List of films about football

The list of the best films about football includes a funny comedy “She is a man”, raising the issue of women’s football. The main character of the picture is the captain of the school women’s football team Viola. Her mother dreams of seeing her daughter at the ball, and the girl is only concerned that their team has been disbanded. Viola seizes the opportunity and replaces her twin brother Sebastian, who secretly left for Europe. She is now a member of the Illyria football team. The situation is complicated by the fact that Viola falls in love with her roommate, and she herself, in a male form, becomes the object of attention of the beautiful Olivia.

6. Damn United

List of films about football

The list of films about football continues with the drama “Damn United”, allowing you to look at this sport with different eyes. This is a story about the intricacies of the relationship between the players and the coach. In 1974, Brian Clough took charge of Leeds United. This appointment came as a shock to the players, as the new coach publicly insulted the players more than once, calling them simulators and harshly criticizing the game. The players could not forget this and forgive. Clough stayed in the coach’s chair for 44 days, but was never able to establish relationships with either the players or the former coaches of the team. The sharp dislike of the players led to the fact that the team won only one out of seven matches held under the leadership of Brian Clough. After that, the club management was forced to fire the coach. “Damn United” is an amazing football drama based on real events.

5. Coach

List of films about football

The list of the best films about football includes the comedy “Coach“. When the England coach dies of a heart attack, a replacement is found in Michael Bassett, coaching a team from the lower division. The task before him is not easy – to collect the best players and win the World Cup. The old-fashioned Bassett tries his best to ensure that his team showed an amazing game, but the players lose one game after another. Only pure chance allows the England team to get to the World Cup.

4. Hooligans of Green Street

List of films about football

Crime Drama “Hooligans of Green Street”, included in the list of the best films about football, tells about the cruel world of football fans. Student Matt Buckner was expelled from Harvard for a crime he had nothing to do with. The roommate who set him up helps him with money so that Matt can go to his older sister, who lives in England. There he meets the fans of one of the clubs and discovers the world of football hooligans, full of madness and cruelty.

3. Lethal football

List of films about football

Is there anything in common between kung fu and football? The creators of comedyLethal football‘ answer this question in the affirmative. Former football player Feng creates a football team of guys who know the technique of kung fu. Combining the secrets of ancient martial arts and the tactics of modern football, the members of the team are determined to win the prestige competition with a large cash prize.

2. Victory

List of films about football

In 1981, the film “Victory”, which is one of the best pictures about football. The plot was based on the story of the legendary “death match” that took place in 1942 between Kyiv football players and the German invaders. The action of the film is moved to the territory of France. A propaganda match is to be held between the French prisoners of war and the German national team. One of the players, Canadian Hatch, asks to join the team with the sole purpose of escaping from prison. And in one of the trainings he succeeds.

1. Third half

List of films about football

Soviet military dramaThird half» 1962 is one of the most poignant films about football. 1942 In Kyiv, occupied by German troops, Soviet football players are offered to play a match with a German team. If they lose, the athletes are promised freedom, but if they win, they will be executed. The picture is based on events that actually happened. Soviet football players who did not have time to leave the city continued to play football during the occupation, organizing the Start team. On August 9, 1942, the athletes defeated the German team with a score of 5:3. On August 18, most of the participants in the match were arrested. The players were sent to a concentration camp, where their fates were different.

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