List of films about angels

Someone sincerely believes that there are angels who are invisibly present in our world and protect people from rash acts and evil intentions. Cinema has covered the topic of divine messengers more than once, and many films deserve the closest attention.

The films about angels that we have compiled are amazing stories that each of us can one day face something that goes beyond the ordinary.

10 Prophecy

List of films about angels

Opens the list of films about angels trilogy “Prophecywith Christopher Walken.

Some of the angels were outraged that God gave people a soul and freedom of choice. They vowed to destroy the human race. Others humbly accepted the divine will. Archangel Gabriel goes to Earth to find the darkest human soul. Archangel Simon is trying to stop him. He finds helpers among the people, and then takes the very dark soul that Gabriel is looking for. Mortally wounded and dying, Simon is forced to give his soul to the girl Mary, with whom he managed to make friends. Now the fate of mankind is in her hands.

9. Sky over Berlin

List of films about angels

The list of the most interesting pictures about angels continues with the famous drama by German director Wim Wenders “Sky over Berlin“. The film is based on a parable about two angels who decided to descend to earth and get to know people better. They end up in Berlin and walk around the city, looking into the eyes and souls of mortals. One of them, Damiel, falls in love with the circus performer Marion. He is ready to trade his immortality and forever abandon the world of angels for the love of a girl.

8. Dogma

List of films about angels

The list of the best films about angels cannot do without the most extraordinary and controversial picture “Dogma“. Immediately after its release, the film was criticized by representatives of the Catholic Church.

The angels Loki and Bartleby were exiled forever to Wisconsin for disobedience. One day they have a chance to return home to heaven. To do this, they just need to go through the arch of the church of the town of Red Bank, which, in honor of its centenary, grants the forgiveness of sins to all who enter it. But the angels do not know that by doing so they will violate the Word of God. And that, in turn, will lead to the end of the world. Only the last representative of the race of Jesus Christ can prevent the realization of what the rebellious angels have planned. Ironically, the savior of the world turns out to be Bethany, an abortion worker, who lost faith in God due to infertility. The voice of God Metatron, the thirteenth apostle Rufus, the prophets Jay and Bob and the muse Serendipiti will help her.

7. Legion

List of films about angels

The fantastic thriller continues the list of interesting films about angels.Legion“. Mankind, by its way of life, has already once caused God’s wrath – a flood was sent to it and only the righteous Noah and his family survived. But people again missed a new chance to fix everything. God became disillusioned with humanity and sent angels to destroy the human race. Only Archangel Michael dared to disobey God. Having descended to the ground and cut off his wings, he goes to the edge of the desert, where a child is about to be born in a roadside cafe with a local waitress. The task of the angels is to prevent him from being born, the goal of Michael is to protect the baby and give people a new chance to survive.

6. Between the Angel and the Devil

List of films about angels

In the list of the best films about angels, a French fantasy comedy with Gerard Depardieu and Christian Clavier in the lead roles occupies a special place.Between the Angel and the Devil».

Cabaret owner Antoine Carco leads a quiet life that ends with a call from his old friend. Before his death, he asks the protagonist to pick up the boy from Hong Kong and bring him to his mother in Paris. Karko agrees only because he must take a large amount of money with the baby. In Hong Kong, the local mafia starts spying on him and the main character uses the orphanage priest to take the boy out of the country under the guise of one of the orphans. In Paris, he leaves the child in an orphanage and leaves with the money. The priest in anger curses him and Karko begins to haunt his conscience in the form of a guardian angel.

5. Sky over Berlin

List of films about angels

The list of films about angels includes the melodrama “City of Angels” – a successful remake of the German film “Sky over Berlin».

The Angel of Set appears before those who are close to death and helps them move on to the next life. One day he meets surgeon Maggie Rice and realizes that she is taking up more and more space in his thoughts.

4. Angel – A

List of films about angels

In the list of the best films about angels there is a very interesting work by Luc Besson in the style of comedy melodrama and noir “Angel – A».

Andre is a classic loser. He owed huge sums to almost all the gangsters of Paris. The only way he sees out of this situation is suicide. On the bridge from which he wants to throw himself into the river, Andre notices a long-legged beauty. The girl jumps from the bridge, and the main character rushes to her aid. In gratitude, the rescued beauty promises to solve all Andre’s problems.

3. Meet Joe Black

List of films about angels

The list of the best films about angels continues with the mystical melodrama “Meet Joe Black“. The Angel of Death has been regularly fulfilling its duties for many millennia: it takes the souls of the dead and sends them to another world. But with each new soul, he understands more and more clearly that he does not know people at all. The Angel of Death decides to take a short vacation and spend it with mortals to study their lives. He chooses the home of tycoon William Parrish and appears as the charming young man Joe Black on the businessman’s birthday. Angel makes a deal with Parrish – he stays in his house and accompanies the magnate everywhere until he gets to know people better, and the businessman, who is already on the Death list, receives a small reprieve in return. But the desire to know better than mortals plays a cruel joke with the angel – he falls in love with the youngest daughter of Perrish.

2. Constantine: Lord of Darkness

List of films about angels

One of the best angel movies on our list is the mystical thriller “Constantine: Lord of Darknessstarring Keanu Reeves.

John Constantine was born with the gift to distinguish between angels and demons that take on the form of people. Unable to withstand a series of terrible visions, he makes an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Now Constantine is marked with the seal of a terrible sin and after death he will go to hell. Knowing that his attempts to cleanse himself are fruitless, he nevertheless decides to throw all his strength into protecting people from demons and other evil spirits. One day, fate confronts Konstantin with police detective Angela, who is investigating the mysterious death of her twin sister.

1. Michael

List of films about angels

«Michael“- a wonderful film that leaves a warm feeling and a little sadness after watching.

In a remote hotel in Iowa lives a real Archangel Michael – a lover of sweets, booze and women. This is one of the unforgettable roles of John Travolta, who perfectly embodied on the screen the image of a good-natured and naive angel.

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