List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Screenwriter and writer Tatyana Ustinova is the creator of fascinating and readable detective stories. The films based on her books are no less exciting and action-packed. About thirty feature films have been shot based on her novels.

Readers are presented Tatyana Ustinova’s detectives – list of films.

10 One shadow for two

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

One shadow for two” opens the list of the best detectives by Tatyana Ustinova, on which films were made. The protagonist of the film Andrei Danilov loses his wife, who was killed. He is the first to fall under suspicion. But his friend Tarasov puts forward an iron-clad alibi for him. A year later, a series of tragic events again breaks into the life of the protagonist. Someone wants to put him behind bars and deprive him of everything. Danilov comes to the aid of a familiar woman named Martha, who has long been in love with him. Now they are both in mortal danger. They have to find out who “sharpens a tooth” on the main character.

9. My personal enemy

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Drama “My personal enemy”is included in the list of the best films based on the detectives of Tatyana Ustinova. The main character of the artistic picture, Sasha Potapova, suddenly loses everything that was dear to her in life. She loses her place as a correspondent on a popular TV channel, her beloved husband and faith in a brighter future. In the same period, the heroine’s best friend disappears in a hot Chechen spot. Driven to despair, Sasha asks for help from an unfamiliar foreign journalist who came to Russia to collect material for his future book. The girl does not yet suspect what incredible adventures await her with this man.

8. Goddess of prime time

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Melodrama “Goddess of prime time” occupies the eighth line in the list of paintings created based on the novels of the detective writer. Russian correspondents Olga Shelestova and Nikita Belyaev are heading to military hotspots for filming. On the way back, Olga changes into a car with her colleagues and disappears without a trace. Her partner Belyaev returns alone. Soon the motives for the kidnapping become known: valuable secret information about the leader of the Taliban, Akbar, turned out to be in Olga’s hands. Olga Bakhrushin’s husband undertakes a personal investigation of the case.

7. Genius of empty space

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Genius of empty space”is included in the list of the best paintings based on the detectives of Tatyana Ustinova. In the center of the plot is the story of four university friends. Two of them decide to go into science, and the other two into business. One of the scientists by the name of Kuzmin, who was considered a loser among friends, begins to talk about the big money that he supposedly should have. But soon the talkative hero is killed. His friend and businessman Mitya Khokhlov decides to find out who needed to kill Kuzmin.

6. A holiday romance

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Melodrama “A holiday romance“, based on a detective novel by Tatyana Ustinova, is ranked sixth on the list. The happy married couple Katya and Gleb are raising a growing son named Yegor. One day, a woman decides to go to the sea with her child and a friend. Busy with important matters, the husband is forced to stay at home. At the resort, Katya meets a charming young man, Alexander, who turned her head. Romance breaks out between them. But the vacation is coming to an end, and with it the romance … Only Katya did not expect that a short-term affair could turn into a real tragedy for her and her family.

5. Reserve instinct

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Detective mini-seriesReserve instinct”ranks fifth among the best feature films based on novels by Tatiana Ustinova. The protagonist of the film, Arseniy Troepolsky, heads a thriving design computer office. His business is going uphill thanks to his assistant, the brilliant designer Fedor. But overnight, trouble comes to the company: Fedor is killed. The main suspect is his boss Arseniy. After three days in prison, he is released. Now the hero has to figure out and understand who needed the death of the designer. Logical conclusions lead the businessman to solve the murder.

4. Big evil and small mischief

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

The list of the best detective films based on Ustinova’s novels includes the drama “Big evil and small mischief“. At the evening meeting classmates, a tragedy happens: a young woman, Marusya Surkova, is killed. Captain Nikonenko takes on the investigation of the case, who wants to understand who needed the death of an unremarkable single mother. He decides that the killer should be sought among the classmates of the murdered.

3. Dowry phantom house

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Dowry phantom house”opens the top three feature films based on the detective novel by Tatyana Ustinova. The old house on Chistye Prudy is shrouded in a haze of mystery and mysterious incidents. According to the documents, housing has not been listed anywhere for a long time. Two friends Lipa and Lucinda live here, who discover the body of a murdered neighbor wrapped in explosive devices. The explosives are neutralized by the guy Pavel Dobrovolsky, who lives in the same house, and he saves all the other tenants from death. But the incidents do not end there: soon a family dies, and then another resident of a multi-storey building. Pavel is under suspicion of all the tenants, except for the girl of Olympias, with whom he has an affair.

2. The Law of Reverse Magic

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

The second line in the list of the best films based on detective novels by Tatyana Ustinova is occupied by the feature film “The Law of Reverse Magic“. Under strange circumstances, a man dies in old age, local historian of the village near Moscow Petr Martynovich Reshetnikov. His neighbor, an amateur detective, Marfa Vasilievna Korzhikova, wants to know the true cause of the old man’s death. She takes on the investigation, and her granddaughter Anfisa acts as an assistant in this matter. Soon Anfisa meets businessman Ilya, who turns out to be the nephew of a deceased neighbor. Feelings are born between young people. But fate prepares for the main characters difficult trials through which they must go in order to find their happiness. Ilya is being charged with a murder he did not commit…

1. Love on a knife edge

List of detective films by Tatyana Ustinova

Love on a knife edge” tops the list of the best films based on Tatiana Ustinova’s detective stories. The protagonist of the film, Armen Sarkisov, drives up to the Ostrov restaurant, where he is to be met by his granddaughter Lyalya and her fiancé Misha. Right next to the institution, the murder of newspaperman Alexander Loginov is committed. Sarkisov becomes a witness of this. The main suspect is Kamorin, editor of the Gorod publishing house where Alexander worked. When testifying, he immediately confesses to the crime. But the evidence that has emerged suggests that Kamorin is not to blame. The granddaughter of the lawyer Lyalya, who entered the faculty of journalism, is interested in this case and is going to conduct her own investigation.

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