Hello dear blog readers! The life principles of a person are the rules he personally developed, which he adheres to and believes in, his desires, his views on various situations and, of course, actions. They are different for everyone, depending on the environment of upbringing and the environment. But still, there are similarities between the basic, global principles that all of humanity usually follows, and today I will tell you about them.
To make it clearer how to live, a person has to create boundaries for himself. And then in various situations he focuses on them, knowing how to act and behave. He correlates the behavior of other people with his own laws and norms. The principles, in their essence, perform a delimiting function, that is, they help to draw a clear line between such concepts as good or bad, white or black.
Such a symbolic litmus test. And I want to give you examples of the basic rules of life that correspond to the norms of human morality and morality, perhaps some of them will be suitable for you.
1. Boomerang
Remember, in an article about the boomerang law, I talked about the fact that everything done or conceived comes back to us? Only the good comes back threefold, and the bad tenfold. This is the law of the universe. Slightly transformed in everyday life, this law sounds like this: «Do to others the way you want to be treated to you.»
2. Be authentic to yourself
That is true under any circumstances. You should not adapt to other people, trying to fit them or to get recognition. If you appreciate yourself, then others will notice your individuality. Inner freedom consists in accepting yourself as you are. And by the way, I also wrote an article on this topic, here.
3. Never give up
You remember, success depends on perseverance, it never happens that life develops like clockwork. Always and everyone has limitations and difficulties, and the difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is that the former continue to move under any circumstances, even if they cannot go, they crawl in the direction of their dreams. This is the basic law of great people, and I am sure that purposefulness does not interfere with anyone. In addition, mistakes help to gain experience, which you can rely on in the future.
4. Learn to forgive
This is a philosophy of a healthy life, since resentment destroys the body and significantly worsens the emotional state. To put it in a metaphor, the feeling of resentment is similar to constantly carrying a bag of stones behind your back, and, moreover, absolutely unnecessary. Keeping it inside, you do not make the offender worse, but yourself, so learn to forgive and let go.
There are no perfect people, moreover, we can often hurt another without realizing that we are hurting him, so everyone can stumble, do not deprive someone of the right to be forgiven, especially if he is ready to atone for guilt.
5. Don’t waste your time
Yes, it is important to rest, but excessive passivity leads to various destructions, both in personal life and professional activity. TV, social networks and computer games are the main killers of your time, because of which life passes by.
Control yourself, because every minute is priceless, no one knows how much time he is destined to spend on earth. Therefore, try to live every moment, take everything from it, and not run away into the virtual world.
You can read about virtual dependency here.
6. Never procrastinate
Otherwise, this “later” may not come. I’m not scaring you, it’s just that needs and desires tend to change, they are not always static. And if you really want something, try to start immediately. The status of a successful person is obtained by those who act, and not just talk.
There are a lot of brilliant people with brilliant ideas around, but not everyone knows how to take risks, do things, and if thoughts are not translated into reality, the world will not know about you.
7.Only forward
The life credo of many great people is the phrase:
«Never stop, develop, and learn something new every day»
Development is actually very important, no matter how smart a person is, everything is constantly changing in the world, and it is important to be, if not on the wave of changes, then at least just in the know. And no one knows at what point the knowledge gained can help, it is only clear that they will definitely not be superfluous. So read books, learn foreign languages and develop your powers of observation, which will help you catch new information.
8. Respect
You can get it if you yourself will be able to respect other people’s boundaries and give recognition, instead of living in anger because of surging envy. Even a small child deserves to be listened to his desires and opinions, only in this way he will learn tact in relation to other people.
9. Condemnation
Before you judge someone, try to put yourself in their shoes. This is a very effective method, it helps to give an objective assessment of what is happening and notice completely different nuances that are not visible at first glance, limited due to one-sidedness. We are all different people, we have different values, views, characters, so judging the act of another, based on our life history, will be a huge mistake. Always clarify the motives of actions, sometimes other people do not realize that they are making a mistake or hurting you, an open conversation will help clarify the situation.
10. Keep your word
If you made a promise, always keep it, in extreme cases, apologize and explain why it will not be possible to realize it. This rule is included in the basic principles of every self-respecting person. Otherwise, you will not be trusted, you will not seem like a reliable partner, both in your personal life and in professional activities. You can read about this topic in this article.
11. Therapy
There is a whole direction in psychotherapy, it helps each person learn to live in the moment, that is, here and now, and this direction is called Gestalt therapy. Everything seems to be simple, it is necessary to notice reality, but in fact, many do not even realize how often they “fall out” of it, weaving past events into conflicts, fantasizing excessively about the opinions of others and, in general, about the future.
The entire list of rules I have indicated is inextricably linked with the ability to notice yourself in the present and recognize your actual needs. You can find out more about how to learn this here.
We need a meeting with every person for something, even if it did not bring positive emotions, but only created problems. This means that you need to advance in something, learn, realize, discover new opportunities and resources. Therefore, do not blame fate for the troubles, but try to recognize what exactly is hidden in this unpleasant lesson.
I gave as an example the basic laws that most people adhere to, in the end I want to note that the main thing is to protect your interests and views, remember rule number two: “Be true to yourself”? After all, this is the whole point of the principle — a person strictly adheres to it, even if others think otherwise.