List of antihypoxants for hypoxia

Most hospital patients undergoing therapy for various chronic pathologies note that in addition to the main treatment, they are often prescribed antihypoxants and antioxidants. Also, after discharge from the hospital, doctors strongly recommend drinking a course of vitamins that have an antioxidant effect. This allows the body to quickly cope with the disease. Antioxidants are often prescribed to women in position, children in puberty, patients with immunodeficiency conditions, people who experience increased physical activity.

Hypoxic syndrome – what is it?

Hypoxic syndrome, as an independent disorder in tissue cells, is not often observed. However, it accompanies most diseases, regardless of their origin. With hypoxia, it is much more difficult for the body to deal with the existing pathology.

If the tissues of the organs receive less oxygen, this is accompanied by the following disorders:

  • Cells are not able to allocate a sufficient amount of energy needed by the body.

  • There is an increase in the processes of free oxidation of radicals.

  • Healthy cells break down faster.

Therefore, doctors, in order to restore the normal functioning of cells, in order for them to be able to perceive and utilize oxygen, prescribe antihypoxants to patients.

Indications for their use are the following conditions:

  • Shock, whatever the nature of its origin.

  • Heart failure.

  • Coma.

  • Collapse.

  • Pregnancy accompanied by fetal hypoxia. Antihypoxants are prescribed both during childbearing and during childbirth.

  • Anemia.

  • Intoxication of the body, withdrawal syndrome.

  • Massive surgical interventions.

Antihypoxants are drugs that are aimed at preventing hypoxia in the tissues of the human body.

Antihypoxic drugs

Most patients among themselves call antihypoxants vascular drugs. This is due to the fact that they are widely used in the treatment of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In fact, all the drugs that cardiologists prescribe to their patients have an antihypoxic effect to one degree or another.

Among these medicines:

  • Vinpocetine and Cavinton. These medicines are made from plant materials. The main active ingredient is vincamine. Both Vinpocetine and Cavinton have a minimal set of contraindications, but they give an excellent effect in hypoxia. Their reception allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the brain tissues, improve their blood supply.

  • Riboxin. This drug is prescribed in the case when there is a need to normalize metabolic processes in the heart muscle. Riboxin prevents the development of hypoxia.

  • Piracetam. This drug is aimed at improving the blood supply to the brain, at increasing the rate of metabolic processes in its tissues. The drug helps to prevent the consequences of cerebral hypoxia, improves attention, memory, and increases mental performance. It is prescribed to their patients by narcologists, psychotherapists, pediatricians.

  • Mildronate (meldonium). This drug contains in its composition an active active substance that is found in every cell of the human body. It’s called gamma-butyrobetaine. Taking Meldonium allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the tissues of organs, to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to them. Mildronate is now known to the whole world as a drug from the doping group, because due to its presence in the blood, many eminent athletes were deprived of the opportunity to participate in competitions.

  • Inozin. The action of this drug is aimed at starting the enzymes involved in the Krebs cycle. The drug allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart muscle, increase the endurance of the body, as well as stimulate its immune forces.

  • Cytochrome C. This drug is prescribed to children in the neonatal period who have suffered from hypoxia caused by suffocation. It is also indicated for patients with heart failure, asthmatics, people suffering from coronary artery disease.

  • Fezam. This drug is one of the most potent drugs in its group of antihypoxants, which is due to its combined composition.

  • Trimetazidine. The drug allows you to improve metabolic processes in the cells that form the basis of the myocardium, normalizes the energy balance in them. Thanks to the intake of Trimetazidine, it is possible to normalize blood pressure indicators, increase the body’s susceptibility to strength and mental stress.

It should be understood that this is not a complete list of drugs from the group of antihypoxants. Moreover, many of these drugs have several dosage forms.

So, Vinpocetine can be found in tablets:

  • Vinpocetine Forte.

  • Vinpocetine.

  • Vinpocetine MONTHS.

It is produced in the form of an aerosol and is called Vinpocetine AKOS.

You can also find Vinpocetine in the form of a concentrate, from which solutions for infusions are prepared, these are:

  • Vinpocetine MONTHS.

  • Vinpocetine AKOS.

  • Vinpocetine ESCOM.

Riboxin Ferein and Riboxin Lekt are tablet forms of Riboxin. It can also be found in a solution intended for intravenous administration. The drug in this case will be called Riboxin Bufus.

Also, the group of antihypoxants includes nasal drops called Semax. They have antioxidant and capillary protective properties. This also includes the drug Solcoseryl, which is available in the form of a gel and in the form of an ointment. This medicinal substance has not only an antihypoxic effect, but also promotes the speedy healing of tissues.

All of these drugs have an antihypoxic effect, but they can also have an antioxidant effect on the body. Therefore, if in other medical sources these funds are included in the list of funds from the group of antioxidants, you should not be surprised.

The health risks of free radicals

Many people know that free radicals are dangerous to health. However, most of them still do not have a clear understanding of what exactly they are. Free radicals are particles that are charged with a free electron. They are in search of a second electron and seek to “take away” it from a healthy cell of the human body. If they succeed, they damage that cell, damaging it. As a result, she can no longer perform the functions that are assigned to her. Sometimes free radicals are able to start a whole chain of reactions, which the body can no longer stop on its own.

You also need to understand that free radicals in a small amount are still necessary for the body. With their help, it fights pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the formation of cancer cells.

Free radicals are formed in the body as a result of a cascade of reactions aimed at the breakdown of food and the utilization of oxygen.

If there are too many of them, then this contributes to the following pathological processes:

  • Body cells are damaged and die.

  • Immune forces weaken.

  • The body undergoes premature aging.

  • Cells undergo mutations.

  • Cancers develop.

Free radicals are activated at a time when there is a deterioration in the body’s defenses. Sometimes they can cause him irreparable harm.

The intake of antioxidants allows you to fight the excessive formation of free radicals in the body.

Antioxidants donate their free electrons to free radicals, thereby minimizing their harmful effects.

Antioxidant drugs

Undoubtedly, those antioxidants that are obtained from natural sources, that is, from food entering the body, have the maximum antioxidant effect.

Foods containing antioxidants:

  • Peanuts, asparagus, corn and peas contain alpha-tocopherol acetate or vitamin E.

  • Sauerkraut, sweet bell peppers and cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

  • Spinach, carrots and broccoli are high in provitamin A (beta-carotene).

To stop the processes of early aging of the body, you can eat foods enriched with selenium. To do this, the menu should contain pistachios, coconuts, garlic. Selenium helps to increase the body’s resistance, destroys free radicals, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Selenium is the #1 antioxidant in the fight against cancer. However, despite such an impressive list of merits, selenium can harm the body. This happens when a person takes it in excess. If selenium enters the body only with food, then an overdose is unlikely, but when replenishing its reserves with the help of other sources, the threat of damage to health becomes quite real.

On sale you can find antioxidant preparations, which are represented by multivitamin complexes. For example, these include the drug Antioxycaps. Most of the complexes include vitamin C, A and E. They also contain some chemical elements: selenium, zinc, iron or iodine.

Antioxidants and Antihypoxants: What’s the Difference?

Both antioxidants and antihypoxants are designed to solve a single problem: to help the body get out of a pathological state, to prevent the consequences of destruction of tissue cells. Therefore, these drugs are often prescribed in a single regimen. They resist the pathogenic effects of radicals on the body, do not allow the fats that make up the cell membrane to be oxidized, contribute to the normal absorption of oxygen by cells, and ensure the normal functioning of organs under hypoxic conditions.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants are prescribed in the following cases:

  • CHD.

  • Myocardial infarction.

  • Hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

  • Cardialgia on the background of hormonal imbalance.

  • Circulatory disorders of various organs.

  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

  • Diabetes mellitus, complicated by vascular pathologies.

  • Sepsis.

  • Burns, trauma, blood loss.

  • Extreme sports.

  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

These drugs are prescribed to increase immunity in various diseases, using them in a complex therapeutic regimen. Therefore, they have found such widespread use in medical practice.

Antioxidants, as well as antihypoxants, prevent hypoxia from causing serious damage to human health. In turn, antihypoxants resist the damaging effects of free radicals on healthy cells of the body. Therefore, there are such drugs that are included in the group of antihypoxants and antioxidants.

They include:

  • Actovegin. Accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, promotes their regeneration, improves the processes of their respiration and nutrition.

  • Sodium polydihydroxyphenylene thiosulfate. This drug has a pronounced antihypoxic effect, promotes normal respiration of tissue cells, enhances physical endurance and emotional stability.

  • Ethylthiobenzimidazole hydrobromide. This drug supports the performance of organs and tissues during hypoxia of the body, increases its defenses. A person becomes more able-bodied, hardy, attentive.

  • Emoxipine. Prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the body, prevents them from damaging healthy cells. Supports the functioning of the body during hypoxia.

  • Probucol. This drug contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism in the body, has an antioxidant effect.

  • Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. The drug prevents free radicals from damaging healthy cells of the body, has a nootropic effect, and is used as an antihypoxic agent.

The drugs that were described above can also be attributed to this group, since they have both the effect of antihypoxants and antioxidants. However, you need to understand that although these drugs are available without a prescription, they need to be prescribed by a doctor. All of them have both contraindications and side effects, so self-medication is unacceptable.

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