Lisa Boyarskaya’s diet

The actress admitted that she adores starchy foods and sweets and eats different desserts every day, but never gains excess weight. How is this possible? Woman’s Day found out Boyarskaya’s secret.

The actress is losing weight on sweets and salads with chicken liver

Doctors and nutritionists literally repeat in unison: sweets, cakes and a thin waist are incompatible! To be in shape, you need to give up sweets. But the famous actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya is ready to argue with them: at her 28 years old, she, like in childhood, loves sweets, eats cakes and pastries almost every day, and at the same time maintains a beautiful figure and a perfectly thin waist. Even after the birth of a child (Boyarskaya’s son recently turned two years old), Liza did not recover at all. How does she do it?

“I’ll say right away: no diets! For me, this is unrealistic: I can sit on a diet for a maximum of four hours – until lunchtime. This is where it all ends, ”the actress smiles.

And then he adds that he simply cannot give up sweets: “I love chocolate, marzipans, cheesecakes, milfei, crème brulee! INIt’s always difficult for me to choose a dessert: I want that and that. I love sweets since childhood. I remember how dad (actor Mikhail Boyarsky. – Прим. Woman’s Day) returned from a tour from the United States with a huge suitcase filled to the brim with “sneakers”, lollipops and other gifts – Barbies, attachments, dresses, figures of the heroes of “Star Wars”. Both me and my brother Seryozha still remember this feeling of delight, absolute euphoria. Indeed, at that time the iron curtain had just collapsed, and everything around was so gray, boring – bears, tumblers, Khokhloma … And so Serezha and I ate all these unknown sweets, and waited for what would happen to us; now it’s very funny to remember. ”

I love chocolate, marzipans, cheesecakes, milfei, crème brulee! It’s always difficult for me to choose a dessert: I want that, and that …

The thin waist of the actress, even after childbirth, will be the envy of any supermodel

Liza also allows her son Andryusha to eat sweets, albeit in small quantities.

“Sometimes babies can be pampered. You can’t forbid them everything and always, – says the actress. – My son Andryusha is now two years old, and recently he tried chocolate for the first time. He like it very much. It happened by accident. My husband and I deceived him for a long time: we bought kinder surprises, but did not explain that they could still be eaten, and then he accidentally opened the wrapper and understood everything. Now we try to make candy less likely to come across his eyes. But we will not prohibit and severely restrict it ”.

Elizabeth generally believes that one should not “cycle” too much on the child’s diet. And panic if the baby stubbornly does not want to taste some useful product.

“Our Andryusha doesn’t eat a lot of things, for example, we can’t put porridge, salad or dairy products into it. But I believe that there is no tragedy in this. If he tastes it and he likes it, great. No – it’s okay, anyway he grows, develops and gets what he needs. For example, in my childhood I ate only chocolate, tangerines, sausages and sausages. And nothing, I grew up somehow, there are no health problems, ”Elizaveta reflects.

Lisa’s husband – actor Maxim Matveev – also loves sweets and is not overweight

However, now in the fridge of the famous actress there are not only sausages and sweets.

“Both me and my husband (actor Maxim Matveyev. – Прим. Woman’s Day) we prefer healthy food: salads, salmon or marbled beef steaks, – says Elizaveta. – I like to make salads based on green leaves with interesting flavors – I add hot chicken liver or figs and different sauces. And if we are planning a long get-together with friends, we make fondue. Everyone is full and everyone is happy. “

So, Elizaveta Boyarskaya does not seem to count calories, but she regularly dilutes her favorite cakes with light green salads, gourmet meat and very healthy fish, because salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids in abundance, which are very important for our body and, contrary to their name, help not to gain , but just lose weight.

“Probably, there are people for whom it is necessary to make a special menu, but I don’t feel such a need,” says Liza Boyarskaya. – I work a lot, and my work is very mobile, and running around with a two-year-old child is better than any physical education. So keeping fit is not a problem. The main thing is to always be in motion, and not to sit still. “

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