Liquorice root
In the treatment of respiratory pathologies and some other diseases, licorice is actively used. The most useful of all parts of the plant are licorice roots, whose medicinal properties have long been used in traditional medicine. Licorice root is part of many drugs that are sold in pharmacies

Licorice has been known to doctors since antiquity, and the most useful part of the plant is the root. It is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, due to the fact that the plant has a unique composition of components. However, there are certain nuances in the use of licorice root that you should know about in advance so as not to provoke side effects and complications when taken.

Licorice root: compositional features

The medicinal properties of licorice root are determined by its unique composition of biologically active components. The composition of the plant contains compounds such as asparagine and glycyrrhizin, as well as a number of acids – glycyrrhizic, ascorbic, glycyrrhetinic and some others, which form the main effect on the body. In addition, coumarins, terpene compounds (saponins), sterols and bioflavonoids were found in the composition of the plant. Licorice root is also rich in mineral components – iron, copper, aluminum, selenium, zinc, manganese, potassium and others.

The composition of this plant is supplemented with essential oils, pigments, tannins, polysaccharides.

Licorice has several species, but they are all herbaceous perennials. Their roots are powerful, providing the concentration of nutrients. The roots are harvested in spring and late autumn, when medicinal components are concentrated in them, processed and dried, then stored.

Licorice was first used in China, along with ginseng root. Licorice is often used in children, expectant mothers and the elderly, as it is safe and has general strengthening effects.

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Medicinal properties of licorice root

The leading field of application is the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system (different types of cough, bronchitis, tracheitis), pathologies of the digestive system, and inflammatory diseases. Antitussive drugs based on licorice root are actively used in children, as they do not have such side effects as nausea with vomiting. In addition, among the active ingredients of licorice root, a component has been isolated that can suppress viral particles.

Due to glycyrrhizic acid, the plant has anti-sclerotic effects. The acid reacts with sterol molecules, inhibiting the synthesis of bad cholesterol. In addition, licorice has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, helps in stimulating the activity of the adrenal glands.

Saponin substances help to increase the production of mucus in the digestive and respiratory systems, protecting tissues from irritation and the effects of aggressive drugs, viruses, and microbes. They also thin the sputum that accumulates in the bronchi, helps to cough it up, and also disinfects the mucus.

Flavonoids have a mild analgesic effect, help reduce spasms and inflammation, help relax smooth muscles in the bronchi and intestinal wall. Also, these substances normalize the permeability of capillaries for the liquid part of the blood.

Licorice root contraindications

Although it is a relatively safe plant, and it is used even in children and pregnant women, there are a number of contraindications for using licorice root. So, drugs with this component are prohibited:

  • with any acute pathologies from the digestive tract;
  • in the presence of any form of heart failure;
  • with hyperreactivity of the adrenal cortex;
  • against the background of hypertension, especially with a crisis course;
  • with obesity;
  • against the background of increased blood clotting (a tendency to thrombosis);
  • with severe edema;
  • in violation of the kidneys and the difficulty of removing excess fluid from the body.

Also among the contraindications is to highlight the tendency to bleeding (hemorrhagic syndrome).

Application of licorice root

Licorice is actively used in many areas of medicine. For example, in gynecology, it is indicated for inflammatory processes in the cervix and uterine body, helps in wound healing and body recovery. It normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, helps in the correction of digestive pathologies, normalizes metabolism, eliminates problems with the intestines and the urogenital area, and increases blood pressure.

Licorice is also used in the treatment of skin pathologies, including dermatitis, acne, seborrhea, pemphigus, psoriasis and eczema. Preparations with licorice root are used to treat pathologies of the oral cavity and nose, middle ear.

Licorice root stimulates the production of insulin, helps in the work of the pancreas, helps in recovery after chemotherapy. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women and sexual function in men, has estrogen-like effects.

Licorice stimulates the body, helps in boosting immunity, combating systemic inflammation and excess fat deposition. It has weak antidepressant effects.

Types of herbal remedies for treatment

To support the digestive system and stimulate the pancreas, a decoction of licorice root helps.


1 teaspoon of licorice root (with a slide) pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook in a steam bath for half an hour. Then strain the broth, cool to room temperature.

Use 1/3 cup three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. At night – two hours before going to bed.

To normalize the work of digestion, the respiratory system, and the general strengthening of the body, an infusion of licorice, burdock and dandelion is shown.


Pour 5 liters of boiling water over 0,5 g of each plant and leave for an hour. Then strain the infusion.

Drink 100 ml up to 3 times a day in a warm form.

To eliminate bloating, spasms and pain in the intestines, licorice, chamomile and lemon balm tea helps.


Take herbs in proportion: 2 parts of licorice to 1 part of chamomile and 1 part of lemon balm, brew like regular tea, leave for 5-10 minutes.

Consume 1 cup one hour after meals.

Reviews of doctors about licorice root

Pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr Olga Zorina:

– Licorice root is widely known as an expectorant, but it also has a wound-healing, antispasmodic effect, therefore it is used for diseases of the stomach and intestines. The plant is characterized by antiviral and antiallergic activity, phyto-raw materials contain hormone-like substances, the properties of which are used in some gynecological diseases.

Phyto-raw materials with restrictions are used in children for coughing in the form of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations; pure licorice root itself is used only in adults in the form of fees and other dosage forms.

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