Liquor Galliano (Galliano) – Italian essence of more than thirty herbs

The full name of Galliano liqueur is Liquore Galliano L’Autentico, a sweet alcoholic drink based on Mediterranean herbs, created in 1896 by Italian winemaker Arturo Vaccari. The liqueur is named after Giuseppe Galliano, the hero of the First Italo-Ethiopian War (1887-1896). Now the brand belongs to the Dutch company Bols. The drink is produced in a bottle of a recognizable shape, reminiscent of an ancient Roman column, the strength of the classic Galliano is 42.3%.

Historical information

For 44 days, Giuseppe Galliano held Fort Enda Jesus against an 80-strong enemy army. He had only 2000 soldiers at his disposal, the balance of power was 40:1 in favor of Ethiopia. For his feat, he received a promotion to lieutenant colonel, a silver medal from the hands of the king and eternal glory. Like a real warrior, Galliano died in battle soon after.

Vaccari’s noble gesture was dictated not only by patriotism, but also by commercial considerations. The cunning businessman quickly realized that a drink with the name of a national hero would definitely attract attention, especially since this niche had not yet been occupied. Vaccari invented and spread the legend that Galliano liqueur was created according to a family recipe for an alcoholic drink that the war hero always took with him to battle. It is no coincidence that the gold color was chosen – this is how the creator wanted to celebrate the hard work of the Italians during the Gold Rush in California.

Liquor Galliano (Galliano) – Italian essence of more than thirty herbs
Giuseppe Galliano

The liqueur’s popularity peaked in the 1970s, when it was the No. 1 alcohol in the United States. At the same time, the famous Harvey Wallbanger cocktail appeared. Essentially an improved version of the “screwdriver”, the recipe was invented by a guy named Harvey. Having drunk a little, he went to his room, staggering from wall to wall, and the name of the cocktail appeared, which can be loosely translated as “Harvey hitting the wall.”

Arturo Vaccari claimed that the combination of tastes and aromas of Galliano embodies the spirit of Italy: passion, splendor, artistry, sensuality. The winemaker personally experimented with the ingredients until he settled on 30 herbs. In addition, he developed an original technology of maceration and distillation (also kept secret) that allows you to get the maximum aroma from each component. Thanks to his efforts, a unique drink appeared on the world market, and not a single attempt to fake or repeat Galliano has been successful.

Composition and production technology

Galliano contains many natural ingredients, among others: star anise (star anise), juniper berries, pahluk, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, vanilla. The characteristic yellow color of the drink is due to the use of caramel.

The following recipe can be found on the Internet: all herbs, except vanilla, are soaked in alcohol, then the tincture is distilled in a distillation cube and vanilla is soaked in it separately. Almost ready liquor is diluted with distilled water, sugar is added.

However, the official website of the manufacturer says that the liqueur recipe is kept in the strictest confidence. It is only known that the list of ingredients includes more than 30 herbs, spices, roots, grains and plant extracts.


In addition to the main, “authentic” Galliano, the following versions are released on the market:

  • Galliano Vanilla. Vanilla liqueur with a strength of 30%, made on the basis of the original Galliano, but with a reinforced vanilla profile.
  • L’Aperitivo. Bitter-citrus liqueur with a strength of 24%. The composition of the drink includes bergamot, oranges, kinotto, tangerines, grapefruits – not counting the herbs of the original Galliano. All ingredients are macerated in alcohol for at least two weeks.
  • Amaretto. Almond liqueur with a strength of 28%. Additional Ingredients: Cherries, Roasted Cocoa Beans, Bourbon Vanilla. The drink has a deep luxurious taste, it is considered a “luxury” product of the line.
  • Ristretto. 30-degree coffee liqueur, and the manufacturer emphasizes that the drink has the taste of espresso. Cocoa beans of two different varieties (Robusta and Arabica) from four countries are used for preparation. The production technology of Galliano Ristretto consists of five stages, but the company does not recognize which ones.

Liquor Galliano (Galliano) – Italian essence of more than thirty herbs

How to drink Galliano liqueur

Galliano has a sweet taste with a rich vanilla-anise bouquet and citrus-woody notes. Liqueur is served in shots or liquor glasses after a hearty meal (room temperature or with ice, to taste), added to coffee or tea, and the drink is also part of many cocktails. It is not accepted to eat it.

Liquor Galliano (Galliano) – Italian essence of more than thirty herbs

Cocktails with Galliano

  1. Harvey Wallbanger. Pour 4 parts vodka and 1 parts orange juice into a Collins glass filled with ice cubes. Carefully add a layer of Galliano (2/XNUMX part) on top of a knife or a special bartender’s spoon. Garnish with an orange slice or cocktail cherry.
  2. yellow bird. Mix in a shaker the juice of half a lime, 40 ml of orange juice, 30 ml of light and dark rum, 10 ml of Galliano. Serve with a sprig of mint and a cocktail cherry.
  3. Golden Cadillac. Mix cream, Galliano and chocolate liqueur (white crème de cacao) in a shaker in equal proportions. Serve in a martini glass.
  4. golden dream. Mix equal parts cream, orange juice, Cointreau, Galliano in a shaker. Serve in a chilled cocktail glass.
  5. Galliano Sour. Mix in a shaker 60 ml of Galliano, 30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar syrup, a drop of angostura and (optionally) one egg white. Pour into an ice-filled cocktail glass.
Liquor Galliano (Galliano) – Italian essence of more than thirty herbs
Golden dream

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