Liposomes in cosmetics. Video

Liposomes in cosmetics. Video

Modern medicine and cosmetology do not stand still, introducing more and more new technologies. One of these technologies is the use of liposomes as a new generation of anti-aging and moisturizing agents.

What are liposomes and how are they useful?

Liposomes are ball-shaped structures covered with a membrane and filled with active nutrients. Since liposomes are very similar in structure and content to human cells, it is convenient to use them to deliver nutrients to the deep layers of the epidermis, besides, the concentration of active substances in them is quite high, doctors found out. This is the main advantage of liposomal cosmetics: such products penetrate deeper than conventional creams and ointments, thereby causing natural skin rejuvenation, as well as creating a protective layer.

The use of liposomes provides a wide range of possibilities when used in anti-aging, anti-allergic, moisturizing creams, serums and active substances.

The uniqueness of liposomes is that they will not be harmful to problem or sensitive skin

The use of liposomes today opens up great prospects, not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also in agriculture, animal husbandry (with the help of liposomes, for example, it will be possible to introduce genetic information directly into cells).

Difficulties of working with liposomes

However, not everything is so simple: in order to begin the widespread use of liposome-based rejuvenation techniques, you still need to decide on the method of their introduction into the body. The fact is that, getting through the pores of the skin in the composition of ointments and creams, liposomes do not work at full strength. Most of them, although they penetrate the body, are by no means to the depth that is of interest to cosmetologists and doctors.

Intravenous liposomes have been shown to be quite effective, but there is a high likelihood of vascular occlusion. Intramuscular and oral administration are considered safer, since liposomes with their own supply of nutrients can also penetrate the intestinal walls. These methods are considered the most harmless, but also the most costly, because the amount of the introduced substance increases on the basis of “losses”. Therefore, today researchers, microbiologists and cosmetologists are looking for substances that will serve as a transport for liposomes, delivering them, and most importantly, their contents, right on target.

So far, both in medicine and in cosmetology, only creams are used, advertising posters about “injections with liposomes” are nothing more than a marketing ploy.

Another problem is that liposomes have to be sterilized, which is difficult. So far, this is done with the help of special filters.

Liposome sterilization filters allow lipids to pass through but microorganisms out. This is a very complex and time consuming process.

The procedure is very expensive.

It is also important that the storage periods are short. So far, one method has been developed – the drying of pre-frozen lipids. They are dehydrated, and in order to reuse them, you just need to restore the lost volume of water.

So, liposomes are currently the most effective way to deliver vitamins, minerals and hormones to the deep layers of the skin. And they can rightfully be considered smart cosmetics of the new generation, however, this cosmetics cannot yet work in full force.

See also: vitamins for the eyes

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