Lipolysis – the course of the procedure, indications, contraindications, possible complications

Lipolysis is the process of breaking down triglycerides in adipose tissue. It produces fatty acids and glycerol, which are released into the bloodstream and metabolized. In beauty salons, the so-called injection lipolysis is performed, i.e. a procedure to remove unnecessary fat from a given part of the body with a series of injections with a substance that dissolves, releases into the blood and excretes fat cells from the body.

What is injection lipolysis?

Injection lipolysis is a non-invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia. A solution of substances such as phosphatidicholine, deaxycholate, L-carnitine and organic silica is introduced into the adipose tissue accumulated in a given place (most often on the abdomen, arms and thighs) with a thin needle. Phosphatidycholine and deaxycholate are used in anti-embolism therapy – they dissolve fatty blockages. L-carnitine causes faster absorption of fats and their subsequent excretion from the body.

The metabolic processes after injection lipolysis can also be accelerated with the help of lymphatic massage, recommended as a supplement to the lipolysis treatment.

In order to achieve an optimal effect, injection lipolysis is usually repeated two or three times with an interval of several weeks.

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Who is injection lipolysis recommended for?

Injection lipolysis is a procedure recommended for people who want to effectively get rid of unnecessary fatty tissue. Sometimes diet and exercise do not bring the desired results – this is the case, for example, when fat has accumulated over the years or is located on the stomach (called abdominal obesity). This kind of excess fat is difficult to remove by natural means.

Injection lipolysis is not as invasive as liposuction, so it is recommended for people who want to get rid of excess fat quickly and effectively, but cannot or do not want to undergo liposuction for various (health) reasons. Injection lipolysis is also cheaper than liposuction.

Injection lipolysis is especially recommended when adipose tissue is accumulated around the armpits and knees, and on the face – on the chin and chin, and therefore in places that are not susceptible to fat reduction by exercise and, at the same time, delicate enough not to be carried out in them. the case of liposuction.

Injection lipolysis is also useful in removing gynecomastia, which is excessive accumulation of fat on the breasts in men, and in removing lipomas. However, injection lipolysis is not a way to lose weight. The injection lipolysis treatment is used for body contouring, it supports slimming, but it is not a method of fighting overweight and obesity.

After performing injection lipolysis, follow the recommendations of a low-fat diet.

Contraindications to injection lipolysis and possible complications

Contraindications to injection lipolysis are pregnancy and breastfeeding, blood coagulation disorders (e.g. hemophilia, von Willenbrandt disease, deficiency of one of the coagulation factors), diseases and impairment of liver and kidney function, epilepsy, skin inflammation in the place where the preparation is to be administered , hypersensitivity and allergy to any component of the preparation and significant overweight. Injection lipolysis should also not be performed in the case of people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Possible complications after lipolysis are redness and slight pain and swelling at the injection site, as well as small hematomas. Injection lipolysis is a safe procedure and, in principle, no more serious complications occur during or after it.

The positive side effects of injection lipolysis include skin condition improvement. This treatment stimulates microcirculation and metabolic processes, including those taking place in the skin, which significantly improves its condition – the skin becomes firmer, healthier and visibly rejuvenated.

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