Lipoedema – symptoms, treatment. What is lipoedema?

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Are you trying to take care of yourself, exercising regularly and following a diet, but you see a clear disproportion between your lower and upper members? Your legs are significantly larger than your hands, fat is stored unsightly on them and you are accompanied by their pain? You are probably struggling with lipoedema. Lipoedema, also known as fatty edema or painful fat syndrome, is an exclusively female disorder that manifests itself as symmetrical, excessive and bilateral fat deposits on the lower limbs and hips (less often on the shoulders). Lipoedema is a disease of the subcutaneous tissue of a chronic and progressive nature. The exact etiology of lipoedema is unknown, but it is likely that hormonal and genetic factors have a large influence on its formation. This disease not only hampers physical functioning, but can also have a negative impact on our psyche.

Symptoms of lipid (fatty) edema

Unfortunately, symptoms accompanying this ailment are unpleasant, annoying, lead to the feeling of great discomfort and may even make life difficult. To the symptoms lipoedema These include, first of all, considerable cellulite, persistent swelling of the legs, their bilateral and symmetrical involvement by edema, a feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs, tingling in the legs, high sensitivity to touch and severe pain. Usually, the ankles and feet are not affected. Additionally, women affected by such swelling, they are forced to buy trousers or skirts several sizes larger than, for example, blouses. Lipoedema especially in summer, when we are exposed to high temperatures. In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, there may be a problem with difficulty walking (legs are rubbing against each other). However, the most unpleasant and troublesome are pain, which is an inherent element fatty swelling. Sometimes lipodemia is mistakenly confused with obesity or primary lymphoedematherefore, proper diagnosis is crucial in treating the problem.

Lipoedema – when do you need to see a doctor?

When your legs have significantly increased in volume, pain and bruising appear when you touch them (caused by excessive fragility of the blood vessels), be sure to see a doctor. What doctor will take care of lipoedema? There are few specialists in the treatment of this type of edema in Poland. First, go to an internist, dermatologist or phlebologist. A good doctor will diagnose and treat the problem, or refer you to one of the lymphedema clinics or phlebology center, where you can treat lipoedema. There is a high probability that it is in such facilities that you will find a professional who will implement the appropriate treatment. Undetected and unrecognized in time lipoedema it can lead to much more serious complications, such as, for example, secondary lymphoedema, varicose veins, degenerative changes in the deep vein system. A series of tests used to diagnose lipodemia it includes, among others, checking the level of thyroid hormones, the general assessment of the efficiency of the circulatory and lymphatic systems and the performance of blood counts. Additionally, the patient may be referred for magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and computed tomography.

  1. Check it out: Swelling of the leg can be a symptom of a life-threatening disease

How to treat lipoedema?

Appropriate diagnosis lipoedema will allow you to undertake a treatment tailored to your condition. Supportively, physical activity is recommended, which, unfortunately, is often neglected. In case of lipodemia it is worth focusing primarily on running, walking, walking, water aerobics and swimming in the pool. Performing a drainage massage is the basis of treatment lipodemia. Lymphatic drainage in the form of pressotherapy will become your ally in the fight against lipoedema. Such treatments can be successfully performed on your own, using the appropriate equipment. Therefore, special massages can be one of the home remedies for getting rid of lipoedema. Special clothes and compression or compression tights should be worn daily. Their purchase may be subsidized once a year. A special diet should also be introduced, which will be determined by a specialist. If you are considering liposuction, it is necessary to adjust its type to your ailments. With the help of an appropriate technique, special liposuction is now also performed, which is a safe and effective method in the fight against lipoedema. Don’t worry and don’t be overwhelmed by bad thoughts. Remember that if you recognize it lipoedemathis is the first important step that will allow you to take the appropriate fight against your bane. All you need to do is take care of yourself and strictly follow the instructions given by your doctor.

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