Lipase – an enzyme produced by the pancreas. When to do a lipase test?

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Lipase is an enzyme produced by the pancreas and secreted into the lumen of the digestive tract. It breaks down food triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids. Lipase determination is recommended in the case of suspicion, inter alia, acute or chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.

Lipase – definition

Lipase – is basic an enzyme produced in the exocrine pancreas (next to amylase and elastase) and secreted in the so-called pancreatic juice. All pancreatic enzymes go to the duodenum where they help digest nutrients. Lipase breaks down food triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Lipase enters the duodenum as an inactive proenzyme. There, it transforms under the influence of bile acids, phospholipids and proteins into an active enzyme, which then begins to fulfill its function in the digestive process. Lipase determination is recommended in the case of suspicion, inter alia, acute or chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. Excess or deficiency of lipase may indicate pancreatic diseases, but not only.

When do we perform the lipase test?

The most common indications for lipase testing are listed below.

  1. Suspicion of acute pancreatitis (due to alcohol abuse or gallbladder stones) – in severe abdominal pain with nausea / vomiting / diarrhea and a lack of appetite following a dietary error (a large meal with high fat content, alcohol abuse).
  2. Suspicion of a pancreatic tumor.
  3. Biliary obstruction.
  4. Suspicion of pancreatic cancer.
  5. Assessment of treatment progress in pancreatic diseases.
  6. Sometimes the test is performed in the diagnosis and evaluation of the development of diseases such as: cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.

The lipase test is included in the Pancreatic Testing – Blood Test Package. This package will also allow the determination of amylase and CA 19-9.

Lipase – study

Material for lipase testing: serum.

Preparation for the test: on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours).

The course of the lipase test: one-time blood sampling from a vein in the arm.

Waiting time for the lipase result: 1 Day.

Standard: activity from 100 to 500 nmol / l / s.

In children, a small lancet incision is made in the skin to make a small bleeding. The resulting sample is sent for analysis.


Lipase is a hydrolytic enzyme belonging to the group of hydrolases. During pancreatitis, its elevated activity lasts longer than that of amylase. In the case of obstruction of the pathways leading pancreatic juice to the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract (obstruction of the pancreatic duct or gallstones), lipase enters the blood, where it leads to the activation of proteolytic enzymes. As a consequence, there is the development of a systemic inflammatory reaction, acute inflammation and symptoms of shock, as well as systemic complications – respiratory failure, damage to the heart muscle, thrombotic complications.

Norms for lipase

There are no rigid values ​​for lipase, as they depend on the method of the study performed, the studied population, gender and age. The correct activity is: od 100 do 500 nmol/l/s.

Each result should be consulted with the attending physician. The lipase produced by trustka remains inactive. It is activated only in the duodenum under the influence of bile acids, phospholipids and proteins. Then it is able to digest fats.

How to analyze the lipase results

What does high blood lipase mean?

  1. obstruction of the gut
  2. perforation of the duodenal ulcer,
  3. pancreatic cancer,
  4. OZT,
  5. taking certain medications, e.g. codeine or heparin,
  6. peritonitis,
  7. biliary obstruction,
  8. pancreatic duct obstruction,
  9. bowel obstruction,
  10. niekiey about salivary gland inflammation.

CAUTION. A sharp rise in serum lipase levels within 24-48 hours of the onset of acute symptoms, and a decline in about 5-7 days, usually indicates acute pancreatitis. In acute pancreatitis, increases in lipase are generally accompanied by elevated amylase levels, with elevated amylase levels being slightly shorter.

Too low concentration of lipase, in addition to increasing the risk of varicose veins and weight loss problems, in the blood serum may mean:

  1. hypertension,
  2. high cholesterol
  3. diabetes (when the body cannot digest fat, it affects insulin metabolism and insulin transport to cells).

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