Lip massage for adults
Why do adults need to do lip massage, is it worth doing at home, what are the benefits and harms of such a massage? Find out with our expert

Lip massage for adults is perhaps one of the most unusual types of massage in terms of location. And yet, it is quite popular. It is used in two cases:

  • in speech therapy – to eliminate problems with articulation;
  • for cosmetic purposes – to solve aesthetic problems.

Benefits of lip massage for adults

The benefits of lip massage depend on the purpose of its use.

in speech therapy. In this case, massage helps to relax the muscles, restore their tone, which ultimately leads to improved articulation.

In cosmetology. Such a massage is carried out with the fingertips around the lips along the red border. This leads to an increase in blood flow, activation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Lip massage enhances the production of collagen and elastin fibers, relaxes the muscles that are involved in the movement of the lips.

With regular massage, the skin on the lips becomes smoother, the color is brighter, the lips are smoothed. Massage in cosmetology is used to give volume to the lips, moisturize them, correct the color of the red border and change the shape, as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth. Massage is also useful as a care procedure after the introduction of fillers.

Harm of lip massage for adults

If the massage is done correctly, there will be no harm. But it is important to carry it out only with clean hands, dosing intensity and observing all the rules.

Contraindications for lip massage for adults

There are a number of contraindications for lip massage. These include:

  • any inflammatory processes in the body, including colds;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetics, oils or any other means that are used in lip massage;
  • various diseases of the dental profile, including lesions of the lips;
  • any damage to the skin on the face, including purulent acne, open wounds, abrasions;
  • skin diseases in the face and neck;
  • exacerbation of herpes on the lips and skin of the face;
  • recent surgery in the mouth or nose.

If we are talking about massage of lips enlarged with the help of various types of fillers, it can only be carried out with the permission of a beautician.

How to massage lips for adults at home

Massage techniques can be viewed in video instructions on the Internet.

The most popular techniques are massage with fingers, a toothbrush, spoons, as well as a combination of massage with lip gymnastics.

When massaging, you can use lip balm, oils, scrubs or ice cubes. The basic rule is to pre-wash your hands, cleanse the skin of your face and lips, and massage gently.

Popular questions and answers

For questions related to lip massage, we asked specialized specialists to answer.

How effective is lip massage in speech therapy?

Lip massage is used in modern technologies of speech therapy in the formation of correct speech breathing, the skills of rational voice transmission and voice leading, as well as for the development of the prosodic (tempo, rhythm and melody) side of speech, explains speech pathologist Marina Fomina. – Lip massage is carried out both as part of speech therapy massage for speech pathologies, and during exercises to improve the quality of speech in people of speech professions – this is a kind of warm-up before a performance. Try pronouncing the tongue twister before and after lip massage and you will understand the difference. This procedure is quite effective, since the lips are actively involved in speech. But it is worth noting that the degree of efficiency increases with the joint work of a speech therapist and the use of physiotherapy methods.

Can I do lip massage myself?

You can do lip massage yourself, but not in full and only after training from a specialist. But with some pathologies, self-massage of the lips is categorically contraindicated, says Marina Fomina.

After what cosmetic procedures do lip massage?

– After the contouring procedure for the correct and even distribution of hyaluronic acid, explains dermatologist, cosmetologist Olga Andriyanova. – This is a gentle kneading massage using a decongestant cream or soothing serum. It lasts 1 – 3 minutes and is carried out by a cosmetologist.

How effective is lip massage in cosmetology? How often should it be done?

– Massage well stimulates the skin, enhances microcirculation. Many makeup artists recommend performing it before applying professional makeup, says Olga Andrianova. – It can be carried out at home, but only after training by a cosmetologist. Experts recommend doing such a massage 1-2 times in 7 days with special care products – a cream or mask to enhance the effect.

Also, at home, it is recommended to peel the lips 1-2 times a week – cleansing the red border with a soft toothbrush.

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