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The lips play a prominent role on a woman’s face. Narrow, dry, with lowered corners visually add age, and a plump mouth, on the contrary, adds femininity and attractive spontaneity.
After the procedure, the lips become slightly swollen and more hydrated.
How to make your mouth a true decoration of the face and even drop it with the help of lip contouring for several years, says the cosmetologist of the beauty salon “Self perfection” Svetlana Rasulovna Okisheva:
– In modern cosmetology, lip contouring based on hyaluronic acid has become widespread. Moreover, this technique is used both for leveling age-related changes (by correcting the so-called purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip) and for improving facial features. The purpose of this procedure is not just to enlarge the lips, but to give them freshness and some natural swelling. You can also raise the corners of your mouth slightly, which will make your facial expression look more positive and therefore younger. An added bonus with this procedure is lip hydration.
Now in our clinic, when carrying out lip contouring, a certified Russian-made drug “Gion-max” is used. The quality of this preparation, which contains highly purified hyaluronic acid, is very high. And right now, and more specifically – during September 2020, the cost of lip contouring using this drug is only 5 thousand rubles. For those who have a reduced pain threshold and need local anesthesia, the cost of the procedure will increase by 500 rubles. However, patients usually rate the soreness of lip contouring at 4-5 points on a 10-point scale, that is, they do not need anesthesia.
The safety of the procedure is guaranteed primarily by the composition of the drug. Hyaluronic acid is compatible with surrounding tissues, therefore drug rejection is impossible. In addition, this substance is biodegradable, that is, it is completely removed from the body. And another important point: if the client is not satisfied with the result, hyaluronic acid can be removed without any problems with special antidotes. However, we understand that in this matter, excessive zeal is useless, therefore, during the initial intake, we introduce no more than 1 milliliter of hyaluronic acid, and this is only 1/5 of a teaspoon. It is important for us that the lips look as natural as possible – this is now a popular trend. After the first procedure, the effect lasts from six months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Subsequent procedures guarantee a more lasting result due to the cumulative effect.
Lip contouring also helps to solve the problem of purse-string wrinkles that occurs with age.
Returning to the issue of the safety of the procedure: when it is carried out, antiseptics and disposable needles are mandatory, but the syringe with the drug itself is generally an individual package.
Anamnesis must be collected before the procedure. The doctor finds out if there is an exacerbation of chronic or autoimmune diseases at the moment – in this case, lip contouring is contraindicated, it is better to postpone it until remission occurs. If patients suffer from recurrent herpetic eruptions, it makes sense to drink an antiviral drug for prophylactic purposes before the procedure.
It is important to remember that after the procedure, slight swelling persists for three to four days. But at the same time, the patient does not fall out of life, you can go to work, meet friends, etc. Small bruises that also appear after contouring are easily leveled with a corrector or foundation (application is possible no earlier than 12 hours after the procedure!). In addition, for 10 days after lip contouring, it is necessary to limit everything that dilates blood vessels (bath, sauna, solarium, active sports, hot food and drinks). It is also advisable to refrain from visiting the dentist at this time.
The desire of a woman for beauty and self-improvement has always been and will always be. On this path, it is important to trust the professionals so that the result of their work is enjoyable. The lip contouring procedure at the Self Perfection beauty salon will certainly delight you with the desired effect and inspiring reflection in the mirror.
Address: Sormovsky district, st. Dmitry Pavlov, 13
Тел. 273-23-87; 415-23-87