Linseed – properties, seeds for hair and drinking

Linseed, or linseed, is famous for its many beneficial properties. They are appreciated primarily by people suffering from digestive system ailments. But these precious seeds have other health benefits – they protect against breast cancer and lower cholesterol. What else do you need to know?

Linseed – properties

Flaxseed has numerous health benefits, but also nutritional values ​​that were already known in ancient Egypt, Babylon and China. It is mainly about the presence of fiber, Omega -3 fatty acids and lignans. The seeds contain 20-40 percent soluble fiber as well as 60-80 percent insoluble fiber. The first type has gelling properties and helps to bind the contents of the digestive tract; it also delays gastric emptying, thanks to which you feel full longer after eating a meal.

In turn, insoluble fiber causes an increase in the volume of fecal masses by binding water, therefore the peristaltic movements of the intestines are stronger and defecation is more systematic. In addition, the texture of the jelly, which takes on the grains of flax after pouring water, protects the digestive tract and helps to relieve pain on its part.

As research shows – flaxseed also has cholesterol-lowering properties. What’s more – the intake of 30 g of ground kernel reduces the BMI index, blood pressure and improves the lipid profile.

These are not all the properties of flax grains. Flaxseed can protect the body against breast, endometrial, ovarian, prostate and colon cancer. The ingredients that are responsible for the anti-cancer properties are: ALA fatty acid and lignans. The former – acting as an antioxidant – blocks the growth of tumors, while the latter – block enzymes involved in metabolic processes and accelerate the growth of cancer cells.

Drinking linseed

Linseed can be eaten in two ways – as whole grains, or as ground – in the form of a powder. The latter way of taking the linseed is better because the nutrients are more easily absorbed by the body. You just have to remember that the grains should be ground just before consumption.

Linseed can be taken in liquid form. To do this, pour water over the grains and wait for them to swell. The drink prepared in this way can be drunk or added to your favorite cocktail. Alternatively, in such a liquid form, linseed can be used as an addition to porridge or yogurt.

On Medonet Market you will find:

  1. Intenson linseed
  2. Linseed from Pro Natura

You can also buy ECO linseed oil, which works great both externally and internally.

Linseed for hair

Flaxseed, thanks to the content of valuable nutrients, such as zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium, has a positive effect on the hair. The strands are more moisturized, shiny and thicker. By drinking linseed, you can also contribute to faster hair growth and improvement of its overall condition.

Try the Sylveco hair mask with coconut oil and flaxseeds. The product is intended for dry and brittle hair.

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