Linseed for hair – properties, use in cosmetics, hair care

Linseed is a tiny golden brown flax seed. The health-promoting properties of linseed have been known for centuries – already in ancient Egypt and Greece, when mixed with olive oil and aromatic herbs, it was used to prepare skin care lotions.

Linseed – properties

Linseed it is a natural source of valuable substances, and therefore it is classified as a Superfoods, i.e. foods that positively affect the health of the body. Linseed contains large amounts of lignans, i.e. compounds with antioxidant activity, classified as phytoestrogens, i.e. substances with an effect corresponding to the sex hormones – estrogens. Lignans regulate the endocrine and circulatory systems, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and breast and ovarian cancer. Lignans regulate blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Linseed it is the richest source of lignans among the natural products available on the market. Linseed can be purchased as whole grains or as a ground fine powder.

Ground Linseed can be added to meals: muesli, yoghurts, soups, cocktails and salads. Linseed it also provides omega-3 fatty acids, which support the work of the brain, memory, support the circulatory system and soothe inflammation in the body. In linseed we also find two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber accelerates intestinal peristalsis, thus preventing constipation – it is important to remember to drink plenty of water regularly to use it properly. properties. It also lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels. The second type of fiber found in linseed, soluble fiber, thanks to its gelling properties, it binds the food contents in the stomach, maintaining the feeling of satiety for longer. This allows you to reduce the desire to reach for snacks, which helps to maintain weight loss decisions.

Linseed for hair

These are the gelling properties linseed allow for convenient use in cosmetics. Linseed when flooded with water, releases a mucous substance. Water heating with linseed speeds up this process. To be prepared linseed gel 2 tablespoons of unground is enough linseed for 250 milliliters of water. After straining through a strainer, boiled linseed we get a gel that can be used in many ways.

Linseed gel can be applied directly to damp, imprinted in a paper towel hair and the scalp. We put on a plastic cap and wrap the head with a towel. After about 30-45 minutes, wash off the mask with lukewarm water and blow-dry the hair with a cool stream of air. Mask with linseed we can also leave it on the hair for the whole night, it will strengthen its effect. Hair mask prepared with linseed wonderfully moisturizes the hair and scalp, facilitates detangling. Hair becomes pleasant to the touch, smooth and straightened, while in people with curly hair Linseed helps to emphasize the natural curl of the hair. Mask with linseed can be enriched with hair oils. Linseed gel in diluted form can also be used as rinse to hair, after shampooing and use, use silicone-free conditioner linseed gel until the last rinse. Linseed gel can also be used to prepare a nourishing hair mist. Diluted linseed gel mix with coconut oil, olive oil or grape seed oil and essential oil that will give the mist a beautiful fragrance. The prepared mist can be sprayed on wet hair before combing or moisturizing the hair during the day.

Linseed gel It is also used to prepare a mixture of herbs used to dye hair: henna and indigo. Natural methods of dyeing and hair care are gaining more and more followers. Conscious care allows you to nourish the hair and scalp, reduce and alleviate damage caused by chemical dyeing and styling treatments. In the case of bleached hair Linseed soothes scalp irritations caused by the oxidizing effect of the brightener.

The high content of protein, vitamins and minerals: iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. These properties of linseed can be used by applying Linseed also internally in the form of a cocktail. Regular drinking linseed cocktail improves the condition of the skin and hair, also affects the growth of hair, strengthens and nourishes it. Linseed to drinking mix it with water or fruit juice. You can also drink linseed infusion poured with boiling water and set aside for 10 minutes.

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