Linseed for hair. Home remedies for beautiful hair

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Linseed for hair is one of the newest hair care trends. Nutrition, hydration and a healthy look are the results of regular linseed masks. How to prepare and use a linseed mask? Which of the properties of linseed particularly improve the condition of our hair?

Linseed – types

Our grandmothers have known linseed for many years as a wonderful remedy for stomach and intestinal problems. As it turns out, these inconspicuous seeds also have a beneficial effect on other systems of the human body, including the blood and endocrine systems. The nutrients contained in linseed also penetrate the structures of nails, skin and hair, which is why seed extracts are more and more often used in the production of beauty cosmetics.

Linseed is just flax seed. There are two types of linseed on the market, including brown and golden. Golden seeds are definitely richer in nutrients, valuable for our body. Flaxseed is sold in grains as well as in ground form. When deciding to buy linseed, it is worth getting whole grains, because factory grinding of seeds significantly affects the loss of nutritional value.

We also recommend ECO linseed oil, which can be used both internally and externally.

Linseed for hair – properties

Flaxseed has gained popularity as an ingredient in hair cosmetics because it is distinguished by its high content of nutrients. First of all, flax seeds are a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Wśród witamin zawartych w siemieniu lnianym wymienia się witaminy A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E i K. także miedź i selen. Warto nadmienić, że w siemieniu lnianym zawarte są również nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe omega 3.

Do you want to strengthen your hair, skin and nails? Try a dietary supplement to improve your appearance available on Medonet Market. You can also reach for a complex of vitamins and minerals for women.

What hair should I use flaxseed for?

In principle, linseed can be used on all types of hair. However, in special cases, treatment with linseed is particularly desirable. Flax seed masks should be used on hair that is dry, very damaged and has a tendency to split. Flaxseed will also help tame curly or wavy hair. Flax Kernel Extract will help to save hair that has been treated too often at high temperatures, such as straightening or curling with a curling iron.

Flaxseed can also be used by people who complain about too quickly oily hair. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that regular use of linseed accelerates natural hair growth and moisturizes the scalp. Linseed is included in the strengthening shampoo for frequent hair washing with flax and nettle Anthyllis – the cosmetic is available in a 250 ml package.

Not only flaxseed can be used on hair. If you want to strengthen their structure and accelerate their growth, try a dietary supplement with vitamin D and zinc available on Medonet Market. We also recommend Peer Pharm cosmetics with a natural composition, e.g .:

  1. Arganicare Aloe Vera shampoo with aloe vera for dry hair ends and oily scalp,
  2. Arganicare Aloe Vera conditioner with aloe vera for dry hair ends and oily scalp,
  3. Arganicare Aloe Vera mask with aloe vera for dry and dull hair,
  4. Arganicare Aloe Vera serum with aloe vera for dry and dull hair.

Read: Vitamins for hair. How to take care of the condition of your hair?

How to use linseed on hair?

Linseed for hair can be used in different ways. Cosmetics that can be prepared for hair care are:

  1. Linseed mask – to prepare a hair mask, pour two tablespoons of flax seeds into a glass of water and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. The finished mixture must then be strained through a fine strainer or gauze. If the mixture is too thick a little water can be added. The mask must achieve the consistency of jelly. The mask is applied to damp hair and scalp. To enhance the effect of the mixture, it is worth putting a foil cap on your head. The mask is rinsed off the hair after one hour of treatment.
  2. Linseed rinse – the preparation of a linseed rinse is similar to the process of preparing a mask. The difference is that much more water should be added to the rinse so that its consistency is not too thick. The rinse should be used while washing the hair, preferably after the last rinse. For the best results, rinses should not be washed off the hair.
  3. Flaxseed mist – to prepare a hair mist, pour one tablespoon of flax seeds into 100 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the strained goo is poured into the atomizer. A few drops of olive oil or grape seed oil are added to the mist. To obtain a mist with a pleasant fragrance, you can add a little essential oil to the finished mixture. The mist is used on damp and dry hair.

Also try the Sylveco linen hair mask, which will moisturize your hair and give it elasticity, reducing brittleness.

Na Medonet Market znajdziesz rownież siemię lniane:

  1. Linseed from Intenson,
  2. Linseed from Pro Natura.

It should be remembered that not only cosmetics and care treatments are important for the health of our hair. Brushing them daily is equally important. To prevent static in your hair and take care of your scalp at the same time, order the DW3 BRISTA Natural Boar Bristle Hair Care Brush. It is delicate, so it does not irritate the scalp.

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