Linline clinic laser cosmetology anti-aging procedures facial procedures facial rejuvenation procedures

Linline clinic laser cosmetology anti-aging procedures facial procedures facial rejuvenation procedures

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In the summer, our skin is subjected to special tests. Hot sun, dry wind, city dust – all this causes premature aging and withering of the skin. The Summer Beauty Menu from the Linline network of cosmetology clinics will help to preserve youth and beauty – the most popular procedures at special prices.

Light Skin Boosting (фотоомоложение)

A technique that quickly and safely removes age-related skin defects. This is a “lunch break” procedure: it can be done without prejudice to your daily activities. Photorejuvenation does not provide for any rehabilitation period. The procedure is painless and does not damage the skin. Result: all the necessary rejuvenation processes are launched, the complexion improves, and the depth of wrinkles decreases.

The cost of the procedure is 3300 rubles.

Dermotonia of the face and body (vacuum massage)

By visiting one vacuum massage procedure, you will receive an effect equal to seven classic manual massage procedures. Dermotonia helps to restore metabolism, solves the problem of cellulite, visually reduces stretch marks and scars, enhances the process of removing toxins. The procedure is also recommended for people suffering from hair loss.

After the procedure, the natural production of collagen is stimulated; the skin becomes healthier and more elastic. It is also worth noting the improvement in skin color and increased elasticity. With vacuum massage on the face, fine wrinkles are smoothed.

The cost of the procedure is from 1100 rubles.

Maximum skin hydration. For the procedure, injections of drugs based on hyaluronic acid are used. It is she who contributes to the saturation of moisture and nutrition of skin cells. Result: the moisture balance of the skin is restored, it becomes denser and tighter, and enlarged pores are narrowed.

The cost of the procedure is 5900 rubles.

Real rejuvenation without pain, risks, long-term rehabilitation. A unique procedure that has no analogues. Result: the skin is renewed, it becomes firm and elastic. Nanoperforation is suitable for rejuvenating the most delicate areas: the skin of the face, hands, upper and lower eyelids, neck, décolleté. The recovery period is no more than 3 days.

The cost of the procedure is 14300 rubles.

Laser rejuvenation RecoSMA

Intensive laser express rejuvenation. No pain, no risk of burns and scars. Recovery in 3-4 days. Result: the skin is completely renewed, the complexion is evened out, imperfections and age-related changes in the skin are eliminated, wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure has a powerful lifting effect: the skin is tightened, sagging is eliminated, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

The cost of the procedure is 24000 rubles.

Laser hair removal (bikini area)

The world’s first “cold” laser hair removal. QOOL (cool) -epilation does not heat up and does not damage the skin, acting exclusively on the hair. It is comfortably carried even on the most delicate areas: bikini area, neck, armpits. There is no risk of any side effects. Suitable for all skin and hair colors. The ability to sunbathe both before and immediately after the procedure.

The cost of the procedure is 3500 rubles.

Botox injections are the most effective weapon in the fight against mimic wrinkles. Overactive muscles are relaxed, due to which mimic wrinkles appear. You stop frowning, and over time, the wrinkles disappear completely. At the same time, facial expressions remain absolutely natural.

The cost of the procedure is 290 rubles / unit.

Laser treatment completely renews the skin in the treatment area. The body independently replaces the scar tissue with healthy one. It happens quickly and painlessly. The fibers of the scar are destroyed. As a result, the body begins to produce new collagen fibers and the structure of the tissues in the defect zone becomes the same as that of normal skin.

The cost of the procedure is 2900 rubles.

Hurry up to take advantage of the great offer! Choose the best for health and beauty!

LINLINE clinic in Tyumen: st. Komsomolskaya, 75/1

Тел.: 8-800-7007-911, 8-(3452)-567-999

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