Lingonberry tincture: 6 recipes at home

Cowberry fruits contain a large amount of tannins and benzoic acid, which are natural preservatives. Thanks to this, the berry can be stored for a very long time and at the same time, without losing its beneficial properties.

Interestingly, lingonberries interrupt the taste and smell of alcohol and it may seem that the drink is completely weak. But this is not so, after drinking 3-5 glasses you can get really drunk.

They also make wine from lingonberries: wine, liqueurs

Classic cranberry tincture


  1. Lingonberries – 1,2 kg

  2. Pure food alcohol – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. The berry must be sorted out, spoiled fruits removed, washed and then dried with a paper or waffle towel.

  2. Pour the prepared lingonberries into a glass container and fill it with pure alcohol. Leave for one month at room temperature in a dark room.

  3. After a month, the drink must be filtered and filtered.

  4. Then keep for 3-4 days in the refrigerator, filter again and bottle the lingonberry tincture.

  5. The drink is ready! And you can start tasting.

Light cranberry tincture


  1. Ripe lingonberries – 500 g

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Sugar sand – 4 tbsp. l/

Method of preparation

  1. We prepare the berries in the way described in the first recipe and then knead it with a wooden spoon or crush.

  2. In a glass jar of a suitable size, mix lingonberries, granulated sugar and an alcohol base. We transfer the container to a dark place for 2-4 weeks.

  3. After infusion, the drink should be filtered and passed through a gauze filter.

  4. Before tasting, the tincture should be left for one week in the refrigerator, then filtered again and then bottled.

Cowberry tincture on cognac with honey


  1. Cowberry fruits – 250 g

  2. Cognac – 500 ml

  3. Honey – 50 g

Method of preparation

  1. We process lingonberries in the way described in previous recipes and knead it a little with a wooden rolling pin.

  2. In a small glass container, combine cognac with honey and lingonberries.

  3. We insist the drink for 20 days in a dark, warm place.

  4. At the end of the exposure period, the tincture must be filtered, bottled and cooled.

  5. The drink is ready! You can serve it to the table.

Quick tincture on cranberries


  1. Lingonberry – 200 g

  2. Pure alcohol – 200 ml

  3. Granulated sugar – 200 g

  4. Vodka – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. We mix clean and selected lingonberries with sugar, pour alcohol and leave for one week in a dark place.

  2. After a week, filter the tincture and pour in vodka.

  3. We send the drink in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste and then bottle it.

  4. The finished product is very easy to drink and at the same time very intoxicating.

Lingonberry tincture with cranberry juice


  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Water and cranberry juice – 200 ml each

  3. Lingonberries – 2 kg

  4. Sugar – 200 g sugar

Method of preparation

  1. Sort the lingonberries, measure out 1 kg of ripe berries and pour into a jar.

  2. Pour vodka, insist 55-60 days in a warm place.

  3. Strain the tincture, pour in the cranberry juice.

  4. Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar, cool, strain and pour into tincture. Stir, bottle for storage.

Cowberry-cherry tincture with cognac


  1. Vodka – 2 l

  2. Cognac – 150 ml cognac

  3. Cowberry berries – 3,5 kg

  4. Cherries – 600 g

  5. Ready sugar syrup – 2,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Pour ripe cherries into a large jar, lingonberries on top, pour vodka and cognac.

  2. Without stirring, close and put in a dark place for 90-95 days.

  3. Carefully drain the finished tincture, additionally filter and mix with cooled and strained sugar syrup.

  4. Pour into bottles, cork, keep in a dark place.

Relevance: 06.08.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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