Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

Lingonberry is a tart, sourish berry containing a lot of tannins. It is ideal for bitters-aperitifs. But lingonberry liqueur is also quite possible to build – this fruit is excellent in multi-component drinks, combined with honey, spices and spices, zest and fruits, forming a complex, unlike anything, but very pleasant aroma and taste.

Romovy already has an article on classic lingonberry tinctures. It also briefly describes the beneficial properties of this berry, which are fully inherent in all drinks based on it. Today we will talk about “female happiness” – sweet, viscous, tart-sour-bitter lingonberry liqueurs, we will discuss recipes from all over the world: on vodka, wine, alcohol, golden rum and gin, with a variety of additives and without them.

Lingonberry liqueur on vodka with white wine

Light, but rich in flavor, a pleasant drink with a strength of no more than 20 degrees. What you need for ladies gatherings or thoughtful tasting as a digestif.

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

  • 0,5 kg frozen cranberries
  • zest of one lemon
  • 2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 glass of dessert white wine – Sauternes, Muscat
  • 1 glass of pure water
  • 0,5 liter of vodka/alcohol/moonshine 40-50%

How to do it:

An entry-level drink. Defrost lingonberries (if you have fresh ones, it does not hurt to put them in the freezer for a day to soften the pulp), lightly crush each berry. Cook the syrup from all the water and sugar, cool. Thinly peel off the zest from a small lemon, put in a jar along with lingonberries. Pour in wine, syrup and vodka, shake well and move to a dark warm place.

After a day, if necessary, top up the jar of vodka to the top to avoid oxidation. Shake daily. The total maceration time is a month. After that, drain the infusion, squeezing out the remnants of the berries, carefully filter through gauze and cotton wool. We taste, sweeten or dilute a little with clean water, if necessary. Before tasting, such a liquor needs to stand in a cool place for another two or three months – by this time it will reach the apogee of its flavoring properties.

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

Homemade cranberry liqueur with gin

A stronger and more interesting drink in terms of taste nuances. Any sufficiently pronounced London or Plymouth gin will do, the richer the botanical the better. If you replace the gin with vodka or sort, the taste will be flat and not nearly as rich, but still pleasant enough. In this case, it would be advisable to replace sugar with honey and add a small amount of your favorite spices to the composition: cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg.

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

  • 1 kg lingonberries
  • 2 liters of gin
  • 0,5 kg of sugar
  • 1 hours. L. lemon juice

How to cook:

Also, a liqueur that is not difficult in terms of technology. Sort the lingonberries, wash and place in the freezer overnight, remove and let thaw at room temperature. Put the berries in a jar, pour over the gin and leave in a sunny, warm place for 3 weeks. Rotate the jar periodically to evenly illuminate the contents. After that, drain the infusion, squeeze the berry, filter the future liquor with a cotton swab or coffee filter.

Now the drink needs to be sweetened. It is not at all necessary to pour all the sugar into it at once – add a little, stir and try a drop. Sweet enough? Let’s move on to the next step. You only need a few drops of lemon juice. The purpose of adding it is not to acidify the liquor (lingonberries will give enough acid anyway), but only to emphasize the aroma. If the drink already seems too sour to you, you can skip the lemon. Almost all! The liquid must be mixed properly and sent to a cool place for another 2 months – to ripen.

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

Recipe for lingonberry liqueur with rum, vodka and alcohol

Three alcoholic components at once – rum will give the basis of taste, vodka – volume, and alcohol – the fortress necessary to “pull out” all the nuances of taste and aroma from lingonberries. Rum is recommended to take golden, rich, fragrant, naturally not Spiced. If you use rum with a strength of 60-70%, you can try to do without alcohol.

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

  • 2 kg cranberries
  • 0,5 l golden rum
  • 1 l of vodka
  • 200 ml alcohol 95,6%
  • 0,4 kg of neutral honey or sugar
  • 200 ml of pure unboiled water


Prepare lingonberries in the same way as in previous recipes. Place in a jar and pour all the alcohol mixed. Infuse for a month and a half in a dark, warm place. After that, drain the infusion, squeeze the berries slightly. Now we have three options:

  1. Just boil honey or sugar syrup and sweeten the tincture to taste.
  2. Cover the rest of the lingonberries with sugar and put the jar in a sunny place for 3-4 days. During this time, sugar will draw out the remnants of taste, aroma and alcohol from the berries. Drain the syrup, add to the liqueur as needed, use the rest for baking.
  3. Place the squeezed lingonberries in a saucepan, pour water, add sugar or honey. Bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes, cool and squeeze. Sweeten the infusion with syrup in the right amount.

Further, everything is simple – the finished liquor must be kept in a cool place for 3-6 months, if necessary, decanted and / or re-filtered. Use exclusively with pleasure!

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

Spicy cranberry liqueur on alcohol

A distinctive feature of this liquor is the use of spices, and in fairly large quantities. The original recipe includes cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, and you can also diversify the drink by adding a little star anise, nutmeg, a piece of vanilla pod or vanilla extract to all this – in general, you are limited only by your own imagination!

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

  • 1 kg lingonberries
  • 400 g honey – flower, forbs
  • 1,1 liters of alcohol 70%
  • 800 ml of pure water
  • 8 clove buds
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • 1 medium cinnamon stick

How to do it:

Crush the prepared lingonberries into porridge with a blender or in another convenient way. Add honey, whole spices, pour alcohol, close tightly. The infusion period is 5-6 weeks, every couple of days the jar needs to be shaken. After a month and a half, drain the infusion, and pour the rest of the berries with clean water. Leave for another week at room temperature – during this time, the water will draw out the remnants of taste and alcohol, then drain through cheesecloth. You don’t need to press anymore.

Mix alcohol and water infusion, try, if necessary, sweeten with honey or dilute with a little pure water. Now the liquor can be filtered – it is most convenient to leave it in a tall bottle for a couple of days to precipitate, and then drain it with a straw. After that, the pure fraction can be additionally passed through a cotton or paper filter, but due to the density and sweetness of the liquor, this will not be easy. Now the tincture needs to be rearranged in a cool dark place for ripening.

Lingonberry liqueurs on vodka, gin, rum and wine – 4 recipes

Vodka liqueurs on lingonberries, in principle, can be tasted after 2 months, alcohol is recommended to stand for at least 3-4 months. Every day your drink will get better and better – so it’s worth showing a little patience!

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