Lingonberry liqueur: 4 recipes at home

The drink turns out to be very fragrant, and the taste is moderately sour, with sweetish notes of honey or sugar.

In order to start the cooking process itself, you should get fresh or frozen lingonberries and one of the proposed alcoholic components: vodka, diluted food alcohol or high quality moonshine.

They also make wine, tinctures from lingonberries.

Classic cranberry tincture

In this recipe, honey can be replaced with simple granulated sugar.


  1. Lingonberry – 500 g

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Honey – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. The berries must be washed and chopped with a meat grinder. You can also use a simple spoon or blender.

  2. Pour the lingonberry mass into a glass container and mix it with vodka and honey. We leave the drink for one month in a dark room.

  3. After a month, the finished liquor should be filtered and passed through a gauze or any other filter several times.

  4. Pour lingonberry drink into bottles, cool and serve.

Fragrant cranberry liqueur


  1. Lingonberries – 1 glass

  2. Vodka – 750 ml

  3. Granulated sugar – 1 glass

  4. Fresh mint – 2 sprigs

  5. Currant sprigs with leaves – 2-4 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Washed lingonberries must be crushed and transferred to a container for infusion.

  2. Then add mint, currant sprigs and pour in the alcohol component. We leave the tincture for 1-2 weeks in a dark, cool place.

  3. After the expiration date, the drink must be filtered, squeezed out the cake, add granulated sugar and pour into a clean container.

  4. Cover with a lid and leave for another two weeks under the same conditions. Shake occasionally to completely dissolve the sugar granules.

  5. After two weeks, the liqueur should be filtered and bottled.

Spicy cranberry tincture


  1. Lingonberry – 500 g

  2. Food alcohol (40-45%) – 1 l

  3. Granulated sugar – 100 g

  4. Water – 100 ml

  5. Dried wormwood – 2 g

  6. Fresh mint – 2 sprigs

Method of preparation

  1. Pure lingonberries should be slightly mashed together with mint and wormwood.

  2. We shift the resulting mass into a container for infusion and pour in alcohol. We leave the tincture for three days at room temperature, in a room without daylight.

  3. Three days later, you need to prepare a classic sugar syrup.

  4. After it cools down, mix it with the infusion and continue to stand for another 20 days, but in a warm place. Once every 3-4 days, the container with the drink must be shaken well.

  5. We filter the finished liquor through gauze (4-5 layers), squeeze the cake, filter through a cotton filter and bottle it.

  6. Before proceeding with the tasting, it is advisable to leave the drink for 3-4 days in the refrigerator so that the taste stabilizes.

Dedovskaya cranberry liqueur with wormwood


  1. Wormwood – 200-300 g per bucket of vodka

  2. Ripe cranberries – 2/3 of the capacity

  3. Sugar – 200-300 g for the entire container

Method of preparation

  1. In the spring, take from 200 to 300 g of wormwood, pour a bucket of vodka into it, let it brew.

  2. In autumn, pour two-thirds of the bottle of the most mature lingonberries, then add a full bottle of vodka infused with wormwood

  3. Let it brew in the room for two months.

  4. Drain and sweeten as desired: 200 to 300 grams of sugar per bottle of liqueur.

Relevance: 15.03.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes

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