lingonberry leaves
In herbal medicine, lingonberry leaves are especially popular. It is an effective and relatively safe treatment for urinary infections in adults and children. It is important to learn more about lingonberry leaves, medicinal properties and its use.

Many people love lingonberries for their fragrant bright berries. But not only they are valuable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Almost all parts of this small shrub can be used in herbal medicine, but lingonberry leaves are considered the most valuable. They contain a concentrate of biologically active compounds that affect the composition of the blood, the immune and nervous systems. Cowberry leaf is harvested and used year-round in dried form in the treatment of various pathologies.

Although many use lingonberries in the treatment of various pathologies, they are effective fresh and only in season. No less beneficial effects are lingonberry leaves, which can be collected, dried and used year-round. Cowberry leaf contains a whole range of useful compounds, has biological activity and helps in solving many health problems. Arbutin and tannins, phytoncides, organic acids and antioxidants, rutin and B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, ascorbic acid, iron and manganese were found in the lingonberry leaf. Due to these compounds, which remain in the leaves when dried, they actively affect the body when used in herbal medicine. The amount of useful substances does not decrease even when stored for 1-2 years.

Medicinal properties of lingonberry leaves

Lingonberry leaves are a valuable medicinal raw material with numerous therapeutic and prophylactic properties. This allows the use of these funds in the combined treatment of various problems of women’s and men’s health.

Women lingonberry leaf helps in restoring the balance of hormones. In addition, it helps to stop bleeding, equalize emotional tone, and is used for diseases of the genitourinary tract, mastopathy or adnexitis, cystitis. Lingonberry tea helps to reduce the pain of menstruation, the body recovers faster after blood loss.

In men lingonberry leaves help eliminate problems of the genitourinary tract, including urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis. In addition, they slow down the natural aging process, prevent sexual dysfunction. The antioxidant properties of lingonberries are the prevention of oncological processes in the reproductive sphere.

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Contraindications of lingonberry leaves

While lingonberry leaf infusions, decoctions, or freshly brewed teas are relatively safe, it is important to consume them in moderation, never exceeding recommended dosages. It is forbidden to use any herbal medicine with lingonberry leaf if you are allergic to lingonberries. In addition, the use of lingonberry leaf is prohibited when:

  • acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic processes;
  • increased acidity of the stomach and heartburn;
  • peptic ulcer of both the stomach and intestines;
  • low pressure;
  • acute failure of the kidneys with the liver;
  • urolithiasis.

The use of lingonberry leaves

If all these contraindications are excluded, lingonberry leaf can be used as a means of treating and preventing various pathologies. Lingonberry leaf is added to tea during brewing. It helps in strengthening the immune system and protects the heart and blood vessels. Cowberry leaves contain many useful components that help in solving certain health problems, as well as enhance the effect of traditional medicines, complement the treatment regimen, especially for genitourinary infections.

Use during pregnancy

There are features of the use of phytopreparations based on lingonberry leaves during pregnancy. They are strictly forbidden to use throughout the first trimester. They can, with a large volume, provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage. In the second or third trimesters, lingonberry leaf herbal medicine is acceptable as a remedy for the treatment of respiratory infections and colds, if it is impossible to use stronger drugs that affect the fetus. Cowberry tea during pregnancy helps in partially replenishing the deficiency of minerals, iron and folate, and helps in preventing anemia.

It is forbidden to take decoctions and infusions of lingonberries, they can lead to oligohydramnios, as they have a diuretic effect, therefore, when they are taken, adequate fluid replenishment is necessary.

Use during lactation

When breastfeeding, lingonberry leaves are not prohibited, but there are a number of restrictions on their intake. Courses should not be long, alcohol tinctures are prohibited. During lactation, lingonberry leaf has the following effects:

  • accelerates the recovery process after childbirth;
  • helps to fill the deficiency of minerals and vitamins;
  • protects the nervous system from wagging stress,
  • prevents stagnation of milk and pathology in the mammary glands.

The reception of lingonberry leaf is also useful for the baby. It normalizes digestion, reduces the risk of colic and increased gas formation, improves children’s sleep, reduces cramps and pain in the abdomen, and soothes.

Use in childhood

Cowberry leaf tea is acceptable for use in children over 6 years of age. It helps in strengthening the immune system, speedy recovery after a cold. In addition, tea stimulates the full development of the brain and the entire nervous system. It helps to cope with increased mental stress, stimulates memory and concentration, and evens out the psycho-emotional background.

Brewing lingonberry leaves and berries at the same time stimulates appetite, normalizes the process of falling asleep. But you can’t drink this tea all the time. This is due to the ability of the plant to lower pressure and provoke lethargy.

Application for weight control and metabolism

For gradual weight loss, a mild laxative and diuretic effect of lingonberry leaf is used. In addition, this raw material can activate the energy exchange in cells, stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown of fats for energy). It is useful to use lingonberries and lingonberry leaves in addition to the diet in the treatment of various stages of obesity.

The raw material has a cleansing effect on the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation through the capillaries. Therefore, it stimulates metabolism and excretion of metabolic products from tissues, especially in combination with dietary adjustments, drinking sufficient fluids and physical activity.

Lingonberry leaves in medicine

Various variants of phytotherapy with lingonberry leaf are used for various diseases as part of complex therapy.


To normalize plasma glucose levels, you can use lingonberry tea on an empty stomach or include berries in the diet. A decoction of lingonberry leaf is useful in courses of up to 2 months with interruptions for the same period.


1 st. put a spoonful of dry lingonberry leaves in a thermos, pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 6 hours, strain and divide into 4 servings.

Take an infusion of 100 ml in the morning and at night.

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With pathologies of the pancreas, phytotherapy must be combined with a diet. It is possible to use warm lingonberry leaf tea against the background of fasting or fasting days, alternating it with mineral water without gas. In combination with a diet for the treatment of pancreatitis, take 30 ml of a decoction of lingonberry leaves.


1 st. a spoonful of lingonberry leaves mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calamus root. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture, pour it with 600 ml of water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Then let the broth cool, strain through a sieve.

Take before meals for 3 weeks.

Gastritis with low acidity

Cowberry leaf tea helps in eliminating spasms and pain in gastritis. For the treatment of exacerbations after taking medication, you can use fees with lingonberry litas, from which a decoction is prepared.


Mix 5 g of coltsfoot herb, lingonberry leaf, chamomile and peppermint, 2 g of medicinal marigold, mix the mixture with 1 liter of water, cook in a water bath for half an hour. In and toga, 90 ml of the finished broth is obtained.

The broth should be divided into equal parts for 3 days, take 100 ml before meals three times a day.


Organic acids in the composition of lingonberry leaves well eliminate urate salts from the body, normalizing metabolic processes. With exacerbations, a decoction of lingonberry leaves is prepared.


3 art. spoons of dry raw materials pour 300 ml of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Cool, strain.

Take every 2 hours, 50 ml. In addition, you need to take a lot of water with lemon juice to remove urates.

Liver damage (fatty liver, metabolic disorders)

Lingonberries help protect the liver from negative influences, stimulate cell regeneration, and eliminate the negative effects of drugs. In support of the liver, a decoction of the collection with lingonberry leaf helps.


Mix 20 g of dandelion root and lingonberry leaf, pour 0,5 liters of water and boil in a water bath for 40 minutes. Cool and strain.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.

Cystitis and urethritis, inflammation of the urinary tract, complex treatment of pyelonephritis

Against the background of the inflammatory process, the lingonberry leaf helps flush out microbes and soothe the mucous membranes. At the first signs of cystitis, you need to take sitz baths with the ingestion of a decoction inside.


Take 2 tbsp. spoons of pharmacy chamomile, lingonberry calendula leaf, brew 1 liter of boiling water in a container with a tight lid, insist wrapped for an hour, strain.

Drink 150 ml up to 5 times a day.

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma 

Phytopreparations help during the recovery period. Apply lingonberry tea (in the morning) and infusions of lingonberry leaves (at night). You can also combine this remedy with the use of rowan fruits or rosehip broth.


2 tbsp. tablespoons of a mixture of mountain ash, wild rose and lingonberry leaf (1: 1: 1) pour 600 ml of hot water, boil for 15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain.

Take 100 ml at a time. The course of therapy is up to 2 months, depending on the condition.

Colds and SARS as part of complex therapy

For colds, the antiviral and antimicrobial properties of asthenia, immunostimulating properties are useful. Infusions are used to combat colds.


1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for up to 10 minutes.

Take in small sips with honey or raspberries.

Varicose disease

Due to the high content of fruit acids and rutin, this plant helps in the treatment of varicose veins on the legs. Useful infusions inside and compresses outside (before going to bed).


Add 20 g of dry raw materials to a thermos, pour 600 ml of boiling water, insist overnight.

Take chilled 200 ml three times a day. With the same infusion, you can make compresses on the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe affected veins on the legs.

disease of the breast

With soreness of the chest and discomfort, lingonberry leaf helps in eliminating discomfort.


10 g of dry raw materials pour 0,5 liters of boiling water and insist.

Take a glass up to 3 times a day.

Essential hypertension (outside crises) and symptomatic hypertension

To reduce pressure, courses of water infusion of dry leaves are useful. With frequent crises, it is necessary to supplement the diet with lingonberries, drink lingonberry tea.


10 g of dry raw materials pour 0,5 liters of boiling water, insist.

Take 150 ml 3 times a day.

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Reviews of doctors about lingonberry leaves

Elena Korsun, Ph.D. head Department of Phytotherapy, ICM RUDN University, Head of the Educational and Health Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

– An excellent uroseptic, lingonberry leaves are part of the Brusniver collection, along with other antibacterial plants that mutually reinforce the effects. Indicated in the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, supports the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas. When administered without other herbs, it can rarely increase inflammation of the mucous membranes due to its leading properties.

Olga Zorina, pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr:

– Lingonberry leaf is one of the oldest and most famous remedies that is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. The raw material forms a strong diuretic effect, antiseptic effect.


This tool can be used in children, pregnant and lactating women, but strictly observe the dosage, consult your doctor first.

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