Lingonberry juice: how to cook? Video

Lingonberry juice: how to cook? Video

Lingonberry juice is a very healthy and tasty drink. It can be made fairly easily at home or purchased from the store. Lingonberry juice perfectly quenches thirst, has a tonic effect and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals.

Lingonberry – health in every berry

Lingonberry is a shrub from the lingonberry or heather family. It grows throughout Russia, mainly in coniferous and mixed forests, although it can be found even in the tundra. The berries of this plant are bright red, shaped like a ball. Lingonberry berries and leaves are considered the most useful and valuable.

Lingonberry contains vitamins A, C, B2, tannins and pectin substances, mineral salts and organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic and formic). Preparations and decoctions from berries and leaves of the plant are used in the treatment of rheumatism, kidney disease, to enhance the effect of antibiotics, increase appetite and strengthen immunity.

lingonberry juice is a good anti-inflammatory and diuretic. The drink promotes the elimination of toxins, has antimicrobial, wound healing and antipyretic properties.

It is very useful to drink lingonberry juice for pregnant women. It saturates the body of the expectant mother with vitamins and helps get rid of edema.

People suffering from gastritis, cholecystitis and peptic ulcers should refrain from eating lingonberries.

Lingonberry juice: recipe for making a drink

You will need: – 500 g of lingonberries, – 200 g of sugar, – 2 tablespoons of honey, – 1 liter of water.

Wash the berries thoroughly, then mash them with a spoon and squeeze out the juice. Pour the crushed lingonberries with water and put on fire, boil for 5-10 minutes. Then strain the broth, add juice, sugar to it and leave to cool. Add honey before use.

Fruit drink can be prepared from frozen berries. To improve its taste, spices, mint, honey or citrus zest are sometimes added.

The most useful is the lingonberry juice, which is prepared without heating by soaking the berries.

You will need (for a can of 3 liters): – 3 glasses of berries, – 1 glass of sugar, – honey (to taste).

Sort out and rinse the lingonberries. Pour clean berries into a clean three-liter glass jar, add sugar and honey. Pour the berries to the top with cold boiled water, cover with a plastic lid and put them in a cool, dark place (basement or cellar). After 2 weeks the fruit drink is ready to drink: taste and benefit in one glass! Keep the finished drink in the refrigerator.

You can, without changing the berries, make another portion of fruit drink. Add sugar and honey to the jar of lingonberries again and cover with water. After 2 weeks, you will get another portion of a healthy drink.

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