Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

Lingonberries, rich in vitamin C, are very useful for the human body, and are even part of herbal remedies. The average lifespan of small bushes can be up to 300 years! You can prepare a tasty and healthy lingonberry compote both from frozen berries and from fresh ones collected in early autumn in damp marshy areas.

Fruit preparation rules

The lingonberry got its name from the old word “brusvyany”, that is, red. The berries that will be used for making compotes need to be reviewed, approximately the same in maturity and size should be selected. Then gently rinse, so as not to damage the skin, getting rid of the remnants of foliage and various debris. Do not use aluminum dishes for making compotes. If the drink is prepared not only from lingonberries, but also with the addition of other berries, it is made in several stages. Digestion can destroy vitamins and reduce the nutritional value of compote.

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

Video “Cowberry compote with apples for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to cook delicious lingonberry compote for the winter.

Household chores. Cowberry compote with apples for the winter.

fresh drink

Fresh wild berries contain a lot of vitamins and other useful substances, most housewives prefer to prepare such compotes without their subsequent conservation for future use, so that children and adults can immediately benefit from them.

The classic way

We bring to your attention a recipe for vitamin lingonberry compote, which can be cooked from 350 g of fresh berries with the addition of 180 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.

When the water in the pan boils, sugar is poured into it, after its dissolution, fruits are added. Cooking time is 3 minutes. Before tasting, you need to insist at least 8 hours. People with diseases of the duodenum or stomach should dilute compote with boiled water before use.

With cranberries

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

Cranberries are no less revered by northern peoples than lingonberries, and their joint use allows you to get a drink that is useful not only for colds. For him, prepare 120 g of each type of berry, 80 g of granulated sugar and a couple of liters of water.

Sugar should be dissolved in water at room temperature, the composition is brought to a boil, fruits are poured there. Cooking lasts about 4 minutes. After straining, the cranberries are ground and returned to the container, boiled for up to 15 minutes.

With apples

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

If lingonberries give the finished product a piquant sourness, then apples will give it a unique sweetness. To make a drink from apples, take 3-4 pcs. fruits, 280 g of berries, as well as about 130 g of sugar and 3 liters of water.

Apples are washed, doused with boiling water, peeled and cut into pieces. Sugar is dissolved in water and boiled, fruits are placed in syrup and boiled for about 12 minutes. Add berries, cook for a couple more minutes. Before drinking, insist up to 3 hours.

With lemon and ginger in a slow cooker

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

To prepare this compote, the fruits do not have to be soaked, you will need a handful of dry lingonberries, 3 lemon slices, 3 plates of ginger root and 2 liters of water.

Having prepared all the ingredients, they are poured into the thicket of the device and the “Stew” or “Soup” mode is set. Usually cooking takes 1 hour, everything is done with the lid closed. The finished product is infused for about 4 hours, the temperature maintenance function must be turned off.

From frozen berries

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

It is not always possible to get fresh fruits, so compotes are often prepared from frozen ones, taking 1,5 cups, and also adding 2 cups of sugar and 2 liters of water.

Before cooking, the berries are thawed. It is necessary to make a syrup from water with sugar, pour fruits into it and boil for up to 5 minutes. That’s all, you can pour into a jug or jar, cool and enjoy an unforgettable taste.

Blanks for the winter

Cowberry compote, useful for the body, can be rolled up for the winter, then stored in a cool place where the sun’s rays do not penetrate: on the balcony, in the pantry or basement.

with pear

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

Do not use too green or overripe fruits. They will need 2 kg per three-liter jar, and also prepare 200 g of berries, 2 liters of water and 0,5 cups of granulated sugar.

The berries are poured into a saucepan in which a syrup of water and sugar has already been prepared, boiled, and washed fruits without cores are put there. Cooking time is up to 15 minutes, then you can pour into jars and preserve.

With prunes and apples

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

A low-calorie drink brewed according to the following recipe is useful for all people who follow their figure and lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to prepare 1 glass of lingonberries, 120 g of apples, 80 g of prunes, 90 g of sugar and 3 liters of plain water.

Prunes are washed and soaked in hot water for 15 minutes. After pouring boiling water on the fruit, remove the top layer from them. We put a pot of water on the fire, dissolve sugar in it, add dried fruits, after draining the liquid from them. Cooking takes up to 10 minutes. Apples cut into pieces fall asleep and cook the same amount. After adding lingonberries, after a couple of minutes turn off the fire, pour into jars and roll up.

in Czech

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

The amount of cranberries depends on the volume of blanks. You will also need 400 g of sugar, 1,5 cups of water and 0,5 tsp. citric acid.

You need to make sugar syrup. When it boils, add the fruits and boil for 4 minutes. Boiled lingonberries are packed in jars, and the contents are poured with syrup, to which acid is added. Banks are pasteurized for up to 15 minutes and rolled up with lids.

Traditional recipe

Lingonberry compote: how to cook a lingonberry drink from frozen, fresh berries, with apples, recipes for winter preparations

Only 3 ingredients are needed: 1 cup of fresh or frozen fruits, 200 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.

After sorting and washing the berries, you need to drain the liquid. The fruits are placed in boiled syrup and cooked for 3 minutes. The blank is immediately poured into clean jars and rolled up, then wrapped with a blanket.

Lingonberry drinks have a tonic, tonic, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

The composition of the berries includes fructose and glucose, vitamins A, B, C, PP, macro- and microelements, and if prepared correctly, fresh and canned compotes retain all valuable qualities.

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