Lines on the child’s hand: we read the character in the palm of the hand

No, this is not palmistry at all. It turns out that the length of the fingers can betray the future egoist. Science has proven it.

Take a close look at your child’s hands. If his index fingers are shorter than the ring fingers, then (no offense!), You are growing selfish and greedy. And this, by the way, is not your fault. It’s all about hormones. It turns out that testosterone affects the length of a child’s fingers while still in the womb. And the more there is, the shorter the indexes.

If the length of this pair of fingers is equal or shorter than the index fingers, then there is more female hormone estrogen in the body.

What the structure of the hands will be is determined by the end of the first trimester. Anthropologists say that with higher testosterone in the womb, both boys and girls acquire masculine features. Moreover, this hormone remains high even as they grow up.

Lines on the child’s hand

It has already been proven that children with high testosterone levels are more aggressive. And now it turned out that they are also selfish. Scientists from Australia decided to observe the behavior of dozens of boys and girls from 6 to 9 years old. The children were given two stickers each and offered to take them for themselves or give one to their friend. As a result, the children, whose index fingers were shorter than the ring fingers, with a clear conscience left both stickers for themselves, they refused to share.

“Perhaps this behavior is explained as follows: people with high testosterone do not want to share, because they do not tolerate competition, and this is a purely male strategy,” the scientists say. “While exchange is more characteristic of female behavior.”

Research has also shown that babies who have elevated testosterone in the womb are at greater risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, and autism.

While low levels of the hormone increase the chances of anxiety and depression – diseases that are more common among women.

Marriage lines

The marriage lines are located on the edge of the palm under the little finger.

These lines do not show the stamps in the passport, but they absolutely clearly display how many times love will happen in a person’s life. But how it will develop and what it will grow into is already determined by the texture of the line itself and the signs on it. Based on the simplest and most accessible formula for everyone, the clearer and smoother the marriage line, the brighter these feelings and the more stable the relationship. For example, a fork at the end of the line indicates a divorce, but with certain combinations of signs, you can try to avoid it, then the fork will close over time and turn into an island, and this is already a problem, but a marriage.

It is the analysis of marriage lines that helps us understand the justification for maintaining certain relationships and get rid of the fear of loneliness, which will save time and nerves. On a special scale, you can also calculate the approximate age of meeting with a partner, as a rule, it is determined by periods of 5 years.

Lines of children

The lines of children, like the lines of marriage, are located on the edge of the palm under the little finger. They are the smallest on the hand and therefore the most difficult to study.

Due to the fact that in the modern world people have learned to control the process of childbearing, the lines of children indicate to us the number of possible pregnancies. Accordingly, a woman with one line of a child is unlikely to give birth to three. But vice versa: a woman with three lines of children can give birth to one, two or three children.

The lines themselves can be tied to a specific partner with whom they are destined to have a common child, or they can stand in an independent position, then the person is free to choose which partner to give birth to. It is generally accepted that thicker and longer lines are boys, and thinner and shorter lines are girls. Breaks in the lines of children indicate a miscarriage – it can be either a miscarriage or an abortion. The squares on the baby lines indicate some kind of limiting factor associated with childbirth, including problems with the baby’s health. Doubled lines of children in the form of a check mark indicate a genetic predisposition to give birth to twins, but the sign must be confirmed with both hands.

The lines of children are not always manifested in men, they are clearly visible in those who truly love children and have a strong inner connection with them. Lines of children may also appear, even if there were none before, when an adoption or adoption occurs.

Line of succession

The inheritance line is located between the little finger and the ring finger. With its help, we can understand whether a person will receive something as a gift from his friends or relatives after their death. Sometimes, analyzing the left and right hands, one can see a situation where a person was supposed to receive an inheritance on the left hand (for right-handed people), but there is no sign on the right hand, which means that the person committed some actions that deprived him of this inheritance.

Knowledge Line

The line of knowledge is located vertically between the ring and middle fingers. She points to people who do not have much knowledge, to those who are constantly improving and increasing the level of their knowledge. She also notes high experts in their field.

Belt of Venus

The belt of Venus has both its pros and cons. Let’s talk about the pros first. It is this sign that marks people who, in the eyes of the opposite sex, look especially attractive. But as for the minuses, here we are talking about the inability to restrain one’s emotions. People with this mark will not go into their pocket for a word and will tell you in your face everything that they think about you, right here and now! They will not hesitate to quarrel with you even in front of strangers. And if you really piss them off, then in a fit of rage, plates and other objects that come to hand can fly into the wall.

Samaritan lines

The lines of the Samaritans are in a vertical position on the hill of Mercury, that is, under the little finger. A sign of a kind and sympathetic person who is always ready to selflessly help others. These people will always come to your aid and you can definitely rely on them. And they also have the gift to relieve the pain of others with the help of their hands.

Travel lines

The travel lines are located on the hill of the Moon and show us the brightest trips of a person, and how long-distance roads will be open to him in general in life. By additional signs on them, we can tell about some of the events associated with these journeys. For example, business trips or a romantic adventure.

Migration lines

There are several options to find out about the upcoming move: using the fate line, the life line or the migration lines. The lines of migration are branches to the hill of the Moon, emanating from the line of life or the line of fate. They indicate long-distance travel within the country or overseas travel. For more detailed information, other indicators of the palm are considered in addition – then you can find out whether a person will leave forever or one day will return to his homeland, the approximate age when changing his place of residence and how events will develop after the move.

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