Linear dependence of vectors

In this publication, we will consider what a linear combination of vectors is, which vectors are linearly dependent and independent, and also analyze an example of a problem on this topic.


Determining the linear dependence of vectors

Linear combination of vectors a1,…, an is the vector given by the expression x1a1 + … + xnanWhere x1,…, Xn – coefficients.

The presented combination can be:

  • Trivial – all odds x1,…, Xn equal zero.
  • Non-trivial at least one of the coefficients x1,…, Xn is not equal to zero.

Vectors a1,…, an linearly independent, if only their trivial combination is equal to the zero vector. That is:

a1,…, an are linearly independent if x1a1 + … + xnan = 0, only when x1 = 0, …, xn = 0.

Vectors a1,…, an linearly dependent, if there is such a non-trivial combination of them that is equal to the zero vector.

Properties of linearly dependent vectors

  • Linearly Dependent Vectors in Two/Three Dimensional Space. The converse is also true.
  • In XNUMXD space, there are three linearly dependent vectors . The statement is also true in reverse.

Example of a problem

Let’s check if the vectors are a = {1; 2} и b = {2; 4} linearly dependent.


We need to find the values ​​of the coefficients for which the linear combination of these vectors equals the zero vector.

xa + Yb = 0

The resulting vector equation can be represented as a system of linear equations:

Linear dependence of vectors

This system has many solutions, while x = -2y.

That is, there is a non-zero combination of coefficients x и y, for which the combination of vectors a и b equals the null vector. Therefore, the given vectors are linearly dependent.

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