Line for garbage collection in utility bills

You have probably already noticed that another line appeared in the receipts for utilities. It indicates how much garbage collection costs residents. How this will affect our wallets, says our consultant, chairman of the consumer protection society “Hot Line” Dmitry Lesnyak.

MSW management (removal of municipal solid waste) – this is the name of the service, which was taken out as a separate item. It was provided before, and not for nothing. The expenses were hidden in the column “Maintenance and repair of living quarters.” The changes in the accounts are due to the fact that since 2019, not the management company, but the regional operator is responsible for garbage collection.

Did the changes affect the final amount on the receipt? Depends on the tariff used by the service provider and the calculation rules established in the region (they differ). In some, for example, in the Moscow region, the price is determined depending on the size of the room. It is worth considering that in this region seven operators collect garbage, each with its own tariff. Therefore, residents of different settlements now have to pay unequal amounts.

In most regions, however, the number of people living in an apartment is taken as a basis. For example, in Moscow it is 90 rubles per person, in the Irkutsk region – 87 rubles. It is not hard to guess that if there are a lot of tenants, the bill is solid.

It is worth considering that the amount in the line “Maintenance and repair of living quarters” should be reduced by the amount of the cost of garbage collection. You should make sure of this before paying the bills. If errors and unreasonably high tariffs are found, you must contact the management company with a requirement to justify the costs. If the service organization could not justify the amount, you can send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the Housing Inspectorate.

By the way, many unscrupulous management companies, at their discretion, include dubious items in receipts, for example, “Greening the yard” or “Cleaning the entrance”. All these options have already been taken into account in the column “Maintenance and repair of housing”. If you notice extra lines – complain.

In each region, in addition to the main regional tariff, there are special prices for some settlements, so it is better to check information on them in the housing and communal services department of the region.

If in the region the fee for the removal of MSW is calculated by the number of residents, then in the case of a temporary absence of the resident (more than five days in a row), it can be recalculated. To do this, you need to provide the MFC with documents confirming that the apartment was empty.

In addition, if the number of residents changes, it will be necessary to notify the MSW operator about this – this is the responsibility of the consumer. Such an application can be submitted to the MFC, and in the future through the personal account on the operator’s website.

The “garbage reform” and the increase in tariffs are a serious blow to the wallet. But in the monthly payment there are items of expenditure that should be discarded. For example, you may not pay for a radio link. It costs 106,8 rubles per month. Previously, to report unwillingness to use the service, you had to go to the office of the broadcasting company. For now, it is enough to visit the MFC.

Another line of the receipt is voluntary insurance. The disadvantage of this option is the underestimation of the apartment, because it is made by calculation, without the departure of a specialist. Therefore, in the event of an insured event, it is difficult to demand adequate compensation. Is it worth paying for a ghostly service? It is much safer to independently issue a policy in a trusted company by reading the contract before. It is easy to refuse the imposed insurance, it is enough to reduce the payment by the amount indicated in the corresponding line.

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