Line for feeder

Monofilament line for feeder finds the same application as braided line. It is used in picker and short range fishing and is a great choice for beginners.

Fishing line and braided cord – eternal confrontation

For some reason, feeder fishing is associated with the use of braided line, especially with us. At the same time, traditionally, the feeder as a method of fishing initially used a monofilament. Feeder line is common in England, the birthplace of this method of fishing.

Of course, both fishing line and braided line have advantages and disadvantages.

  • It costs less than cord.
  • It is less demanding on the quality of the coil, because the loops dropped from it can be untangled. Cord – no.
  • A good one has an ultimate elongation of about 5%. The line is about 1%, so it shows bites better at long distances.
  • In still water, there is not much difference between line and line, as well as in a weak current.
  • Lasts longer than any cord.
  • When fishing on a feeder, you can use not the most expensive cord, which in cost will not differ too much from fishing line.
  • Less often it overlaps through the tulip. This is critical for beginner anglers who are not accustomed to checking for overlap before casting.
  • It absorbs fish jerks, as well as too sharp casts and jerks at the end of the cast, when they forgot to raise the rod. Cord – no.
  • The cord is indispensable for long-distance casting, as it has a smaller thickness and specific gravity.
  • The line is ideal for fishing in strong currents, where any line will cause the feeder to carry, and it will become impossible to catch.
  • A braided cord gives greater sensitivity to tackle with a capricious bite, as it allows you to register even weak bites.
  • Line hooks can be smoother and more defined. At a long distance, the fish are better detected with it, since on the line you have to overcome not only its extensibility, but also the resistance of the arc of a thicker line in the water.
  • When pulling out the fishing line, it does not affect the tactile sensations of the angler in any way, while the cord can pull the hand unpleasantly. Those for whom fishing is a vacation, from which you need to get the maximum of positive emotions, will prefer fishing line to cord. It does not affect the bite of the fish in any way.
  • High-quality probing of the bottom with the help of a marker load is possible only with a cord, since it clearly conveys to the angler’s hand all the features of the bottom along which the load is being dragged.

Line for feeder

Myths and truth about extensibility

In general, we need to figure out why some people prefer to put fishing line, while others prefer braided line. The key point of the dispute is extensibility. Special feeder lines have a stretch of about 5-6%. Cords – about 1%. Yes, yes, the cords are also stretchable, but by a very small amount. What do these percentages show? Each reel has a number indicating the maximum tensile strength. This strength may differ from the nominal value. The percentage shows how much the line will lengthen at breaking load. In fact, this figure is correct for ideal test conditions, and since there are mounts on the line, it will break near them, and the actual breakage will be lower.

For example, with a breaking load of 0.25 fishing line of 20 libres, it will lengthen at a breaking load of about 9.8 kg by 5-6%. Work in the elastic zone will occur at 3-4% of the maximum elongation at a load of approximately 70% of the nominal value. That is, with a load of 6 kg, it will lengthen by about 3%. Is it a lot or a little? For example, when fishing at a distance of twenty meters, an elongation of 3% is about 60 cm.

Supporters of the line immediately cite this as an argument in favor of a line that practically does not lengthen, and they say that it will be almost impossible to notice a bite with a fishing line. However, we must remember that the line will not stretch 60 cm so easily, but only under a very serious load. In reality, the fish bites and exerts a force of about 10 grams on the line. It practically does not change the length of the main vein and adequately transfers the bite to the quiver-type. Since fishing in our waters takes place more often at a short distance, the use of fishing line is quite justified.

But if fishing takes place at a distance of 50 meters and further, then it is better to put a braided line. And the point here is not the extensibility of the fishing line. The fact is that the fishing line itself, and the cord itself, are not straight in the water, but sag along the chain line. During the bite, the fish overcomes the inextensibility of the fishing line. First of all, resistance is felt in the water of the arc, which straightens to an almost straight position. The thinner and sharper the bite, the stronger this resistance will be, and the less likely it is that the very effort from the bite of the fish will reach the quiver-type.

The value is easy to estimate, it is enough to know that one meter of fishing line 0.25 mm thick has a longitudinal sectional area of ​​2.5 square centimeters. The arc of deflection is usually about one and a half meters, and when fishing, it will create a sail that resists straightening in the water with an area of ​​u4bu5babout 2-2.5 cm. the sail is only XNUMX-XNUMX cm.

In the course, the bending of the main vein will be even higher due to the fact that the current itself presses on it and arches it. At the same time, the sail increases from the size of the deflection arrow to the length of the entire fishing line in the water. In addition, the current jets can have a periodicity in strength, as a result, a situation will arise when the current pulls the vein, vibrating it. In this case, the efforts will be significant – comparable to those that can change the extensibility of the fishing line. This is reflected in the behavior of the quivertype. The cord will give less chance of such oscillations. True, it is even better to put a carbon tip with such fluctuations – it has less inertia and does not react in any way to the influence of the jets at the desired rigidity. Better yet, minimize the amount of line in the water by using a long rod and placing it almost vertically on the bank.

Line for feeder

feeder line

Produced by many manufacturers of fishing tackle. It is characterized by low memory effect, high rigidity and low elongation, knot strength. Unfortunately, the rigidity and memory effect are closely related, and it is quite difficult to provide high rigidity with low memory. It is necessary to use expensive materials and components in production, to apply high technologies. Therefore, a good feeder line will not be exactly cheap.

How to distinguish it from carp or float? It feels like wire to the touch. The greater the similarity, the better the fishing line. When buying, you should fold the tip in half and see how it unbends. If the place of the bend is practically not noticeable, it is worth taking. You should not buy it without looking, it is better to personally go to the store and feel everything with your hands.

Line diameter and color

For feeder fishing, it is recommended to use diameters starting from 0.18 mm. It makes no sense to put a thinner one. At the slightest hook on the grass, you will have to say goodbye to the feeder. Also, if there is a hard tip and a thin line, it will show a bite worse. Here you should observe the proportions and put hard tips with thicker fishing line. The most common values ​​​​are 0.2-0.25 mm. It is better to put thicker ones in special conditions, when catching the same carp on a feeder.

If there is a choice between dyed and unpainted, it is worth choosing dyed, and in factory conditions, throughout the entire volume. The fact is that the fishing line, lowered into the water, plays the role of a light guide. When fishing in the sun, light passes down it, and the colored fishing line does not transmit it. The color itself does not play a big role, since the fish sees, first of all, a hook with a nozzle, a feeder and a leash. You can equally successfully catch on an orange fishing line, clearly visible, and painted brown. If they use a transparent fishing line, they try to tie a shock leader at the end, since the light will not pass through the knot.

Unwinding and winding

Feeder lines have one unpleasant property. Their low extensibility works within the limits of elasticity. If they have to experience a load in the region of discontinuity, they begin to stretch. It is felt by hand when you release the feeder from the hook, for example. After that, the fishing line loses its properties, and it would be better to immediately cut off a piece to the very feeder and bandage the montage.

Therefore, when winding, it is necessary to have a significant margin on the coil, since it will be necessary to tear off often and a lot. Usually it is about 200 meters, the coil may not allow more. The fishing line makes less demands on the latter than the cord. It has to be wound exactly under the side to avoid loops. In order to avoid loops on the monofilament, on the contrary, it must be slightly unwound. Moreover, the harder the fishing line, the more you need to unwind. Cheap line that has more memory effect than expensive line without it.

It will not be critical if three or four millimeters remain to the edge of the spool. Of course, this will affect the casting distance. However, it is one thing when it comes to a spinning rod, which is used to cast weights up to five grams in weight – it is essential there. When casting a feeder feeder weighing 20-40 grams, the fact that the lines are not wound more than recommended for spinning will not affect the distance so much, and it will still be possible to cast where required. By the way, the hard feeder main line untangles just fine, and you can forget about losses as a result of beards from the reel.

It is worth noting that for fishing with fishing line, you can use an inexpensive reel, an inexpensive rod, even with bad rings. Monofilament works great with the plastic spool found on most cheap reels. Also, it is not too picky about the inserts on the rings and will not immediately become unusable if a notch appears on one of them, like a braid. However, you should not buy the cheapest gear – they have a lot of other drawbacks, with which even the use of fishing line instead of a cord makes fishing very uncomfortable and not effective.

Line for feeder


Monofilament fishing line is the main material for leashes. Too hard material should not be used here. It will give more hook hooks, it is immediately felt by the fish when biting. Stiff line will not hold well in a leash. But the leashes should not be too soft either. They do not fit well, it is inconvenient to unravel them, attach them to the main fishing line.

In general, for leashes you need to stock up on a monofilament of good quality, medium hardness. Fishing line for float and match fishing is quite suitable. It is necessary to strike a balance between the thickness of the leash, the size of the hook, bait and expected trophies and use leashes of the minimum thickness.


Some people recommend using fluorocarbon for leads or main line. Well, it has a low memory effect, quite tough. It is absolutely invisible in water, as it has the same light refractive index. However, the breaking strength for the same diameter will be lower for a Fluric than for a good nylon-based monofilament line. Therefore, for the same conditions, you will have to put a thicker vein with all the ensuing consequences when fishing in the course and at a distance. The transparency of the fluoric does not save it from good light transmission. On the contrary, the light spreads even better along its length, and the author has not yet seen a colored fluorescent for sale.

For leashes, this is also not the best material. It is both hard and holds knots worse, and it’s hard to find a thin one on sale. Therefore, it is definitely worth abandoning it during normal fishing and setting it only in very specific conditions, when you cannot do without it at all.


Line is an excellent material for picker fishing, for fishing at a short distance. In half of the cases when they are caught on a feeder in our conditions, it can and should be used instead of a cord. It is perfect for beginners. It is worth choosing a stiff fishing line that has low stretch and is specially designed for feeder fishing. Leashes should also be made from monofilament. Fluorocarbon is not used in feeder fishing or is used very limitedly.

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