Linden honey – properties, application, nutritional values

According to many experts, linden honey is one of the noblest and best honeys, both in terms of taste and healing properties. It is no wonder – the product made of nectar of the intoxicating fragrant linden flower pampers with its taste and smell. It is not easy to obtain such honey, as large clusters of lime trees are not common. The consistency of linden honey is similar to castor oil, it is usually light in color and has a slightly pungent taste. In the smell and taste, of course, you can feel the characteristic note of linden flowers. Linden honey crystallizes naturally after approx. 3-4 weeks and then has a light cream color.

Composition of linden honey and its healing properties

Lime honey contains glucose, a lot of fructose, essential oil, flavonoids, tannins and enzymes. It is also a source of B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, chlorine and manganese. Its chemical composition directly translates into many valuable things healing properties.

Lime honey is a good source of energy (100 grams is about 300 calories), and consumption linden honey it is recommended in all states of weakness, fatigue, malnutrition and convalescence after diseases.

Like a linden flower, Lime honey it was the basic ingredient of our grandmothers’ home medicine cabinet, irreplaceable during colds. Mainly due to the essential oil content honey ma action diaphoretic, fever-lowering, expectorant and antiseptic – antibacterial and antifungal. Regular consumption linden honey it can strengthen immunity and reduce the incidence of infections. Linden oil also has a soothing effect action on the nervous system, relieves tension, has a positive effect on concentration, and frequent consumption of linden honey reduces the problem of insomnia and lowers the level of everyday stress.

Lime honey it works It is also slightly diuretic, which helps to lower blood pressure and can be consumed by people with cardiovascular diseases. Its action also supports the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and rheumatic diseases.

However, if you experience severe rheumatic pains, you may decide to have a blood test package performed at home. Thanks to it, you will be able to find out the cause of limb stiffness or nystagmus.

Lime honey Miody Bieszczadzkie is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

How to properly use linden honey?

To keep all valuable properties linden honey, it should be eaten properly. The most properties are preserved when we put honey under the tongue and hold it there for a while so that various valuable ingredients, especially enzymes, are absorbed into the body, before they are deactivated in the stomach.. If we sweeten honey, never add it to hot drinks, because the temperature above 60 degrees C deactivates most of the valuable medicinal ingredients honey.

It is a good practice to strengthen your immune system to drink daily linden honey with lemon and ginger.

In colds, warm (not hot!) Milk from milk is a drink that makes you feel better linden honey, garlic and butter. Diaphoretic and antipyretic effect honey it also strengthens if we sweeten it with raspberry tea.

Read also about the properties of buckwheat honey and manuka honey.

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