Linden flowers
The beneficial properties of linden were known in ancient times, so this tree could be found everywhere: they were planted near temples, considering them sacred. Until now, linden flowers are used in medicine.

Linden is a large tree with a broad-leaved spreading crown. The aroma emanating from flowering makes you stop, enjoy it.

Linden blossoms contain many beneficial chemicals. First of all, it is tiliacin glycoside, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, essential oils, tannins, vitamin A.

Linden tea has a pleasant taste, light honey aroma, because it is a honey plant. Linden flowers have been used for a long time in medicine and not only as an independent medicine, but also as an additional, enhancing the effect of other components.

Medicinal properties of linden flowers

All the healing effects that lime blossom has can be explained by its chemical composition. For example, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging and supports the immune system.

Flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory effect, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, that is, they resist diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Polysaccharides take part in the work of immunity, resist infectious diseases. Additionally, tannins enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

Delicate, sweet aroma of linden flowers is provided by essential oils, in addition, they have a pronounced calming effect.

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Linden flowers contraindications

Despite a wide list of positive properties, lime blossom has contraindications and possible side effects. More often they are associated with violations of the recommendations for admission – you can not constantly drink linden tea. Otherwise, the consequences, sometimes quite serious, will not be long in coming: chest pain, tachycardia, etc. Only a doctor who will also control this process can prescribe a course of treatment.

The possibility of allergic reactions cannot be ruled out. Since linden is a honey plant, cross-reactions can form if a person is allergic to bee products. Therefore, before you start taking lime blossom, you need to consult a doctor.

Application of linden flowers

Linden flowers have a diaphoretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. And this medicinal plant is prescribed for men, women, including during pregnancy. Linden color is used in cosmetology to curb the aging process, as well as strengthen nails and hair.

For women


To prepare a decoction, you need to use the double brewing technique: brew lime blossom with boiling water, and then boil for about 20 minutes.

Linden tea is recommended for women with irregular menstrual cycles and dysmenorrhea, that is, painful menstruation. The decoction is also useful for menopause, as it can reduce the frequency of hot flashes and stabilize the emotional background. Another useful property is the prevention of serious female diseases, even oncopathologies.

In pregnancy

A decoction of lime blossom is recommended for the symptomatic treatment of a cold, because many medicines are contraindicated during pregnancy. The decoction has antipyretic, antiseptic effects, strengthens the protective properties of the body. A decoction can be used for edema. And an additional sedative effect improves well-being.

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For men


To prepare the solution, tree branches are used, or rather ash after they are burned. 2 teaspoons of ash are added to boiling water, and this mixture should be drunk in the morning. The tool should be used as a prophylactic – for a week every month.

For men, linden decoction is used to treat prostatitis, after a week there is a significant improvement in well-being, a decrease in pain.

For losing weight

This tool is recommended by many nutritionists in order to reduce weight. It is believed that taking linden tea for 2-3 weeks contributes to weight loss by 3-5 kg.

Weight loss is carried out due to the diuretic effect – linden tea removes excess fluid from the body.

To lower the temperature

A decoction of lime blossom has a pronounced diaphoretic effect. Therefore, it is often used as an antipyretic in the treatment of SARS. And an additional analgesic effect helps to get rid of headaches and sore throats.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, linden flowers and honey are used. Even professional cosmetologists use masks and creams, which include linden honey, linden blossom decoction. For face care, compresses and decoctions are used.

Linden color is also useful for hair and nails, because it helps to strengthen them, normalize their natural shine. After such procedures, a delicate, pleasant aroma remains that will last for a long time.

Hot linden blossom poultices deal with wrinkles on the face and neck. And steam baths are great for oily facial skin in order to eliminate the abundant production of sebum.

For the digestive system

Linden blossom is part of drugs that enhance the secretion of digestive juices, have a choleretic effect. Linden blossoms have a mild sedative effect.

For the treatment of kidney disease

Another useful property is a diuretic, so linden tea can be prescribed for cystitis, kidney disease, and also helps to get rid of edema, even during pregnancy. But before taking medicinal tea, you need to consult a doctor leading a pregnancy.

Reviews of doctors about linden flowers

Olga Zorina, pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr:

– Lime blossom due to its antiseptic properties is actively used in herbal medicine, for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. For example, dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with a decoction to curb the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Additional anti-inflammatory effect explains the high efficiency in the complex therapy of inflammatory gum disease, namely gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as inflammation of the tongue and all types of stomatitis.

Elena Korsun, Ph.D. head Department of Phytotherapy, ICM RUDN University, Head of the Educational and Health Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

– The use of linden flowers is very wide. They are used for coughs, bronchitis, respiratory diseases to reduce fever and reduce pain. Due to the positive effect on the digestive tract and choleretic action, lime blossom is often prescribed for spasms of the stomach, intestines, even for colic associated with kidney stones and gallbladder.

Poultices from the decoction help to cope with pain in diseases of the joints, such as rheumatism. Vitamin A, which is part of the composition, stimulates the healing of wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions.

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