Egor, 5 years old, chose the book by Lina Zhutaute «Tosya-Bosya and the Dwarf Chistyulya»
“Once upon a time there was a girl, everyone called her Tosya-Bosya. She had a mother, father and grandmother. Grandmother called her “my sweet,” and dad sometimes grumbled: “you are my grief.” Tosya Bosya wanted to become an architect, a cyclist, and on rainy days, a librarian. Even Tosya-Bosya did not want to put away her toys. And then one night the Dwarf Chistyulya came to her with a big, big bag, collected all the toys and took them away. But Tosya-Bosya went after the gnome and ended up in his house … To return the toys, she had to complete three tasks. She did everything, she even killed the monster and became a fine fellow. Most of the tasks I liked the labyrinth and the monster that ate toadstools. It was not difficult to pass the labyrinth, but it was difficult to defeat the monster. I treat my toys well, the Dwarf Chistyulya never took them from me. But my mother took them when I did not clean them. And if dad doesn’t clean up his things, then Dwarf Chistyulya will also come to him! ”
Daria Rybina