Limited perception of a person: how to look at the world more broadly?

Hello, dear readers of the site! Each person on this planet is unique, with their own set of characteristics, life experiences, knowledge and preferences. But there is something that unites us — these are the ways by which we receive information, learn about the world.

There are individuals who in this process are guided more by visual images, while others prefer auditory or bodily ones. But in general, limited perception manifests itself in the same way.

And today I want to invite you to consider the so-called laws of perception, the knowledge of which will help you look at the world more broadly.

Laws and methods, how to get only benefit from them


  • Hick’s law. The less information a person needs to process, the better he will learn it. That is, if you come to a store with a very wide range of, say, shoes, most likely you will not be able to decide what you like best. And about a third of the goods worthy of attention simply do not notice.
  • Fix’s law. The same is true with decision making. The more time we spend trying to figure out the best way to solve a problem, the more likely it is to be inefficient and wrong.

Therefore, if your work is related to sales, do not overload customers with information so as not to frighten them away. And in your life, rely more on the ideas that arose first in your head.

This does not mean that you should not carefully consider the likelihood of the outcome of events, look for the most optimal, effective ways, which will save time, effort and other resources.

Just remember that there must be boundaries. After all, the more energy goes into thinking, the less it remains for actions and the desire to perform them.

Yes, and fatigue affects, what you could understand in a matter of seconds, at the moment of exhaustion will seem like something so complicated that you give up trying to learn it.

Switch your attention to something that is radically different from the object you are trying to focus on. Have you heard that the best rest is a change of activity? Swap physical and mental labor, then you will achieve the desired results in various areas of your life, making it more harmonious and holistic.

Limited perception of a person: how to look at the world more broadly?

Image — background

Our perception is arranged in such a way that the most important objects stand out, and what is of little importance becomes the background. Everything seems to be clear, we focus on the main thing.

For example, have you ever been so carried away by a conversation that what is happening around you completely ceased to exist? So that, suddenly falling silent, to notice that, it turns out, most of the restaurant’s visitors have dispersed? Or that several hours passed after the meeting, which flew like 5 minutes?

But there is one nuance, how we define this main thing. We do this based on experience, and what is not familiar or little known is sent to the background. Unless, of course, it is of no interest.

And in order to expand the boundaries of your perception, learn to be attentive to what is happening outside of your interest.

To begin with, specifically focus on the noise that is around you. Then try to take a good look around, especially in well-known places.

You will be surprised how many details are left without your attention. Then move on to feelings. That is, listen to your feelings, emotions. By practicing constantly, you will learn to do it without any effort.

By ignoring the background, we sometimes lose the most important thing. To notice it, at least, is necessary for our safety. Yes, and so you can notice all the beauty of the world, looking at it wider.


  • Slow down at least once in a while. Especially if your pace of life is fast. At high speed it is difficult to appreciate the beauty of the landscape opening up to the eye. Moreover, to have time to process the received information and assimilate it.
  • Live in the moment. This will increase your level of awareness, which, in turn, will expand the horizons of perception of the surrounding reality. Follow this link, where you will receive detailed recommendations on how to learn the principle of «here and now» without ignoring reality.
  • Play why. Ask yourself as many questions as possible. After all, you cannot know about everything that is happening in the world, what is how it works, right? Set aside time at least once a day for this process. You can connect close people to such a game, together trying to come up with as many unusual options as possible, for example, using an ordinary chair. For example, what happens if you simply tie him to the wing of an airplane, or throw him off a bridge into the water?


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I want to remind you — so that your perception is not limited, follow your interest. Allow yourself to be curious and inquisitive.

Try to learn something new every day, then you will no longer need to look for ways and methods to look at the world more broadly. Live and enjoy every day, realizing your needs and desires.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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