Lily of the valley: description
Lily locust is a rare flower that is listed in the Red Book. In Russia, it grows in the west of Siberia, the Urals, in the East and in the European part. Depending on the place of growth, this lily has differences in the size of the flowers and their color.
Variety of locust lily flowers
The lily flower has yellow, orange, lilac, bright scarlet color. It depends on the variety and homeland of the plant. The petals are covered with purple specks. Plant height ranges from 30 cm to 2 m.
Lily saranka has medicinal properties and is used in folk medicine
Saranka has various names. Some came from the people, others were given by scientists.
Here are some of them:
- curly lily;
- Martagon;
- golden root;
- forest lily;
- royal curls;
- ringing forest bell.
In nature, the locust breeds for a very long time. Fallen seeds break through in small sprouts in the spring. After a year, only one leaf appears from the strengthened bulb. After 3 years – the stem. And only at the age of 5 does it begin to bloom. Lives on average 22 years, therefore it is called long-term.
You can also plant this lily in the garden. It is unpretentious in cultivation and care. Add humus, peat, mineral fertilizers to the prepared neutral soil and then sow the bulbs into it. Lily loves a bright, but slightly shaded place, not blown by the wind.
Lily saranka is a perennial plant that propagates in bulbs, the diameter of which reaches 8 cm. It can also be planted with seeds, stems, and scales from the bulbs.
The stem is covered with red spots. The leaves are dark green and slightly curved downward. Their width is up to 5 cm, and their length is up to 15 cm. In the lower part of the stem, the leaves grow in several pieces at the same level, above they are arranged alternately.
The inflorescences of the locust are lowered buds and have the shape of a turban. The moths pollinate the flower
Blooms one month from June to July. One plant can give birth to up to 20 flowers. The seeds are flat with triangular edges. Lilies are used in various ways:
- Decorate flower beds and flower beds.
- Used for food. Its onions are fried, boiled, dried and eaten raw, flour is made, and seasonings are prepared.
- Bulbs are also added to pet food. In cows, lactation and milk fat content increase.
- Used in folk medicine, as it is a medicinal plant. For example, the juice of the bulbs is a wound healing agent.
Household use led to the extermination of lilies. It is strictly forbidden to dig up the bulbs of this plant.
The saranka, although it is a wild plant, can perfectly take root in the summer cottage. Often it is grown not only for decoration, but also for the purpose of obtaining a medicine.