Lily martagon: planting and leaving
In nature, the marchon lily grows well on the forest edges of the middle zone of Russia. And in order for her to decorate a garden flower bed, she needs to create similar living conditions.
It is best to plant these bulbs in late August or early September.
Lily martagon does not tolerate a transplant
In the wild, martagon grows on forest edges. When planting it in the garden, you must take into account the preferences of the plant:
- The bright sun should shine on the flowers in the morning and evening hours, and during the day they feel good in the shade. If they grow all the time under the sun, then they need to be watered more.
- Before planting lilies, compost from leaves, combined mineral fertilizers, ash and manure must be added to the ground. This will serve as protection from frost and top dressing.
- The bulb must be planted at three heights into the depths of the ground. In this case, the soil must be cultivated to a depth of 50 cm.
In the open field, the marchon develops slowly. The plant throws all its strength into the development of the root system. Therefore, in the first year, the shoot grows by 10-20 cm. It happens that shoots appear only 2-3 years after planting the flower. And before the planted lilies begin to bloom actively, it will take 5-7 years.
Features of caring for the march lily
Caring for Martagon includes:
- Top dressing. At the beginning of spring, it is useful to introduce complex nitrogen fertilizers into the soil where the lily grows. Before the beginning of flowering, it is advisable to feed the plants with phosphorus fertilizers. When the martagons fade, potassium-phosphorus feeding is useful for them. And for the winter, flowers need feeding from rotted manure and compost.
- Watering. Water these flowers regularly, to a depth of at least 30 cm.
- Disease and pest control. Lilies of this variety are resistant to most viral diseases, but in rainy weather, if the water stagnates in the soil, they can be attacked by a fungus. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to drain excess water from the flower bed with lilies and treat the plants with antifungal drugs.
- Pruning and covering for the winter. After the flowers have faded, they must be cut off. Leaves should only be cut after they turn yellow. To prevent the plant from freezing, it is covered with compost or covering material for the winter.
Despite the seeming capriciousness of these flowers, they are quite unpretentious. And caring for them is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. After all, they grow beautifully in the wild without any care.
Lily bulbs of this variety live up to 60 years. And even if they begin to bloom only a few years after planting, gaining strength, they will decorate the flower bed with bright flowers for many years. Another important advantage of the martagon is that its bulbs do not need to be dug out every year, it is enough to do this when the nest grows into 5-6 stems.
This plant is unpretentious, but if you take good care of it, it will feel much better in your area.