Lily babies: planting in the fall
Lily babies are a good opportunity to get many beautiful flowers on your site. A simple planting will allow you to form a new plant in 2-3 years.
Working with lily babies in the fall
Babies are small bulbs that form on the mother’s bulb or in the axils of the leaves on the stem. They will make a good planting material if used correctly.
Lily babies can be of different sizes, the planting depth depends on it
It is most convenient to plant the children in September, after the lily blooms. For this you need:
- dig up the plant and remove the children from the main bulb;
- transplant an adult lily to a prepared place;
- plant the bulbs in a school – a garden bed with fertile soil or a container.
If for some reason the disembarkation time is missed, you can put the planting material in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation. You can store it until spring on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
If you are not planning to transplant an adult plant, you can leave it in the ground. And separate the children by raking off the ground from the main bulb.
Correct planting of lily babies
The planting of two types of babies, bulbs and bulbs, is practically the same. Only the timing of the appearance of new flowers will be different. Baby bulbs can give a flower in the 2nd year of planting, and baby bulbs – at 3.
It is necessary to plant children on loose fertile soil. Previously, you can keep them for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate for disinfection. It is customary to deepen the planting material of lilies to about 3 heights. Accordingly, for the bulbs this will be one depth, and for the bulbs it will be another.
The most difficult thing in this planting is not to lose the lily planting site next year and not uproot them like a weed. To preserve planting, you can select a place near the mother plant. It is better to plant bulbs and bulbs separately:
- loosen the prepared soil and make a depression in it;
- lower the baby into the hole without pressing it into the soil, and cover it with earth;
- drive 4 pegs along the edges of the planting and tie them with wire, enclosing the area.
There is no need to water the planting. Wet autumn soil will help the sprouts to take root.
A sprout of about 25 cm will appear from the bulbs in the spring, and after a year 1-2 buds. You can remove them so that the plant gains strength. A full flower will form in 2 years. Bulbules will give 1-2 leaves in spring, the cycle will be the same in subsequent years.
It is not difficult to get planting material from lilies and grow new flowers. Most likely, you will have to fight the temptation, let all the children go to new flowers.