Lilac Sky of Moscow: description, photos, reviews

Lilac The sky of Moscow pleases not only Muscovites with blue and purple flowers every spring. The name of the variety is due to the fact that at the stage of active flowering, lilac, as it were, merges with the color of the Moscow sky on a clear day, which is why.

Description of the lilac Sky of Moscow

Common lilac varieties Sky of Moscow is one of the most popular species artificially created by the Soviet selector Kolesnikov L.I. in the 40s – 70s. He also owns other Moscow varieties of lilac – Beauty Moscow and the Kremlin chimes.

This species is a low (2 – 3 meters), compact shrub that has an average flowering period of about 14 days, depending on weather conditions. Flowering is quite abundant.

Венчики состоят от 3 и более лепестков, диаметр которых составляет 2 — 3 см. Бутоны образуются в большие соцветия.

How the lilac inflorescences The Moscow sky merges with the Moscow sky can be seen in the photo:

Lilac Sky of Moscow: description, photos, reviews

How the lilac blooms The sky of Moscow

If you turn to botanical reference books, you will notice that the Sky of Moscow is attributed to three color groups at once. This is due to its unusual flowering, expressed in three shades at different stages of flowering, which is why it is also called the chameleon lilac.

When the lilac Sky of Moscow is just beginning to bloom, it has lilac, almost purple tones. Fully blooming, it changes color to bluish-purple, and when the buds fade – to white-blue.

Lilac Sky of Moscow: description, photos, reviews

Features of reproduction

A decorative bush can be propagated even by an inexperienced gardener. Successful reproduction requires only good lighting, wind protection and drainage against moisture stagnation. Therefore, lilacs are mainly cultivated in greenhouses. But its successful reproduction in the conditions of the garden is not excluded.

Culture can be propagated in the following ways:

  • Cutting. A stalk is cut from a bush and immersed in the ground. In this case, the lower cut is made obliquely, and the upper one is straight. The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are cut in half. After soaking in a growth stimulator solution, drainage is laid in the bed and the cutting is planted;
  • Cultivation from seeds. Seeds are harvested in late autumn and stratified within 2 months. Then they are planted in disinfected soil. For successful germination, it is desirable to create a microclimate for seedlings from ordinary cling film;

    Lilac Sky of Moscow: description, photos, reviews

  • Root growth. Carefully cut off the root of the mother tree and plant it in moist soil. The procedure is preferably carried out before mid-October. For the winter, you need to provide a shelter for the plant;
  • root cuttings. Нижнюю ветку молодого дерева необходимо согнуть так, чтобы ее среднюю часть можно было закопать в землю. После того как ветка пустит корни, ее можно отрезать от материнского дерева. Способ актуален для высаживания рядов сирени.

In addition, lilac can be grafted, but this method requires special knowledge and experience.

Planting and caring for lilac Sky of Moscow

Хотя культура неприхотлива и держится до поздних заморозков, для того, чтобы получить сильное дерево, которое не будет подвержено заболеваниям, лучше придерживаться некоторых рекомендаций при посадке.

Recommended dates

Lilac can be planted at any time, except for winter. The best time for planting is August and September. At this time, the earth is warm enough, and the plant is already beginning to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Высаживать культуру можно и в другое время года, но тогда придется предпринимать дополнительные меры по ее жизнеобеспечению, поскольку велик шанс, что сирень не приживется.

Site selection and preparation of soil

It is better to choose a place for planting lilacs, based on the characteristics of the site. Variety Sky of Moscow can be planted singly, in rows or as a hedge (at a distance of at least 1 m from each other). It is advisable to choose a sunny place. If a very small seedling or seed is planted, it is necessary to provide protection from the wind. For example, choose a place near the fence, but so that the seedling receives enough sun.

For planting, you should not choose a site in a lowland, since the roots of the plant do not like stagnant moisture. If the entire area is in a lowland, and the accumulation of moisture is inevitable, for lilacs it is necessary to make an embankment, like an alpine hill.

How to plant

When planting seedlings, you need to dig a hole, the size of which will correspond to the volume of the roots. The neck of the roots should be recessed 3-4 cm deep. If the seedling is grafted, its neck should look out 2-3 cm.

В случае, когда почва не отличается плодовитостью, лучше добавить удобрения в виде компоста, перегноя или древесной смолы. Не следует добавлять подкормки из магазина или навоз, так как у сирени довольно чувствительные корни и удобрения могут их сжечь.

Growing lilac Sky of Moscow

Growing the Sky of Moscow variety does not take much time and includes procedures that are standard for most plants.


The sky of Moscow belongs to heat-resistant crops. If there is enough rainfall in the region, then the plant does not need to be watered at all. If the seedling is planted in the spring, then it needs regular watering until the end of summer.

When the summer period does without rain, lilacs should be watered once every 1 to 2 weeks. At the same time, it is desirable to irrigate not only directly into the ground, but also irrigate the crown itself. Especially strongly lilac needs water during the flowering period.

Additional fertilizing

Lilac top dressing is introduced at the 2nd – 3rd year of life. At the same time, it is desirable to fertilize the soil with compost even when planting. An adult plant is fertilized in early spring with 65 g of ammonium nitrate and 50 g of urea. Starting from the 4th year of life, lilacs need to be periodically fed with organic fertilizers, this is also especially true during the flowering period.

Once every 3 years, the bush can be fertilized with phosphate fertilizers in accordance with the dosage indicated on the package. In the fall, while digging near the trunk, phosphates are introduced.


For young seedlings, it is very important to create a mulch layer, especially when planting in the fall. For this, peat, compost, leaves and humus are suitable. At the same time, it is desirable that the layer be no less than 10 cm, and 5 cm is enough for an adult lilac. The mulch layer should be updated twice a year – in spring and autumn.


The lilac bush Sky of Moscow is pruned after flowering is completed. To be trimmed:

  • all wilted buds;
  • high branches – they are shortened by a third so that the bush does not go beyond 2 m;
  • all basal processes.

Dry branches should also be removed. In addition, if the bush has become too wide, you can select weak branches and cut them off.

Preparation for winter

Подготавливать взрослые кусты к зиме не нужно. Сирень Небо Москвы отлично себя чувствует в московских климатических условиях.

Only small seedlings protect from frost. To do this, it is enough to make a mound of mulch with a layer of 15 – 20 cm.

Diseases and pests

The Sky of Moscow variety is characterized by the same diseases that other types of lilacs suffer from. Diseases are divided into:

  • on bacterial, in which the leaves quickly wither, and small spots appear on the rhizome;
  • fungal, when moldy white spots appear on the leaves;
  • инфекционные: при поражении ими наблюдается побеление листьев, появление на них и на цветах мозаичного окраса, кольцеобразного узора, а также загибов листвы вверх.

The problem of growing lilacs is that the culture is difficult to treat, and in most cases it dies when it is damaged. Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures and buy seeds and plant seedlings in stores with the appropriate documents.

Among the pests that attack lilacs, one can distinguish – acacia false shield, apple shield, lilac moth, cicada, weevil and leaf mite.

Treatment of the plant involves the purchase of special insecticides that can be used as a spray or during watering. Preventive measures include timely cutting and burning of affected areas.


Lilac Sky of Moscow is distinguished by its three-color coloring during flowering, which lasts for 14 days at the end of spring. The plant is unpretentious in cultivation, it is distinguished by great heat and frost resistance, as well as high decorative properties.


Sergey Efremov, 38 years old, Voronezh
I read reviews about the Sky of Moscow lilac variety – and planted seedlings at the end of September, watered a couple of times – and forgot about them until spring. I arrived at the dacha only in the spring and found that the bush had grown to 2,5 m. The first buds had already begun to appear. The plant looks strong and healthy. Very satisfied and recommend.
Mikhail Vasiliev, 41 years old, Naberezhnye Chelny
My wife and I decided to grow a hedge from lilacs of the Sky of Moscow variety, since in our native Moscow we love the periods of flowering of these bushes. They curl well and grow densely. A year has passed and – and we have a fence ready. Will start blooming soon.
Inessa Kvitko, 33 years old, Belgorod
For a long time I wanted to plant lilacs in the local area. I saw the Sky of Moscow variety during flowering, and I liked the color scheme of lilac so much that I bought a couple of seedlings.

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