Lilac Red Moscow: description, photo, reviews, video

Lilac Red Moscow is a charming garden decoration that has been winning the hearts of flower growers for many decades. The variety is a real masterpiece of the breeder Kolesnikov L.A.

Lilac has always been loved in Our Country. And today she is at the peak of popularity. It is planted in parks, squares, in personal plots, cottages. It is hard to imagine a spring garden without fragrant lilac bushes. Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, planting and care should be carried out correctly so that flowering is annual and plentiful.

Description of the lilac variety Red Moscow

Common lilac Red Moscow is an ornamental deciduous shrub with a spreading crown. It reaches a height of 4 m, a width of 3 m. It is formed from wide, strong gray shoots. The annual growth of the bush is 20 cm.

Lilac Red Moscow: description, photo, reviews, video

The leaves of the plant are opposite, entire, heart-shaped, dark green. They remain so until leaf fall in late autumn.

Flowering begins in May. Lilac buds Red Moscow – purple-purple. The flowers are large and turn bright purple as they open. In their center are bright yellow stamens. Petals are rounded, with slightly raised edges. Inflorescences are large panicles, very dense, slightly ribbed. Their size is 9 by 18 cm. The color has a strong lilac aroma.

According to the description and photo, the lilac variety Krasnaya Moskva has a remarkable feature – it is resistant to fading in the sun, despite the dark color of the petals.

The shrub is unpretentious in cultivation. Prefers sunny places, fertile soils and lack of close occurrence of groundwater.

The winter hardiness of Krasnaya Moskva is very high. The culture is weakly susceptible to diseases and pests.

Methods of reproduction

There are several ways to propagate varietal lilacs:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • vaccination;
  • own-rooted growth.

According to reviews, the Red Moscow lilac is difficult to propagate by cuttings – due to poor rooting. Planting material is harvested during or after flowering. Cuttings are cut in the morning from young bushes, from the center of the crown. For this purpose, a part of the shoot with short internodes and two nodes is suitable. Next, you need to perform a number of operations:

  1. Remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting.
  2. Make an oblique cut closer to the bottom knot.
  3. Cut the remaining leaves in half.
  4. Make a straight cut above the top knot.
  5. Soak the cuttings in a growth stimulator solution for 12 hours.
  6. Plant them (up to the first node) in a container with a mixture of sand, peat, cover with polyethylene and shade.
  7. Periodically, plantings should be opened and sprayed with water.
  8. After 2 months, when the cuttings have roots, they should be transplanted into a separate bed for growing.
Attention! Lilacs are planted in a permanent place after 2 years.

Lilac Red Moscow: description, photo, reviews, video

Breeding by layering is as follows:

  1. Near the lilac bush Red Moscow, grooves are made 2 cm deep.
  2. Annual shoots are laid in furrows and fixed in several places.
  3. After cover with a layer of loose soil.
  4. Several times during the summer the shoots spud.
  5. In autumn, rooted cuttings are cut off from the mother plant and placed for growing.
  6. After 3 years they are transferred to a permanent place.

Reproduction by grafting is a rather complicated method. For this, shoots of the current year are used, from which all leaves are removed. The cuttings should have one or two knots. Grafted by the bark: tied with plastic wrap, the cut is treated with garden pitch, the stalk is closed with a bag. If the vaccination is done correctly, after 2 weeks the kidneys begin to develop.

The most reliable way to propagate the Red Moscow lilac is by basal shoots. The best time for this is the period of swelling of the kidneys. Seedlings take root well and take root until the shoots grow.

Planting and care

When planting a decorative culture of lilac Red Moscow, several rules must be followed:

  • deadlines;
  • choosing the right soil structure;
  • careful selection of the location of the shrub;
  • exclusion of the possibility of placing the plant in a swampy or waterlogged area.

The place for lilac should be sunny, well lit. In the shade, the shrub grows, but its flowering is not very splendor.

Red Moscow feels good on poor land, but on fertile and loose land with a neutral reaction, it is much better.

Plant care is simple: you need to water it in time, spending up to 3 buckets of water under one adult bush, loosen the soil, remove weeds, and feed.

Important! When all these actions are performed, the Red Moscow lilac will turn into a lush, beautiful bush in 5 years.

When to plant

Lilac seedlings Red Moscow can be planted in different periods.

Spring planting is extremely unreliable, because it is necessary to be in time before the awakening of the kidneys. We have to hurry because. even before the snow melts completely, the buds begin to grow. Flower growers who leave reviews of the common lilac Red Moscow note that in the spring it takes root poorly and even after rooting it looks stunted and weak.

The most suitable time for planting is August-September. During this period, the plant stops vegetation and sap flow: the seedling has time to take root and prepare for wintering.

In late autumn, it is better to dig the plant in a secluded place until spring.

An unacceptable time for planting is the flowering period of the Red Moscow lilac. Adaptation will be long, while the result is not guaranteed.

Site selection and preparation of soil

The best place for an ornamental shrub is well-lit, protected from cold strong winds. Low, swampy or temporarily flooded places in autumn or spring are not suitable at all. Stagnation of water leads to decay and death of the roots.

The soil for lilac Red Moscow should contain a large amount of humus, be of medium humidity, fertile, loose.

If it is poor in content, it is worth fertilizing with organic matter or fertilizers. Sandy soils are strengthened by adding black soil or alumina. Clay facilitate peat or leaf humus. With increased soil acidity, periodic application of ash, dolomite flour, and slaked lime is recommended.

Lilac Red Moscow: description, photo, reviews, video

How to plant

Based on the experience of gardeners and the presented photos, Red Moscow lilac bushes are planted in a selected area at a distance of 3 m from each other. The size of the planting hole depends on the characteristics of the soil. On fertile soil, its size should be no more than 50x50x50 cm. On poor soil – 100x100x100 cm. Humus or compost, ash and superphosphate are introduced into such a pit. The components are mixed. Landing is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening. Lilac seedling Red Moscow should have a well-developed root system and crown. After shortening too long roots, it is installed in the center of the planting hole and, evenly distributing the roots, is covered with a substrate. The plant should be watered and the soil should be mulched with peat.

Care instructions

Planting a seedling of Red Moscow is completed by watering it. After water has been absorbed into the soil, the trunk circle is mulched with peat, rotted leaves, and humus. Layer thickness – 7 cm. Loosening is carried out at least 4 times per season to a depth of no more than 7 cm. Nitrogen fertilization begins from the second year. Effective organic fertilizers, ash.

Watering the plant should be frequent during the growth of shoots, flowering, in the heat.

Lilac pruning Red Moscow begins in the third year of the life of the bush, because before that it grows slowly. The goal is to form skeletal branches. In early spring, before the awakening of the kidneys, 5-10 good shoots are found near the bush, well and beautifully located, and the rest are removed. To prepare young plants for winter, the soil under them is additionally mulched, bringing the layer up to 15 cm.

Advice! Sanitary pruning is recommended throughout the season, as well as cutting into bouquets of 2/3 of all flowers. This process stimulates the development of new shoots and the laying of flower buds for the next year.

Diseases and pests

Lilac varieties Red Moscow is resistant to diseases and pests. Under adverse climatic conditions and violation of agricultural technology, the plant can be affected by a number of pathologies:

  • milky sheen: when cavities appear under the skin of the leaf, giving it a silvery tint;
  • spotting: patterns appear on the leaf plates, which lead to their withering;
  • late blight: the buds do not open, turn black and dry;
  • bacterial rot of shoots: spots appear on the shoots, leading to decay of the bark;
  • mosaic: yellowing, twisting and drying of the leaves is observed;
  • necrosis: which manifests itself in wet weather with wilting of the tops of the shoots.

Lilac Red Moscow: description, photo, reviews, video

Disease control measures consist of removing and destroying the affected branches, spraying Bordeaux liquid.

The most dangerous pests of the Red Moscow lilac variety include:

  • apple scale;
  • lilac moth;
  • kidney tick;
  • corrosive tree;
  • leaf cutter bee.

Pest control consists in loosening the soil near the shrub, treating it with insecticides, and attracting insectivorous birds to the site.

Application in landscape design

The beauty of the Red Moscow variety and the unpretentiousness in caring for lilacs make it possible to use shrubs in creating a modern landscape. The crop can be shaped like a tree or left in its natural shrub form.

Lilac Red Moscow: description, photo, reviews, video

It looks great both in single plantings and in group plantings, looks good next to coniferous plants, but is lost near fruit and forest trees.

From Red Moscow lilacs you can create magnificent hedges, alleys and entire gardens.

Traditionally, it is planted near arbors, benches, windows of houses in order to enjoy not only its view, but also the aroma of flowers.

Important! The location of the lilac bushes of the Red Moscow variety is recommended next to the peonies that bloom at the same time. Such a neighborhood is well tolerated and looks advantageous from the outside.


Lilac Red Moscow is a bright beautiful variety of domestic selection, one of the world’s seven best inflorescences with a purple color. It is not difficult to grow a shrub, its care is minimal, and the impressions of flowering are indescribable. Having once planted a lilac bush on your site, you can admire its view and enjoy the aroma all your life.


Andrey Andreevich Krivonogov, 49 years old, Kirov
Once on the Internet I came across a video about the Red Moscow lilac, after which I became eager to plant it in the country. Bought three bushes, planted. It’s been 4 years already. They develop well. The Red Moscow lilac blossomed with such bright tassels that it is impossible to take your eyes off. I do not regret choosing this variety.
Ananyeva Victoria Sergeevna, 67 years old, Kursk region
I have known the lilac variety Red Moscow for a long time. In May, lilacs have been blooming for several years now. My favorite place in the country is a gazebo with lilacs. Care is small, the main thing is to water and cut old branches in time.
How to prune lilac Pruning scheme

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