Lilac Kolesnikov or lilac – a collection of varieties bred by the outstanding breeder Leonid Alekseevich Kolesnikov.

Selection activity of Kolesnikov

Being self-taught, Kolesnikov devoted his whole life to creating new varieties of this ornamental shrub. It is known that during his activity he brought out more than 300 varieties. Unfortunately, most of them are now irretrievably lost. Now, according to various estimates, no more than 60 species are known, some of which are only in the collections of botanical gardens abroad.

Thanks to the work of Kolesnikov, lilac is widely known in the world. For example, the variety Galina Ulanova adorns the botanical garden of London’s Buckingham Palace, and Marshal Zhukov adorns the royal botanical gardens in Canada. There are specimens of this shrub in the collections of the USA and other countries.

In Moscow, the peak of Leonid Kolesnikov’s lilac popularity was in the middle of the 60th century – it could be found in most parks, squares, boulevards, courtyards. Despite the recognition of Kolesnikov’s outstanding contribution to lilac breeding, now there are almost no of his unique shrubs left in Moscow. Even on Sirenevy Boulevard, where he planted bushes together with schoolchildren in the early XNUMXs, there is almost none. It has been preserved on the territory of the Kremlin and the All- Exhibition Center.

In the early 50s. Kolesnikov was awarded the Stalin Prize for his outstanding contribution to the breeding of new lilac varieties.

In 1973, 5 years after the death of Leonid Kolesnikov, the International Lilac Society awarded him the Lilac Golden Branch Award.

Lilac ordinary. Part 3. ” Lilac”. Lilac Kolesnikova

Diversity of Kolesnikov’s cultivar series

Photos of lilac varieties created by Leonid Kolesnikov amaze the imagination with a variety of shades, sizes, shapes, structure of flowers and leave no one indifferent. Among the bred varieties there are purple, bright purple, white, lilac, blue, pink. Kolesnikov’s “military” series, dedicated to the heroes of the war, is well known. Unfortunately, after the death of their creator, most of the collection was lost: of the three hundred varieties bred by Kolesnikov, a little more than 50 have survived to this day. Horn of Plenty, Peak of the Pamirs, Laureate, Snowflake, Recognition. Many varieties of Kolesnikov’s lilacs have not survived even a photo.

Now interest in the heritage of the great breeder is being revived. Specialists are restoring rare original varieties of Kolesnikov’s lilacs; photos describing many of them can be easily found in reference books.

Lilac varieties with purple and bright purple flowers

Violet and magenta shades attract attention with their brightness. The lilac of these colors is popular. A detailed description and photo of the varieties will allow you to choose the option you like.

The Banner of Lenin

Bush Znamya Lenina abundantly blooms in the last days of spring with simple-shaped flowers with a diameter of up to 25 mm. Purple-red with a purple hue, the buds are large, have a spherical shape. In half-life, they acquire a cherry hue, on the outside they have a purple-lilac color. The flowers are collected in a cone-shaped or round-conical long inflorescence. The features of this shrub are its frost resistance and annual abundant flowering. In addition, the corollas of this variety do not fade in the sun.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Leonid Kolesnikov

Description and photos of lilacs by Leonid Kolesnikov testify to the extraordinary beauty of this amazing variety. The buds are a rich dark purple color. When opened, they acquire a lighter shade. The flower is round, about 20 mm in diameter, formed by three corollas, each of which has its own shade of purple. Thanks to this, the brushes acquire a characteristic spectacular volumetric color. Inflorescences are dense, 120–150 mm long, narrow pyramidal or cylindrical in shape. Common lilac Leonid Kolesnikov blooms in May – early June.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


When breeding this variety, Kolesnikov managed to achieve a rare effect: the petals have a pronounced contrasting white edging along the edges. The corollas themselves are large, 23–25 mm in size, simple in shape, with a faint pleasant aroma, dark lilac, blooming from purple buds. Petals oblong, voluminous, rounded at the tips. The flowers are collected in panicles, forming inflorescences. Sensation blooms from late May to mid-June. Flowering is moderate.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


This is a Kolesnikov variety with large, simple, fragrant flowers up to 22 mm in size. The purple color of the buds when blooming changes to mauve. Slightly concave petals have a broad oval shape and raised edges. The inflorescences are formed by 2–3 pairs of dense rounded panicles having a narrow pyramidal shape. The variety is characterized by abundant flowering from late spring.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


Despite the moderation of flowering, the shrub looks luxurious and very impressive. Flowers fragrant, up to 26 mm in diameter, have slightly concave petals of a deep purple-violet color with reddish-copper notes. This color looks especially interesting in the sun. Long (up to 350 mm), lush, wide-pyramidal panicles form large inflorescences. The variety India blooms in the middle terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


Lilac Caprice refers to terry. The buds of lilac-pink color are replaced by very fragrant flowers up to 20 mm in diameter and acquire a delicate pinkish-purple hue. Panicles forming inflorescences, dense, erect. Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts about 3 weeks.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Kremlin chimes

The variety Kremlin chimes is distinguished by the fact that this abundantly flowering shrub acquires special beauty during the half-dissolution period. Neighborhood carmine-violet buds and large bright purple flowers with oval, helical-curved petals creates an effect of special depth. Inflorescences are formed by a pair of large drooping panicles of a pyramidal shape. Variety Kremlin chimes refers to lilacs with an average flowering period.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Dawn of Communism

Large inflorescences are formed by a pair of broad-pyramidal panicles. The buds are lilac with a purple tint. The flowers are large, up to 33 mm, with elongated petals, spirally twisting when fully opened. The color is purple with a reddish tint, the center is purple. Lilac Dawn of Communism blooms in late May – early June, characterized by long flowering.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


The shrub acquires the greatest decorative effect in cloudy weather or at dusk, when its large flowers of a rich purple color with a hint of blue seem velvety. The shape of the corolla is simple, the petals are rounded with pointed tips of a lighter shade. Has a bright aroma. Air inflorescences of medium size, pyramidal, consist of a pair of panicles. The variety blooms in late spring.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Red Moscow

This hybrid, bred by Kolesnikov, is recognizable by its rare dark purple coloration. The variety is one of the seven best world varieties of purple lilac. The flowers are about 20 mm in size, the corolla forms rounded, slightly concave petals, against a dark background of which the stamens are clearly visible. The flowers are collected in dense, slender panicles of a wide pyramidal shape, forming inflorescences up to 100×200 mm in size. Coloring does not lose saturation under the influence of bright sun. The variety blooms moderately, the beginning of the appearance of inflorescences falls on the last days of spring.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

white-flowered lilac

Lovers of white will appreciate the varieties of white-flowered lilacs bred by Kolesnikov. Below are photos and descriptions of the most popular specimens.

Memory of Kolesnikov

In the description of the lilac Memory of Kolesnikov, its decorative qualities are especially noted, and the photo of this amazing variety also testifies to this. In mid-May, snow-white double flowers with a diameter of about 30 mm with a pleasant aroma bloom from creamy yellow buds. The oval petals of the inner corolla are bent inward and give it a resemblance to roses. It is noteworthy that this form persists until the flowering of the plant. The flowers are collected in lush panicles that make up the inflorescences. As follows from the description, this variety of lilac was bred by Kolesnikov himself, but received its current name in memory of him after his death.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Moscow Beauty (Beauty of Moscow)

This variety is truly a masterpiece among the best varieties of Kolesnikov’s lilacs. It is highly regarded by lovers of this ornamental shrub throughout the world. It was for its creation that the International Lilac Society posthumously awarded Leonid Kolesnikov the Golden Lilac Branch.

The variety belongs to terry varieties. The flower is formed by 2-3 closely spaced corollas with raised petals. The culture has a pronounced aroma. The buds are pinkish with a lilac tint, at the beginning of blooming they are pale pink, by the end of flowering they are pure white. Flowering is moderate, rather long, occurs in the middle terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

The Bride

Lilac Bride is rightfully considered a pearl in the Kolesnikov collection. It is famous for its abundant flowering in the early stages and especially touching modesty. The flowers are delicate, with a delicate exquisite aroma, pinkish-white, bloom from rich pink oval buds. Incompletely open buds have a lilac-pink soft shade, at the end of flowering the corolla becomes almost white. The flowers are simple, about 20 mm in diameter, the edges of the oval petals are slightly raised. Inflorescences are large, graceful, airy.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

The Soviet Arctic

Variety with double flowers, consisting of 2-3 corollas. The spirally curved petals are pointed at the edges. Lilac buds Soviet Arctic have a creamy hue, white in full bloom, large, about 25 mm, with a characteristic aroma. Panicles of medium density, wide, pyramidal, with gaps. The shrub blooms in the middle terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Galina Ulanova

Another variety of Kolesnikov, which takes pride of place in the seven varieties of the World Lilac Collection. Corollas simple, large, up to 27 mm in size, pure white. Petals oval, elongated. The inflorescences are openwork, airy, in full dissolution are very spectacular, reaching a length of 220 – 240 mm. Lilac Galina Ulanova is distinguished by extremely abundant flowering, which occurs at the end of spring – the beginning of summer.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Polina Osipenko

This Kolesnikov lilac, which blooms profusely in late spring, is of particular decorative value. The buds are lilac-pinkish, rounded. It blooms with large double flowers with a diameter of about 25 mm, consisting of three corollas with pointed petals. The color of the flowers is white, with pink, purple and blue notes. Small panicles form inflorescences 200×130 mm in size. Bouquets of this variety do not fade for a long time.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Varieties of lilac Kolesnikov with purple and blue flowers

Memory of Kirov, Blue, Morning of Moscow, Healthy Food Near Me, Paul Robeson – these are just some of the popular varieties with purple and blue inflorescences. Their beauty and tenderness fascinate true connoisseurs of nature.

Memory of Kirov

This result of the work of Leonid Kolesnikov is also considered one of the world’s best varieties of lilac, however, despite its special sophistication and beauty, it is rarely found among amateur gardeners. The shrub has large double flowers, reaching a size of 28 mm. Due to the fact that the lower corolla has a dark, lilac with blue color, and the top two are lighter, with a silvery sheen, the flowers acquire volume and a peculiar glow. The buds are no less interesting – they are dark purple and have a unique chestnut hue. The shrub blooms at the end of May and is characterized by long flowering.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


As the name implies, this lilac has an unusual color – it is blue with a lilac tint. The corolla is simple, about 25 mm in size, with a white star visible in the center. It has a light delicate aroma. The petals are elongated, with a slight sharpening at the end. Flowers form pyramidal panicles of medium density and large size. Dissolves in the last days of May.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Morning in Moscow

This lilac belongs to the terry. The flower consists of 3-4 corollas. It has a pinkish-purple, light tone with a delicate mother-of-pearl tint. Diameter about 23 mm. Half-blown flowers of spherical shape, in full dissolution resemble polyanthus roses. Their feature is the slow opening of the buds. Inflorescences are conical, elongated, rarely cylindrical. Blooms moderately from late spring to early summer.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

P.P. Konchalovsky

This is another lilac, bred by Kolesnikov, from the collection of the best varieties in the world. Double flowers bloom from deep purple buds. The flowers are especially large, with a diameter of more than 30 mm, formed by 4 corollas. The wide, rounded petals are bluish-purple, but may be pure blue. The blueness intensifies in the center of the corolla. The petals curl outward as they open. This variety has a slight pleasant aroma. Heavy large inflorescences reach a length of 300 mm. The culture is characterized by abundant flowering in the middle terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Healthy Food Near Me

One of the rare lilacs of Kolesnikov. Double lilac-purple flowers with a pinkish tint have 2-3 corollas. The outer petals are darker. Diameter about 22 mm. Petals are oval in shape, slightly pointed at the edges. Due to the inward-curving petals, a fully opened flower resembles a ball. Large inflorescences are formed by panicles in the form of narrow pyramids. The variety blooms profusely and for a long time, starting from the end of May.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

This variety is distinguished by simple corollas of lilac-cornflower blue color. Flowers up to 25 mm in diameter. The petals are rounded, slightly curved, in the bright sun you can see flickering highlights. The buds are small, purple in color with hints of violet. Inflorescences are lush, airy, large. Panicles are wide, conical in shape. Vanilla notes are noticeable in the aroma. Blossoming is plentiful, long, beginning at the end of May.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Paul Robeson

This variety is interesting with lilac flowers of a light shade with a blue tint. The diameter of simple corollas is about 30 mm, the edges of wide, almost round petals with sharp tips are bent inward. Dense inflorescences are formed by one pair of panicles of a pyramidal shape, up to 180–200 mm long. Flowering is quite plentiful, passes in the middle terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Lilac varieties with pink inflorescences

Lilacs with pink inflorescences are no less amazing than bright specimens, and therefore deserve a more detailed study.

Olympics Kolesnikov

This variety of common lilac is dedicated to the breeder’s wife, Olimpiada Nikolaevna Kolesnikova, who fully shared his passion. It features large double flowers of a warm pink hue. They consist of 2-3 corollas, the outer row of which has a darker color. In panicles, they contrast effectively with elongated buds of a darker, purple-violet color. The petals are rounded, slightly elongated, twisted towards the center in the upper part, curved in the lower part. The inflorescences are formed by a pair of panicles about 250 mm long. Blooms profusely from May to June. The description and photo of the lilac Olimpiada Kolesnikov cannot fully convey the charm of this variety.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Tamara’s daughter

The variety is dedicated to Kolesnikov’s daughter. They recognize the culture by bright pink flowers that open from elongated lilac buds. The petals are diamond-shaped, with sharp tips, bent outward in full disclosure. Large inflorescences are formed by two pairs of wide pyramidal panicles. Flowering is plentiful and long, passes in medium-late terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


This is Kolesnikov’s variety, which got its name because of the resemblance to hydrangea, which is given to it by rounded petals that bend back. Flowers are large (more than 20 mm), simple, pink-purple. Inflorescences are large, lush, about 300×300 mm in size, formed by 2-3 pairs of panicles in the form of wide pyramids. The variety is distinguished by an aroma that is significantly enhanced in the heat. Dissolves at the beginning of the third decade of May. Abundant flowering is observed every two years.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

I. V. Michurin

Lilac with double semi-closed flowers formed by three contiguous corollas. Petals elongated, slightly recurved. The color is even and soft. As it blooms, the lilac-pink color changes to bluish-white. The average size is about 25 mm. Inflorescences are large, drooping. This mid-early variety blooms at the beginning of the second decade of May and is distinguished by a particularly long flowering.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Varieties Kolesnikova from the “military” series

Victory Day is not complete without flowers, and the most popular in the May period are lilac branches, collected in huge bouquets. Representatives of the “military” series are as interesting as other varieties.

Valentina Grizodubova

This variety of terry lilac is distinguished by an even dark or light pink color with a mother-of-pearl tint. The petals are graceful, pointed, curving, making the inflorescences look especially elegant. Flower size up to 25 mm. Lilac-pink buds. Large oval inflorescences have an average density. It blooms extremely abundantly from the end of May.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Alexey Maresiev

The main feature of this variety, bred by Kolesnikov, are narrow long petals in the shape of a propeller. Purple-violet buds open into large, up to 27 mm in diameter, lilac flowers with a blue and purple tint. 2-3 pairs of panicles are collected in erect inflorescences of medium density. The culture has a specific strong smell. Flowering is plentiful, falls on medium terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Captain Gastello

Spectacular, but rare variety. Lilac-purple buds are characterized by slow opening. Large flowers (more than 25 mm in diameter) change the purple tone, characteristic of the beginning of flowering, to purple and blue – during the period of complete dissolution. The elongated petals are helically twisted and resemble a propeller. Panicles are light, graceful, 2-3 pairs form inflorescences. Blooms profusely from the end of May.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Marshal Vasilevsky

At the beginning of flowering, lilac-pink tones predominate in color, when the inflorescences are fully opened, they acquire a beautiful pink hue. The flowers are large, double, formed by three corollas with pointed petals of a rounded shape. The upper row of inward-curved petals is lighter than the lower one, which is why the lilac acquires a special depth of color. The flowering of this shrub takes place in the middle terms.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties

Marshal Zhukov

Variety with a spectacular dark color. Produces deep purple buds. The flowers are simple, large, up to 30 mm, distinguished by a deep purple tone with a red-purple hue. Petals have the shape of a wide oval, before full flowering, slightly bend down. 2-3 pairs of large panicles of a wide pyramidal shape form large openwork inflorescences. Lilac blooms Marshal Zhukov profusely, starting from the last days of May.

Lilac Olympiad Kolesnikova: photo, description of the best varieties


Kolesnikov’s lilac is not just a collection of varieties bred by a great enthusiastic breeder, it is a truly unusual phenomenon in the world of ornamental gardening. It is no coincidence that his amazing original varieties have gained recognition from connoisseurs of lilacs all over the world and interest in them is constantly growing. The author of the Lilac inspired many followers; the common lilac cultivars Memory of Kolesnikov and Leonid Kolesnikov are named in his honor.

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