What do you need to be prepared for when going for an operation.
Gluteoplasty – an operation aimed at correcting the shape of the buttocks. There are many ways, but the safest and most effective is an increase in the buttocks with the introduction of autologous fat or the installation of implants, which have been resorted to by many show business stars, including the Kardashian sisters and Jennifer Lopez.
Speaking of Jennifer Lopez, it is worth noting that the operation was carried out correctly. We can only guess which method was used, but I am inclined to believe that the implant was installed. Looking at the photographs of J. Lo’s different years, it is clear that the shape of the buttocks changed depending on trends. There are no unnatural contours, strong asymmetries or obvious “bumps”. If you are thinking about an operation, it is important to understand several aspects of such manipulation. Firstly, there are many analogues of plastic surgery, but none guarantees safety and effectiveness.
Secondly, gluteoplasty, like any plastic surgery, requires a balance. If we talk about installing an implant, then the surgeon must correctly select its size. In case of installation of an endoprosthesis of too large a volume, the probability that it will “fall” under the skin is almost one hundred percent. If we talk about lipofilling of the buttocks, then it is necessary to choose the right areas for fat intake and injection. Only an experienced surgeon can calculate the points where to inject fat. Returning to Jennifer Lopez, we can say that she is an example of successful plastic surgery. Along with this, on social networks, I often meet examples terrifying me, for example, when, due to the desire for maximum forms, women ask for implants that are too large for their anatomy.
In addition to being unaesthetic, it is also not physiological. Most likely, in a couple of years the girl will come to her surgeon with already irreversible tissue changes, including muscle necrosis, which simply atrophy under the pressure of the endoprosthesis.
Which celebrity has resorted to buttock augmentation, see our selection.