Ligol apple tree: variety description with photo and video

Today, there are quite a few well-established varieties of apples. Separately, it is worth mentioning those fruit trees that are not afraid of harsh climatic conditions and feel fine in winter frosts. The Ligol apple tree belongs to just such a species, so many gardeners are interested in how it looks and what is the description of its fruits.


The apple tree of the Ligol variety is a vigorous plant that has a high yield, produces large and fragrant fruits in the season. This apple variety was obtained by specialists living in Poland by crossing in 1971 two other valuable varieties – Linda and Golden Delicious. Ligol apples are quite common today in many horticultural areas. The description of the variety of this apple tree is as follows – it is a tree of medium height, by the age of 10 years it can grow up to 3 meters. It has a crown of medium density, broadly pyramidal in shape, the branches are bent to the trunk at an angle of approximately 5 – 60 degrees. The crown is spindle-shaped.Ligol apple tree: variety description with photo and video

Flower buds are mainly laid on the apple tree of the Ligol variety even at the time when they are in the nursery. The apple tree has an average flowering time, which lasts no more than 10 days. The growth of its shoots stops in late July – early August, and the leaves fall off in late October – early November. The Ligol variety, a prominent representative of which can be seen in the photo, is early-fruiting, the first harvest can be expected already in the third year of the fruit tree’s life. During such a period of the life of a culture, its yield from each tree reaches no more than 5 kg. Trees of the Ligol variety, which have already reached the age of 5 years, can please their owner with a yield of about 10 tons per hectare.

Such an apple tree needs timely summer pruning and crown thinning, as it is prone to overgrowth. The Ligol variety is self-fertile, so the ovary can most quickly appear after pollination by such varieties as Spartan, Idared, Gloucester, Champion, Vitos, Golden Delicious, Gold Rush, Champion Arno, Fuji, Macintosh, Elstar, Lobo. Ligol apple tree: variety description with photo and videoThe apple tree itself of this variety is also an excellent pollinator for a large number of varieties, with the exception of such as Idared and Jonagold. The fruits of this tree variety can be harvested already at the end of the first autumn month. And they have fully consumer maturity in January.

If we talk about the other characteristics of this beautiful apple tree, it should be noted that it is able to withstand even the most severe frosts in harsh winters, and also has increased immunity to such unpleasant diseases as powdery mildew and scab. The fruit tree is not particularly resistant, except to a possible bacterial burn. This variety can also suffer from unpleasant diseases that can affect wood. And in the event that the storage conditions of the fruits are violated, tan and bitter pitting can appear on them.Ligol apple tree: variety description with photo and video

It is recommended to plant this crop on loamy, sandy loam soil with sufficient moisture and air. It is necessary to fertilize the land on the site with nitrogen fertilizing, including ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate. In the spring, loosen the soil around the tree a little and be sure to remove the fallen leaves. Crown pruning should be done twice a year – in spring and summer. The trunk can be whitewashed with lime in the spring to protect the crop from rodents and other pests.

Characteristics of fruits

As you can see in the photo, Ligol apples have a characteristic red-carmine color with a beautiful blush slightly blurred on the surface of the fruit. The mass of apples can vary from 150 to 450 grams. The fruits have a sweetish taste with a pleasant sourness, very fragrant and juicy. The appearance of the fruit is very presentable and marketable. They can be just large or very large. They are distinguished by a round-conical shape, often there is a side seam on the fruits, and their calyx is ribbed. The older the fruit tree growing on your site becomes, the smaller the mass of its fruits annually during the harvest season. If we consider the calyx in more detail, then it is small, half open, and the sepals fit snugly one to the other.Ligol apple tree: variety description with photo and video

The funnel is quite straight, has a medium-sized recess. The peduncle is very small, a certain thickening is noted towards the top. The fruits also have a smooth to the touch, fairly dense skin with a refined sheen. The color of most apples is mostly greenish-yellow, and a red blush can be seen around the circumference, which in fully ripened apples prevails over a greenish tint. Multiple dots are also clearly visible, which are light and located under the skin.

During the examination by experts, the appearance of the fruits of these apples received a high score of 4 points.

If we talk about the pulp, then it is characterized by a light yellow or creamy shade, it is quite dense in consistency, there is a certain graininess. Also, the middle of the apples is very juicy and crispy. During the tasting of these wonderful apples, experts gave 4 points for their refined taste. The fruits of this tree tolerate even long-term transportation very well. Ligol apple tree: variety description with photo and videoThey are also stored quite well, if you determine the apples in a cool and warm place. There they are able to maintain their original appearance for up to six months, without losing their presentation, subject to all conditions.

Video “Variety Ligol”

On the recording you can see young Ligol trees. Also, by watching the video, you will learn about the main points of growing these beautiful apples.

Apple tree grade Ligol

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