A big event awaits you soon, you have arranged a date, or you are a bridesmaid, and the previous ways to lose weight have turned out to be ineffective? Wondering how to lose weight fast? Don’t panic, some diets allow you to lose a few pounds in 2 weeks. The effect may be more permanent than you think.
In a nutshell, we present 5 diets worth attention in emergency situations.
Turbo diet, or how to lose 5 kg in 10 days?
The turbo diet requires the consumption of 6 small meals a day, thanks to which we do not have hunger pangs and quickly burn calories and fats. It speeds up the metabolism. The food must be rich in proteins and carbohydrates, yet low in calories. Consume plenty of mineral water in your diet. Among the recommended products are vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products and nuts.
Sweet banana diet
It will relieve the stomach, slim the waist, add energy and improve the mood within 3 days. During it, we eat bananas in any form. Instead of eating only raw, it is worth finding out how they taste in the form of a mousse or sorbet.
Fruit and vegetable detox
It cleanses, sweeps away free radicals, improves the condition of the skin and hair, we gain great well-being. It slims down and even prevents heart and circulatory system diseases as well as cancer. We eat vegetables and fruits raw, steamed, and also in the form of purees and juices. It is especially worth eating beets during it.
Norwegian diet
It is quite rigorous, but it allows you to feel the difference after just 2 weeks. During the day we eat 3 meals: 10st and 2nd breakfast and lunch, the basis is grapefruit and boiled eggs. It is recommended for disciplined people. If, after its completion, we throw ourselves unrestrainedly at food, the results will quickly be lost. During it, we lose up to XNUMX kg, which is why it is the perfect answer for people who are wondering how to lose weight quickly. The diet should not be prolonged. Only when the body regenerates, we can return to it, and therefore not sooner than before the end of XNUMX months.
The South Beach Diet, or the South Beach Diet
Diet requires a change in eating style. It prevents hunger pangs, allows you to reduce the stomach and detox the body. Since the first 2 weeks are low in carbohydrates, we may feel deprived of vitality.
Intensified attack on kilograms!
People who are wondering how to lose weight quickly can, apart from implementing short diet programs, seek advice from an individual dietitian. Daily training within 2 weeks will contribute to the visible results. Particularly recommended are intervals, which, thanks to the variable pace of exercise, allow you to burn calories faster. Unless we like the gym, we can run or play basketball with friends.