Light sweets for a healthy and delicious life

It is believed that sweets are banned on the diet. That is why many people do not withstand the restrictions and give up proper nutrition. But if you occasionally allow yourself light low-calorie desserts, the need for sweets will be satisfied without consequences for the figure. So, what sweets do nutritionists recommend during the period of active weight loss?

Marshmallows and marshmallows

Airy sweets made of whipped egg white with sugar and apple and berry puree from the Udarnitsa factory are known to us under the Sharmel trademark. Chocolate-covered marshmallows (classic, coffee, ice cream), traditional marshmallows with the taste of apple, vanilla and creme brulee, cranberry, strawberry and vanilla marshmallows are ideal desserts for any diet! In the composition of marshmallows there is a useful agar-agar-a zero-calorie product obtained from red and brown seaweed. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and polysaccharides. When agar-agar is dissolved, a gel is formed in the stomach, which draws fats and some carbohydrates from food, so sweets on agar are recommended for those who want to lose weight.

Agar is also a prebiotic that feeds beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. In addition, it contains a high concentration of fiber that fills the stomach and causes a feeling of satiety. That is why one marshmallow is enough to satisfy your need for sweets. Delicate, delicious and fragrant sweets “Charmel” are made from natural products, and their caloric content is two times less than that of chocolate!

Sharmel products are sold in large and small packages. A small elegant box of sweets can be taken with you to work or for a walk to enjoy dessert with friends and colleagues.

Marmalade and cranberries  

A wonderful dietary snack is marmalade with the beautiful name “Marmaland”, which is produced by the Udarnitsa factory. This marmalade is made on the basis of pectin with the addition of fruit juice and is completely natural. Pectin is a polysaccharide obtained from plants, and it is called the orderly of our body. Pectin removes toxins from tissues, including radioactive elements, heavy metal ions and pesticides. It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves the intestinal microflora and binds “bad” carbohydrates.

Marmalade with the taste of melon, peach, raspberry, black currant and cherry, orange, lemon, grapefruit slices — it’s incredibly delicious, healthy, easy for the stomach and figure!

Cranberries in powdered sugar “Charmel” is another delicacy for sweet tooths who prefer a healthy diet. The combination of sweetness and light sourness, juiciness and tenderness, sophistication and health benefits-all this is in the berry delicacy from the Udarnitsa factory. There are more vitamins in it than calories!

Be sure to include fruits, dried fruits and a little honey in the diet — they are also sweet and extremely useful!

If you want to be always in good shape, try to move more — walk, dance, swim, do yoga and have fun with life. However, it is much easier to do this with sweets from the Udarnitsa factory!

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