Lifting weights on the chest
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Calves, Quads, lower back, Trapeze, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Weights
  • Level of difficulty: Medium
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Подъем гири на грудь Подъем гири на грудь

Lifting weights on the chest — technique exercises:

  1. Place a kettlebell on the floor between your feet. Move the pelvis back, bend over, grasp the kettlebell by the handle. Head raised.
  2. Perform the bench press dumbbells to shoulder. During the movement turn your wrist.
  3. Lower the weight, straining muscles back of the thigh. Keep your back arched in the lower back and the pelvis laid back.
exercises for the legs exercises for thighs exercises with weights
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Calves, Quads, lower back, Trapeze, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Weights
  • Level of difficulty: Medium

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