There is probably no woman who would never think critically about her appearance, more and more often men feel the need to lose weight.
Wanting to achieve the intended goal as soon as possible, it happens that our ambitions get out of control. We are starving, we buy slimming preparations unknown to anyone at online auctions, malnourished and exhausted we use murderous workouts that burn our muscles instead of fat.
20% less calories on the diet = 0% yo-yo effect after its completion
The total metabolic rate is an indicator informing us about the comprehensive energy demand during the day. For an average woman, it is 2200 kcal, and for a man, 2804 kcal. From the sum that, according to the calculations, we are entitled to, we have to deduct 20%, i.e. on average 440-560 calories, thanks to which we will lose weight at an optimal pace and avoid the yo-yo effect.
Meals in harmony with the biological clock
We should eat 5 meals a day, 3-4 hours apart. Not without significance is the time when we reach for them.
Up to 30 minutes after waking up – breakfast. A portion of glucose should reach the blood, so as not to put the body into “emergency mode”, as it will slow down the metabolism, start to accumulate fat reserves, and draw energy from the muscles.
11:00 – second breakfast. It should be light, e.g. a wholemeal bread sandwich or yogurt.
13:00-15:00 – lunch. The digestive system works quickly and efficiently, and the level of protein-digesting enzymes is high. A portion of fish, lean meat, soy cutlets, vegetables and a carbohydrate supplement, e.g. groats, rice, is recommended. Grill and steam instead of frying.
16:00-17:00 – afternoon tea. The insulin peak stimulates the desire for something sweet, e.g. jelly, fruit.
18:00-19:00 – dinner. After this time, the work of the stomach slows down. Vegetables, fish, lean meat are recommended.
Say NO to processed foods
Processed food is saturated with preservatives, substances that give flavor and aroma, salt, which results in excess water in the body, and sugar.
Bet on fiber and movement
Fiber perfectly fills the digestive tract, regulates bowel movements. Rich in it are legumes, wholemeal bread, thick groats, wholemeal flakes, fruits and vegetables. Healthy Weight Management also includes physical activity. Go for a run, visit the gym or opt for Nordic walking or Zumba, which is currently in fashion. Exercise 3-4 times a week, remember that fat tissue only burns after 45 minutes.
Hydrate your body
Dehydration slows down fat burning. Water is also worth drinking because it removes toxins from the body. Drink green tea, because it will speed up the metabolism, and red tea after meals and snacks, because proteins, which are the building blocks of muscles, will facilitate the metabolism of fats and the absorption of nutrients.