Anything this child touches gives him a terrible rash.
This story is like the plot of the film “Bubble Boy”, where the main character, born without immunity, lives in an airtight and absolutely sterile ball. After all, just one microbe – and the kid will end.
9-month-old boy Riley Kinsey is also just right to put in a transparent bubble. A child has 50 (!) Types of allergies, due to which he becomes covered with a painful rash. And these are only those species that have been identified. There are probably many more.
In the first few weeks of his life, Riley appeared to be a healthy child, until at the age of one and a half months he had eczema on his head. The doctor prescribed some kind of cream, but it only got worse. The reaction of the skin was so strong, as if acid had been overturned on the child.
Now the baby is locked in four walls.
“He became a prisoner in his house, the outside world is dangerous for him,” says Kaylee Kinsey, the boy’s mother.
Jumping on a trampoline, birthday balloons, inflatable toys, a swimming circle – all these cause an eerie red rash in your toddler. The child is allergic to any kind of latex.
One of the boy’s mild allergic reactions. We do not publish the creepiest shots
Little Riley can only eat four foods – turkey, carrots, plums and sweet potatoes. Almost every object in his parents’ house causes an allergy attack in the baby. And even from his own tears, the boy’s face swells twice. So grieving about your fate is also dangerous for a child.
“If he starts crying, his skin becomes even more rash,” says Kayleigh. “It is very difficult to cope with this – how to make a child calm down when his whole skin is burning with pain and itching?”
Itching from the rash is sometimes so severe that the baby and his parents often suffer from sleepless nights. One night, Riley’s mom discovered that her baby was covered in blood – the boy had combed his rash so hard. Parents are afraid that someday this will lead to blood poisoning.
The boy has two older sisters – 4-year-old Georgia and 2-year-old Taylor. But the child cannot play with them.
The skin itches so badly that the baby scratches it until it bleeds.
Because of the allergens in the air, Riley’s parents clean the house from top to bottom every day. The family even eats in a separate room from the boy, fearing that the baby will have another outbreak of allergies. Riley’s clothes are washed separately, as are his cutlery.
“We are constantly asking ourselves if our son will be able to go to a regular school, but at least just someday just walk in the park. It hurts so much to see him suffer, ”Kayleigh says. “Perhaps we never run the ball across the field with him,” sighs the boy’s father, Michael. “But at the end of the day, he is my son, and I am ready to take any test, because I want the best for Riley.”
Despite everything, little Riley every day with a smile on her face
Close families do their best to support little Riley and his parents.
“They did everything they could, but there were several relatives who even refused to take Riley in their arms. Only everyone asks: “How do you stand this?” – says Kayleigh. “But despite all this, our son smiles every day and learns to get along with his body.”
However, parents cannot afford to support a child with such a rare disease. Just to change the environment in the house to a safer one for the baby, Kayleigh and Michael spent 5000 pounds. A lot of money from the budget is spent on care products for baby’s special skin. In addition, the boy needs additional safe space, which is not available in a small house of a large family. So the housing issue is also very acute. Riley’s parents turned to Internet users for financial support. So far, only about £ 200 has been raised, but Kayleigh and Michael are hoping for the best. And what else is left for them …