Life stories about love

😉 Greetings to my beloved readers! In the article, life stories about love – three short stories. Hope you find it interesting!

Three stories about love

The first story: “VKontakte”

“Wow! What a cool network this is – “VKontakte”! The sun, you have no idea! I found so many acquaintances through him! Even those that I thought were lost forever! From other cities and even countries! ” – Roman rejoiced and persuaded his beloved to also register on the social network.

“But I don’t want to be in public, understand – Olya refused. Everyone I need is near me, and I don’t want to look for anyone. ” But Roman still opened Olya’s VKontakte page. I really wanted to put it in the status: “Engaged to such and such.” To boast in front of all those close and distant about what a wonderful girl he has.

Life stories about love

A few months later, Olga was identified by her former classmate on the website by the school number. Roman did not know this story, but she left a big mark in Olya’s life.

She and Alexander in the ninth grade were madly in love with each other. But the love idyll was cut short by the parents who left for the USA and took their son with them.

For two years Olya and Sasha wrote letters to each other. But, no one had the funds to fly across the ocean … In the end, the distance ruined the relationship, it seemed that over the years everything was forgotten. Olya met Roma and fell in love with him, Sasha boasted that he was married and even had a young son.


They corresponded sluggishly and agreed to meet when Sasha arrives in his hometown. When Olya saw him at the airport, she was even scared. Long-forgotten feelings rose in her in such a powerful wave that she could hardly stand on her feet.

How can this be? This is a long forgotten past? Sasha, it seems, was seized by the same emotions. He put his arms around her shoulders and silently, hugged her, did not let go, probably for ten minutes. Only the surprised looks of his relatives brought him out of this state of stupor.

Sasha and Olya talked all evening, all night, they walked around the city, talking. To part again there was no strength, no will, no desire. It seemed that everything that happened after the ninth grade was just a nightmare and delirium.

Then just someone put their lives on pause, but now they again pressed the “play” button. And so far they have never had such enchanting sex with anyone. “Why did we waste so much time?” They asked each other.

Several days passed, as if in a fog, then Sasha returned to America. And a few weeks later he flew in again. “Life gave us another chance – Olya persuaded – we must use it!”

And in the end she agreed. I went to see Sasha in America and now, as Roman says, “happy”. How does he know this? Well, VKontakte looks at her photos, from which everything is clear …

And, of course, he blames himself: why did he register her on the social network, why did he give the former a chance to steal his beloved?

The second story: “Lena and Lyubochka”

There are also such stories from life. Lena lives in a small town where everything is in plain sight. Everyone is familiar with each other, there are few jobs, and sooner or later you intersect with yours or his “exes”. But, unfortunately, she got almost the worst option.

The former of his beloved works with her in the same school. The female team, and even the pedagogical … Beloved, seven years older, calls him a serpentarium and Lena is very sympathetic. But he does not even realize that the young girl is drinking the blood of his “Lyubochka” …

Life stories about love


Lena is twenty-two, Lyubochka – or rather, Lyubov Ivanovna – is over thirty-five. Vitaly was for her, as they say, “the last chance”. But the relationship did not work out, as Lyubochka did not cling to them.

Vitaly found himself younger, and the woman decided to demonstrate that she was happy for him, because she only wants happiness. And she undertook to take care of Lena in every possible way, who after university was sent as a teacher to the same school.

“She is very sweet and kind,” sighs Lena. – But it would be better if she hated me and “spoiled” me at every step! And so I am already in debt to her everywhere. Always supports, advises, protects me, shields me, helps.

Now, if I hadn’t taught yet. And then in a delicate manner. Like a cat Matroskin: “You are wrong, Uncle Fedor, eat a sandwich, you need sausage on your tongue.” Here you will not answer sharply, because you will look boorish.

But how to endure? She also climbs into our personal relationships! Well, I would teach how to check notebooks, or conduct an open lesson. But Lyubochka brings me recipes for his favorite cutlets. And then he asks if I did everything right: “Oh, I forgot to say, he loves a little overcooked!”

Or a situation like this: he comes in the morning and whispers: “Dear darling, please make sure that he doesn’t wear this tie anymore. He’s so vulgar. ” A little more, and begins to talk about his favorite positions in sex …

Lenin’s friend, a teacher at the same school, says that Lyubov Ivanovna treats her beloved ex as a mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law. And jokingly, he advises the girl to ask the woman for permission to call her “mom” – maybe then she will come to her senses? But Lena cannot overcome the barrier of “dependence” in any way. After all, Lyubochka is so good!

The third story: “The Lady with the Dog”

Marina has a huge black dog. Strong and naughty. You should have seen how she agonizes when she takes him for a walk every morning. The dog pulls the poor girl so hard that it is not known who is leading whom on a leash.

Ira’s mother sympathizes with her, but Ira only feels hatred for her. After all, he knows perfectly well who this whole performance is for! Of course, for Oleg, Marina’s ex-boyfriend and current beloved Ira, who lives in the same yard.

Once Oleg gave Marina a puppy for Valentine’s Day. He helped take care of him, willingly walked in the morning and in the evening, took him to the veterinarian for vaccinations and to the “dog school”. When they parted, the dog remained to live with Marina.

Life stories about love

Oleg could not take him to his apartment – his younger sister is allergic to dog hair. Therefore, now he is in the role of “daddy” – he goes on a date to the “common child” and is forced to constantly look at Marina’s suffering appearance.

Without Oleg, nothing works out for her, every time she begins to reproach him with a break. Begs to return, convinces that their relationship is for life. The guy after such conversations is not himself. It seems to him that he acted meanly with Marina, breaking off relations, although he categorically does not want to return to her.

Marina also clings to Ira. As soon as he meets him in the yard, he will definitely throw some kind of remark like: “You understand, everything is not serious with you. And we have a lot that binds us ”or“ Get away from him, let him choose the one that really loves him. ”

Ira tried to talk to her sincerely, but it seems that everything is so neglected here that only a psychotherapist can help. But how to tighten Marina to him?


These “Stories from life about love” showed us that the first true love is not forgotten and tends to manifest itself in years, flare up with renewed vigor. Scientists explain this phenomenon simply: “Strong feelings – hormonal American mountains – are debugged in the depths of our memory.

And only the person who has such memories can then reproduce them.

First love is the only key to this emotional lock. And when you meet him, the same zones are activated as when using cocaine! In addition, when people meet after parting, they already behave wiser. Appreciate each other more and do not allow circumstances to ruin the relationship again. ”

As we can see from these life stories, it is much easier to “revive” old strong feelings than to create new ones anew. Apparently, this is why we instinctively dislike our former loved ones – we try to avoid a possible threat. And we try to make them appear on our horizon as rarely as possible.

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