It turns out that not only smoking, alcohol and unhealthy diet, but even … sleep can worsen the quality of life, or even significantly reduce it. However, first things first.
Australian scientists have published the results of another study on the subject of bad habits that significantly shorten life. The list of destructive factors includes insufficient physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle (more than 7 hours) and, oddly enough, sleep. It turns out that not only its deficiency is harmful, but also its excess – more than 9 hours. Scientists came to such disappointing conclusions after six years of monitoring the lifestyle of more than 200 thousand people aged 45 to 75 years.
It should be noted that each of the above bad habits in itself is not as dangerous as all of them put together, when their harmful effect on the body is multiplied by six. At the same time, each of us has a chance to live to a ripe old age if we, having information about risk factors, will get rid of addictions.
Woman’s Day asked famous Nizhny Novgorod residents what, in their opinion, is the most effective way to prolong life.
The main thing is to find a business to your liking.
“I have a great deal of humor in this kind of research. Scientists are paid money for this, so they invent all sorts of fables. I think everyone has their own recipe for longevity. I know many people who lived to 95-100 years old in good shape, while they were not fans of physical activity and ate not only healthy food. One of the heroes of my story led an exclusively sedentary lifestyle, since he was an accordion player. He played the accordion, sang constantly, composed songs for any occasion, rehearsed – and therefore sat, sat, sat … The accordion has lived for over 90 years. Hence the conclusion: the main thing is that a person is an optimist and does what he loves. Someone, having retired, begins to plant rare flowers, someone finds joy in the beds, someone travels like a madman – everyone has their own. It is important not to lose your presence of mind and find your own business, which is pleasant and warms the soul. “
Norm is an individual concept
“In my opinion, the more active a person is, the more he moves, the longer he lives. As for sleep, everyone has their own norm. For example, 5 hours a day is enough for me. Better not getting enough sleep than sleeping. However, what a person eats, drinks and breathes is also important.
“Of course, love of life and the work you do, coupled with the right amount of sleep, are important for health and longevity. But statistically, the main factors that shorten the life of a modern person are bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Therefore, despite the rare exceptions given in the article, giving up bad habits, proper nutrition and regular exercise will protect you from chronic diseases, thereby providing you with longevity and a good mood. Of course, if you love life and sleep as much as you need, your life will last not only long, but will sparkle with bright and unique colors. “