Life-saving research – heart research

Diagnostic tests are used for early detection of a possible disease. The earlier the process of its development is captured, the greater the chances of successful treatment, avoiding complications and quick recovery. Some studies can even be said to save lives. This category includes examinations of the heart and circulatory system.


The heart never gets old, it just has more and more scars. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Periodic heart examinations

Heart and circulatory system diseases are nowadays the leading cause of death, chronic diseases and disability. That is why periodic heart examinations are so important, even if we do not feel any symptoms.

Electrocardiography (EKG)

This is a test of the bioelectrical activity of the heart and is performed with the help of a device called an electrocardiograph. It registers on paper in the form of a curve line cyclical changes in electric potentials that arise on the surface of the body under the influence of the heart activity. This recording is called an electrocardiogram.

Basic EKG

It is performed lying down. Electrodes are attached to the legs, wrists and chest to pick up electrical potentials from these parts of the body. Resting ECG is one of the first additional tests to be ordered when there is a suspicion of cardiac dysfunction. By analyzing the electrocardiograph, the doctor can assess the risk or severity of ischemic disease, detect cardiac arrhythmias or other disturbances in its function. This test should be performed by everyone prophylactically once a year, and people with suspected ischemic disease or other heart diseases more often.

Exercise EKG

It is carried out during intense physical effort to visualize the changes that occur in the heart muscle under heavy load. This type of test makes it possible to evaluate the ischemia of the heart and its degree of efficiency. It also allows for early detection of cardiac arrhythmias. This examination is recommended in cases of suspicion of coronary artery disease, chest pains, and also during cardiac rehabilitation, e.g. after a heart attack or after bypass implantation. The examination is carried out in such a way that the patient with the electrodes attached walks on a treadmill or pedals on a stationary bicycle. The doctor, on the other hand, monitors whether his heart shows signs of ischemia under the influence of increased effort. The patient’s heart rate and blood pressure are measured periodically.

You should report for an exercise ECG on an empty stomach or after a light meal (to be decided by the referring physician).

Contraindications to an exercise ECG

People with very advanced ischemic disease, aortic valve disease, severe heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension and a recent stroke cannot participate in the study. Also, advanced osteoarthritis and acute infectious disease are contraindications to exercise ECG.

Holter test

Sometimes an ECG test will not detect life-threatening heart abnormalities. Then a 24-hour (sometimes even 48-hour) test is ordered. Mini electrodes are attached to the examined person’s chest and connected to a small apparatus attached to the waistband of a skirt or trousers. This device records an ECG on a magnetic tape. The sick person carries out their normal daily activities all the time. If, however, disturbing symptoms appear, eg irregular heartbeat or shortness of breath, the examined person should immediately press a special button marked with the English word “event” on the aforementioned apparatus. They are also required to keep a diary and record the activities they perform, the time of occurrence and the nature of the ailments they are experiencing.

After 24 hours, the patient reports to the Holter lab, where the camera is removed and the electrocardiogram is assessed by a doctor. During the Holter ECG method, it is not allowed to bathe and use electric pillows.

Who is Holter for

People who have:

*Heart arythmia

* disturbances in the conductivity of electrical impulses, i.e. bradycardia (heart rate less than 60 beats per minute)

* chest pains caused by ischemic heart disease

* prone to fainting, fainting or loss of consciousness (in this case, a Holter test is performed to confirm or rule out cardiological causes)

* implanted pacemaker and there is a need to assess its efficiency.

Echocardiography – echo of the heart

This test belongs to the group of imaging tests performed with the ultrasound technique. These are extremely useful diagnostic tests, painless and non-invasive. The sonar sends ultrasounds which are reflected differently at the tissue boundary, and the images of the examined organs appear on the monitor screen. Before applying the sonar to the body, the skin is lubricated with a clear gel

Heart ultrasound allows you to assess changes in the structure of the heart and its work. On the screen, you can observe the heart cycle, the size of the ventricles, valves, pericardium, you can detect heart defects, and you can also assess the size of the area of ​​the heart muscle affected by the infarction. The echo of the heart also makes it possible to observe the blood flow in the heart cavities and to detect blood clots. It is currently the primary research in cardiological diagnostics. It is safe and can be repeated many times. It does not require special preparation from the patient.

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