To determine your life priorities, you need to look at your life as a whole, from its end.
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Life planning is a person’s planning of the main events of his life: what and when he has, will take place. Planning your life does not guarantee that the plan will work out, but your lack of a life plan guarantees that life either flows randomly or unfolds according to other people’s plan.
Vision of my life: “Well, I will finish school, I will enter the Institute, I will start working, then I will get married… Well, we will probably have a child, we will solve the problem with an apartment, a car and a dacha. Then to retire — and to rest! — not life planning, but the reproduction of a typical template. This is a story about how it usually happens with people, and a recognition that my life will flow like everyone else, along a well-trodden track.
Life planning is the construction of a specific plan for your life for a year, 3 years, 5 and 10 years and beyond, where high and inspiring goals are set. The first person to start planning his life (of famous people) was Benjamin Franklin.
Like long-term plans, life planning is a fairly rare phenomenon. Hardly more than 3% of the population of Russia have well-thought-out plans for their lives, especially well-thought-out and prescribed plans.
Most people live without setting any goals for themselves: setting goals is completely replaced by hopes, dreams, fantasies, disappointments that “everything is wrong” and nothing at all: the phone rang, then the movie is cool on TV.
The plan is a throw into the future. Your day plan is your future today. A monthly and quarterly plan is the future of an effective organization. Your plan for the year and for life is your future. Few people live in the future.
How many people do you meet who seriously plan their lives, build a picture of the day ahead in the evening, set tasks for themselves in the morning, make a plan for the day and implement this plan?
Why is life planning important?
Both the most successful and the most worthless person on the planet have 24 hours in a day. But the first achieves a lot, and the second can get bogged down in a swamp of failures. The secret of this discrepancy is how and with what these 24 hours are filled. The first considers life as a long-term project, and the second, most likely, thinks little about the future — he lives for today and no more. Life planning is important for those who approach their lives responsibly, who want to do and achieve a lot in life. Life planning usually attracts result workers and alerts process workers, as it drives life into certain limits.
What would you say to the builders who, when planning to build your dacha, would ask for money in advance and say: you know, we will not draw a project, this reduces the freedom of creativity, and in general we are not used to it. Whatever happens, we’ll build it. Would you give them money? There is a feeling that it is not. Now imagine that you are building a life. Do you have a blueprint for your life? Is this less of a responsibility for you? To yourself, as a builder of life, would you give money?
Life planning is thinking through your life in such a way that you will definitely be pleased with its result. It is necessary to develop business and life success, improve the ability to build relationships, strengthen your health and improve the well-being of yourself and your loved ones: create a life base. You can dream beautifully, but serious people think about the end result.
Vasya was a creative person, and working sleepless nights, he wrote very sincere poems in his village. His girlfriend Masha and another friend Fedya liked the poems, as a result of which, on the basis of common interests, Masha married Fedya, who also made good money as a machine operator. On this occasion, Vasya wrote another poetry collection and sent all his poems to the city … When Vasya was dying, a small gray brochure warmed his soul: after all, they managed to publish poems in a scanty circulation, although they were not sold out. Since Vasya was extremely poor, a commemoration was organized by Masha and Fedya, who had long ago built a strong house, raised children and planted a beautiful orchard. Of course, Fedya, unlike Vasya, no one could call an exalted and creative person, but how would you rate the result of their life?
Moral: the success of the project is determined not by the strength and loftiness of intentions, but by the amount of actually achieved result. (“The formula for success or the philosophy of life of an effective person”)
Good planning
Competent life planning — thinking through the optimal schedule of affairs and the general direction of life that corresponds to your life values. Such planning not only does not exclude rest and entertainment in a person’s life, on the contrary, in some cases it obliges you to rest, even if it is lazy for you. Competent life planning helps self-control, develops self-esteem, inspires optimism, gives composure and energy. Life planning can start with the simplest — with a list of tasks and activities for each upcoming day.
Life planning can be compared to a multi-storey building, at the base of which (the basis of your planning) are your personal life values as a person. That’s where planning should start.
If you have lived a long and difficult life, and at the end of it you realized that you do not need and are not interested in such a life, then it will be too late to change something … If, on the contrary, you know well what you want in life, what for you are truly dear, every day of your well-built life will become meaningful for you.
Once you have established your values, start setting your life goals. The more clearly and concretely you can see the desired end result, the better. Long-term life goals are more difficult to set precise parameters, but deadlines and other specific numbers will help you understand how effectively you are moving in the chosen direction.
To move through life more efficiently, pay attention to those people who surround you every day. Look from this point of view at your friends, at your relatives and colleagues at work, it happens that the familiar environment does not contribute to the speedy achievement of your goals, and sometimes, moreover, it takes you away from your goals. Perhaps part of your life planning could be inventory and selection of your surroundings.
An important point in planning your own life is a personal development plan. What are you going to teach yourself today, next week, next month and next year? Even if you have complete order with the environment, values and goals, then you may not have enough basic life skills and good habits to fully plan your life. For example, the habit of postponing everything until later will have to be replaced with the habit of doing everything on time.
If you have adjusted your life and feel that you can do great things and achieve, think about your Maximum Life.
Life can be amazingly beautiful — let’s make it so!