Life is fleeting or the thoughts of an ordinary woman

Life is fleeting or the thoughts of an ordinary woman

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Friends, our life is so fleeting that we do not even notice how a year passes, and then five, and then thirty …

Only after we grow old, when grandchildren appear, only then do we realize that more than half of our life is behind us. And you involuntarily begin to think about what these past years have been spent on.

What do we spend our lives on

And you begin to regret that all these years were spent not on yourself, but on others. Starting from the very youth: first on the husband, then on the children. And, it would seem, this is the most important thing – our children, that we are obliged to live for their sake and for them.

Life is fleeting or the thoughts of an ordinary woman

For them to pore on two jobs, for them to earn a house or apartment, to study, for their wedding. And, it would seem, like everything! Thank God – my duty to the children has been fulfilled, but within myself there is a feeling of dissatisfaction.

And you involuntarily ask yourself the following question: where and why is this feeling inside? And it is very easy to answer these questions.

After all, each of us dreams that he will work in his favorite profession and be able to achieve great success. But, unfortunately, after graduation, not everyone manages to find a job according to their profession.

And, as a rule, most people go where the salary is higher. The daily routine turns existence into hell. You think to yourself: I will earn a little extra money and then I will definitely go to work by profession.

But, alas, a year or five passes, and you are still sitting at the same job, plus you also run to another – also not your favorite, but forced job. Since children are small, they need clothes, food, kindergarten and the like.

And I myself have been wearing the same jacket for the fifth year already, and you keep thinking that I’ll buy the children, but I’ll wear this jacket a little more, nothing will become of me.

And so from year to year. Then the children need supplies for the school, then for the institute, and so on, until they start earning money themselves. And when they start working, you no longer want new clothes, you are already used to your favorite old pants and blouses.

What are we spending our lives on? This is how most women live in the 21st century. For many ordinary people, this is the meaning of life. Happy are those who have love in their families for many years.

Here and now!

The most important thing for a modern person who has asked himself the above questions is not to despair! Start living for yourself! At least this, the rest of the life path, because life is fleeting!

🙂 Finally change your wardrobe and embark on an exciting journey. Better together with her husband! You deserve it! This is just the beginning!

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